Author citation profiles: Kiel Institut für Weltwirtschaft - Leibniz Zentrum zur Erforschung globaler ökonomischer Herausforderungen (IfW)

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Christine Bertram7182091.42% 16
Frank Bickenbach8412785.76% 9
Eckhardt Bode12575414.25% 16
Jens Boysen-Hogrefe929336523.16% 20
Dirk Dohse11648133.21% 31
Manuel Funke362300.43% 38
Robert Gold8215971.65% 42
Gianluca Grimalda9482158.9% 9
Dominik Groll619621025.27% 15
Holger Görg4421664213.24% 256
Cecília Hornok6231499.7% 7
Nils Jannsen9422665.67% 24
Stefan Kooths6871976.19% 9
Lars Kumkar3132116% 3
Matthias Lücke6922906.15% 8
Katharina Lima de Miranda513812.41% 8
Wan-Hsin Liu5287716.3% 5
Hendrik Mahlkow38306.25% 15
Saskia Meuchelböck3726420% 10
Peter Nunnenkamp3134227859.31% 67
Sonja Peterson17728894.51% 42
Lucia Perez-Villar34204.76% 6
Stefan Reitz, Jr.12676745.34% 32
Wilfried Rickels9592818.17% 17
Rainer Schweickert1010334514.39% 11
Tobias Heidland6372175.24% 19
Jürgen Stehn66410018.7% 3
Rainer Thiele1410610986.63% 34
Christoph Trebesch235520854.09% 109
Manfred Wiebelt811723717.71% 7

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 10 2023. Contact: CitEc Team