Author citation profiles: University of Tokyo. Faculty of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Taiji Furusawa10413663.43% 17
Shin-ichi Fukuda131286898.01% 20
Masayoshi Hayashi6353134.57% 14
Takeo Hoshi199141470.58% 115
Yasushi Iwamoto6381146.56% 3
Michihiro Kandori122725280.67% 81
Sagiri Kitao164616422.49% 96
Hitoshi Matsushima15128110110.92% 32
Yoshiro Miwa98521310.5% 8
Tomoyuki Nakajima10333446.78% 18
Makoto Nirei9436204.47% 28
Daisuke Oyama10232749.27% 13
Yasuhiro Sato12564735.78% 21
Yasuyuki Sawada1618311897.97% 41
Mototsugu Shintani166111104.39% 37
Yoshito Takasaki8482658.3% 12
Kenichi Ueda12356883.64% 28
Kazuo Ueda13605524.5% 14

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 10 2023. Contact: CitEc Team