Author citation profiles: Carnegie Mellon University. H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Alessandro Acquisti112911611.28% 44
Lee G. Branstetter225625960.95% 92
Karen B. Clay186011511.96% 37
Pedro Ferreira5111111.77% 13
Martin Gaynor266423672.27% 60
Akshaya Jha717760% 12
Felix Koenig57940% 10
Brian K. Kovak122510441.32% 80
Beibei Li7162952.64% 29
Rema Padman8312023.81% 5
Edson Severnini9262993.86% 23
Michael D. Smith173420311.17% 88
Robert Strauss11378030.37% 16
Lowell Taylor285624991.42% 73
Rahul Telang15406532.68% 38

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