Author citation profiles: Université d'Orléans. Faculté de droit, d'économie et de gestion

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Raphaëlle Bellando3373221.95% 1
Béatrice Boulu-Reshef421400% 4
Oana Calavrezo434982.97% 5
Christophe Hurlin2110028961.09% 107
Jean-Louis Combes1612710796.98% 39
Karine Constant493722.92% 3
Alexis Direr524614.69% 2
Jude EGGOH8244030.49% 33
Mazen KEBEWAR5103514.63% 17
djamel kirat411789.3% 8
Quentin Lajaunie47289.68% 9
Anne Lavigne3923719.57% 0
Amine Lahiani163012510.79% 125
Yannick Lucotte11233681.34% 30
Daniel Mirza13546881.99% 29
Alexandru Minea141017447.92% 41
Pascale Combes Motel9683939.03% 13
Anthony Paris394410.2% 8
Isabelle Rabaud4452102.33% 9
Camelia ROMOCEA TURCU456509.09% 3
Sessi Tokpavi7222433.19% 18
patrick villieu812929610.84% 9
Marcel Cristian Voia8822579.51% 11
Chahir Zaki8992159.28% 10

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 10 2023. Contact: CitEc Team