Author citation profiles: Universität Zürich. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakutält

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Carlos Alós-Ferrer181159777.74% 37
Björn Bartling205014022.84% 66
Michael Blanga-Gubbay34280% 4
Anne Ardila Brenøe6121395.44% 19
Johannes Buckenmaier411392.5% 6
Lea Cassar9123102.52% 22
Gregory S Crawford11238161.45% 40
Christian Ewerhart12804417.93% 16
Josef Falkinger175610222.85% 25
Ernst Fehr73214299630.69% 809
Michele Garagnani38379.76% 7
Marta Golin91812461.74% 155
David Hemous101922220.8% 158
Mathias Hoffmann13505906.2% 26
Michael David König10145622.26% 46
Olivier Ledoit123619991.19% 74
Shuo Liu4111191.65% 19
Michel André Maréchal142312000.99% 75
Nick Netzer11264087.48% 22
Dina D. Pomeranz8157741.4% 70
Marek Pycia10217511.57% 37
Alexander Rathke5131207.69% 24
Alexander Ritschel494712.96% 15
Katja Rost9257140.97% 26
Florian Scheuer12255985.38% 33
Armin Schmutzler198012264.96% 39
Florian H. Schneider581180% 23
Carmit Segal8115171.34% 36
Tobias Straumann613596.35% 4
Martin Stancsics35195% 3
Rainer Winkelmann2910534371.52% 107
Ulrich Woitek16537474.96% 28
Michael Wolf236534251.41% 131
David Yanagizawa-Drott152313130.3% 77
Ulf Zölitz9174366.03% 54
Josef Zweimüller3710149452.29% 159

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