Author citation profiles: Lille Économie et Management (LEM)

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Thomas Baudin8252566.91% 16
Chrysost Bangaké7263270.91% 21
Wolfram Berger510472.08% 7
Ekaterina Borisova3222919.44% 2
Michael Brei11305595.25% 39
xavier chojnicki8462093.24% 11
Nathalie CHUSSEAU7261628.47% 13
David Crainich8382956.65% 15
Quentin David5241478.13% 10
Laurence Delattre46436.52% 5
Fabrice Defever10305196.49% 30
Nicolas Debarsy8233743.86% 23
Thomas Epper12238032.9% 47
Etienne Farvaque111043107.74% 12
Amandine Ghintran412684.23% 5
Fabrice GILLES4335511.29% 3
Gerard HAMIACHE6121452.03% 9
hakim hammadou519810% 4
Joel Hellier54911920.13% 3
Martin Hulényi34200% 3
Hubert Jayet10813571.65% 8
Kristiaan H. J. Kerstens2114617875.5% 52
Moez Kilani7362364.84% 13
Oskar Kowalewski14806306.94% 33
Richard LADWEIN530560% 2
Sophie Lacoste-Badie322200% 1
Hervé LELEU131065586.22% 22
Fabrice Le Lec4301435.92% 8
Sophie Massin331296.45% 1
Claire Naiditch3141936.67% 1

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated March, 4 2024. Contact: CitEc Team