Author citation profiles: University of Tokyo. Institute of Social Science

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Sususmu Cato7633727.92% 31
Akifumi Ishihara312416.82% 8
Keisuke Kawata4333612.2% 3
Ayako Kondo8314362.24% 21
Toshihiro Matsumura2715225224.72% 86
Masaki Nakabayashi4354516.67% 2
Masahiro Shoji53414014.63% 10
Ryuichi Tanaka9462188.79% 10
Eric Weese47889.28% 7
Shohei Yoshida36296.45% 9

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