Author citation profiles: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (Cedeplar)

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Eduardo da Motta e Albuquerque81082378.14% 8
Pedro Vasconcelos Amaral658665.71% 3
Gustavo Britto6361144.2% 5
Marco Crocco653833.49% 2
Edson Paulo Domingues6781548.33% 8
Frederico Gonzaga Jayme Jr77315212.14% 4
Gilberto Libanio435650% 2
Ana Flavia Machado5651154.17% 4
Marcia Siqueira Rapini537766.17% 3
Marco Flávio Cunha Resende353485.88% 1
João Prates Romero6301562.5% 9
Cássio Maldonado Turra7362431.62% 15

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