Author citation profiles: Université Paris-Nanterre (Paris X). EconomiX

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Ibrahim ABADA7141614.73% 20
Alain Ayong Le Kama8222634.71% 12
marc Baudry8532175.65% 8
Noémi Berlin432515.56% 4
Christian BIDARD6641289.22% 2
Michel Boutillier4394212.5% 1
Andreea Cosnita-Langlais5346517.72% 3
Cécile COUHARDE15798935.3% 34
Eric Darmon310209.09% 2
Gilles DE TRUCHIS417829.89% 11
Elena Ivona Dumitrescu92016020.44% 133
Eliane El Badaoui5161484.52% 8
Johanna Etner7363261.81% 12
Olivier Favereau5822130.93% 6
Florent Fremigacci517740% 10
Fredj JAWADI161489875% 54
Ludovic A. Julien4595428.95% 2
Eric LANGLAIS6551047.96% 3
Nadine Levratto457893.26% 2
Antonia López Villavicencio11467062.35% 44
Alessandro Melcarne619767.32% 10
Valérie Mignon2919430833.81% 110
Remy Jean Oddou36316.06% 6
Thi Kim Cuong PHAM63814013.04% 7
Georges Prat75215213.14% 3
Lionel Ragot9543065.56% 13
Audrey Sallenave451040% 20
Laurence Scialom5496110.29% 1
Francisco SERRANITO6381342.9% 4
Saïd Souam54410912.1% 3
Elisabeth Tovar314402.44% 2
Remzi Uctum73913711.61% 4
Phu Nguyen-Van12939132.35% 39

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