Author citation profiles: National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Ajay K. Agrawal245331031.02% 147
Paul Beaudry3210147191.65% 138
Mark Joseph Bils255052890.66% 139
George Borjas59143183120.52% 389
alessandra casella225813374.16% 39
Andrew Caplin327742450.79% 103
Judith Chevalier213339250.38% 145
Stephen Coate367377110.52% 220
Steven Davis46110143171% 386
Dhaval M. Dave2110414285.37% 64
William Easterly50118155790.42% 502
Robert F. Engle69178479420.2% 841
Daniel Feenberg163614190.98% 34
Edward Ludwig Glaeser71197267920.49% 864
Gita Gopinath296468600.58% 361
Austan Goolsbee234431290.79% 120
Robert J. Gordon3918467750.76% 118
Jonathan Gruber46165116730.74% 353
Gene Grossman49123207610.36% 482
Robert Hall51190210290.35% 389
Philip A. Haile162616761.82% 67
Michael D. Hurd3314444471.92% 87
Ted Joyce185310682.91% 28
Larry E. Jones275835951.45% 105
Louis Kaplow258719952.25% 52
Peter Kuhn249424431.57% 58
Josh Lerner59222126820.95% 352
Nuno M. Limão173315372.1% 64
Trevon D. Logan11553465.98% 19
Hanno Lustig247330181.24% 91
Gerald Roger Marschke, Jr.11294233.64% 16
Bruce D. Meyer378971080.77% 203
Jorn-Steffen Pischke3154101700.47% 308
James E. Rauch235063680.61% 172
Thomas Sargent63249171810.87% 318
David Scharfstein3453104630.2% 268
Antoinette Schoar316662750.4% 298
Steven Shavell359546550.75% 96
Joseph Stiglitz94578476100.48% 850
Amir Sufi295149490.42% 215
Sarah Elizabeth Turner194316160.98% 64
James R. Tybout245962030.64% 121
Eric van Wincoop3271107140.73% 345
Adrien Verdelhan172523730.88% 139
Jeffrey Wurgler243664180.34% 279
Amir Yaron172930190.66% 107

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