Author citation profiles: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Facultad de Ciencia Económicas y Administrativas

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Martin Besfamille7241546.1% 6
Jaime Casassus6153282.96% 16
Juan Eduardo Coeymans, Sr.524787.14% 2
Emilio Depetris-Chauvin10152965.43% 42
Rodrigo Fuentes13764484.07% 12
Francisco A. Gallego176311772.4% 51
Tibor Heumann410788.24% 8
Alexandre Janiak72423310.38% 16
David Kohn682143.6% 17
Jeanne Lafortune12275112.85% 23
Caio Machado392625.71% 2
Tomás Rau8231621.22% 8
Claudio Sapelli8372014.74% 7
Hugo E. Silva8112005.21% 25
Raimundo Soto168810252.29% 32
Javier Turen511550% 4
Salvador Valdés Prieto5472122.75% 7
Rodrigo Vergara9464772.25% 14
Alejandro Vicondoa6121603.61% 22
Felipe Zurita423525.45% 3

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 10 2023. Contact: CitEc Team