Author citation profiles: City University. Bayes Business School

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Mark Andrew521664.35% 3
David Blake2714224233.08% 59
Barbara Casu173312200.41% 71
Ana-Maria Fuertes207012692.31% 50
Angela Gallo512920% 9
Roman Kräussl14786704.42% 29
Ian Marsh163813711.22% 54
Kate Phylaktis185810511.5% 27
Panos K. Pouliasis8153062.55% 25
Francesc Rodríguez Tous551880% 37
Francisco Urzúa I.7132332.92% 17
Andrew Yim311412.38% 1

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