Author citation profiles: Oesterreichische Nationalbank

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Nicolas Albacete7281794.79% 13
Elisabeth Beckmann7271309.72% 10
Christian Alexander Belabed481272.31% 25
Andreas Breitenfellner6211341.47% 8
Helmut Elsinger92711610.85% 55
Pirmin Fessler11654575.38% 30
Robert Holzmann1911312703.64% 31
Markus Knell12395793.34% 24
Wolfgang Lechthaler11605679.13% 35
Peter Lindner10373083.75% 25
Doris Prammer13356292.33% 34
Burkhard Raunig530971.02% 3
Paul Ramskogler619746.33% 5
Christian Ragacs6611923.52% 6
Anna Katharina Raggl412375.13% 4
Aleksandra Riedl9233592.18% 25
Kilian Rieder3112218.52% 3
Fabio Rumler144913652.99% 59
Stefan W. Schmitz7381965.31% 10
Martin Schneider8702254.26% 9
Richard Philipp Sellner6251013.81% 6
Esther Segalla6133040.65% 23
Maria Antoinette Silgoner10523713.13% 18
Michael Sigmund8272013.37% 15
Helmut Stix217312414.24% 53
Martin Summer154414691.01% 54
Maria Teresa Valderrama11253932.72% 13
Thomas O. Zoerner411438.51% 10

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 10 2023. Contact: CitEc Team