Author citation profiles: Université de Bordeaux. Bordeaux Sciences Économiques (BSE)

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Emmanuelle Augeraud-Véron73915826.17% 7
Olivier Bargain2615825974.45% 123
Laurent Bergé612655.8% 5
Jean BELIN4712292.14% 11
Eric Berr3944210.64% 1
Stéphane Becuwe3703124.39% 0
Tanguy Bernard175810662.47% 66
Bertrand Blancheton435918.08% 4
HUBERT BONIN4392561.75% 1
Eric Brouillat531689.33% 4
Sophie Brana9402145.31% 8
Nicolas Carayol12686483.57% 29
Christophe CARRINCAZEAUX7512423.2% 13
Dina Chhorn315199.52% 3
Matthieu Clément5231253.85% 11
Marie CORIS3133514.63% 3
François Combarnous56912212.86% 4
Emmanuel Petit465414.65% 1
Sylvie FERRARI371385% 1
Vincent Frigant811724814.78% 8
Nathalie Gaussier366345.56% 1
Emmanuelle Gabillon415470% 2
Claire Gondard-Delcroix368303.23% 1
Nicolas Hérault115635812.68% 17
Laure Latruffe2221016477.21% 78
Delphine Lahet3264712.96% 2
Sébastien Lecocq10255062.69% 19
Francesco Lissoni259337290.96% 128
Yannick Lung101344333.78% 12
Samuel Maveyraud544550% 3
Julien Malizard550794.82% 5
André Meunié37541.82% 9
Ernest Miguelez14596146.26% 40
Patrick Moyes14725637.1% 16
Matthieu Montalban554733.95% 5
Vanessa MICHEL OLTRA13436511.66% 43
Jean-Christophe PEREAU8751749.84% 6
Guillaume POUYANNE4233014.29% 1
ERIC ROUGIER6791829% 7
Sébastien Rouillon549546.9% 2
Pascale Roux10362865.3% 15
Cristina Badarau6278211.83% 5
Marc-Alexandre Senegas7341363.55% 5
valerio sterzi8413306.52% 22
Quentin Stoeffler616949.62% 11
Murat Yildizoglu9633135.72% 12
Martin Zumpe3304011.11% 4

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