Author citation profiles: Université de Montpellier. Faculté de sciences économiques

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Cécile BAZART422724% 4
Mickael Beaud4125713.64% 3
Thierry Blayac5626910.39% 3
Douadia Bougherara7852988.87% 14
Guillaume Cheikbossian6291448.86% 5
pierre courtois6293512.5% 16
Marion Davin3163023.08% 3
Sébastien Desbureaux5177411.9% 10
Dimitri DUBOIS528732.67% 4
Katrin Erdlenbruch6311109.09% 6
Lisette Ibanez10664554.01% 18
Gwenolé Le Velly5177013.58% 5
antoine leblois63115010.18% 11
Philippe LE COENT6241407.89% 15
Robert Henri Lifran5351562.5% 3
brice magdalou62410514.63% 7
PHILIPPE MAHENC10322744.2% 8
Adrien Nguyen-Huu6171248.15% 9
Fabien Prieur8453219.32% 18
Raphaële Préget9553376.13% 14
Nicolas Quérou54219210.7% 10
Hélène Rey-Valette611410414.05% 6
Francesco Ricci7322229.02% 9
Sébastien Roussel5301291.53% 9
Jean-Michel Salles8852542.68% 7
Alexandre Sauquet6241303.7% 10
Daniel Serra315195% 0
Raphaël Soubeyran8432535.6% 12
Sophie Thoyer12814474.28% 16
Laetitia Tuffery3122122.22% 2
Anne-Charlotte Vaissière791063.64% 17
Marc Willinger161339164.78% 26

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 10 2023. Contact: CitEc Team