Author citation profiles: RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Mark A. Andor12564554.81% 37
Ronald Bachmann14804989.29% 27
György Barabas89817517.84% 7
Gunther Bensch8342897.96% 24
Boris Blagov4275714.93% 8
Julia Bredtmann8322304.17% 14
Philipp Breidenbach7391335% 14
Peggy Bechara619966.8% 8
Jochen Dehio427362.7% 2
Roland Döhrn1019130714.25% 10
Lea Eilers312507.41% 10
Heinz Gebhardt811020915.04% 7
Matthias Giesecke518634.55% 6
Dörte Heger416505.66% 8
Lisa Sofie Hoeckel39340% 5
Ronald Janßen-Timmen331290% 1
Robin Jessen54610320.16% 12
Ingo W.K. Kolodziej39520% 6
Thorben Korfhage4134024.53% 6
Hanna Frings8231795.79% 14
Fernanda Martínez Flores311350% 5
Martin Micheli97624113% 21
Jörg Ankel-Peters17759136.17% 50
Adam Pilny424558.33% 6
Michael Rothgang5468710.31% 4
Sandra Schaffner13864894.68% 25
Torsten Schmidt121306056.78% 31
Colin Vance1811614405.45% 72
Christina Vonnahme411332.94% 6
Matthias Vorell412641.54% 10
Lina Zwick8392174.82% 27

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