Author citation profiles: Oxford University. Department of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Johannes Abeler101414120.56% 94
Abi Adams571410.7% 14
Pawel Adrjan59601.64% 12
Noam Angrist10245671.22% 56
Janine Aron166411263.68% 37
Elizabeth Baldwin46817.95% 13
Miguel Ballester9394335.66% 18
Alan Beggs10267741.53% 23
David L. Bevan11386460.62% 18
Clive Bowsher4106411.23% 42
Martin Browning3811285660.95% 203
Jennifer L. Castle14557535.52% 41
Simon Cowan11328701.81% 25
Paola Conconi145910708.39% 46
Ian Crawford14528183.54% 27
Sergio de Ferra37309.09% 6
Jurgen A. Doornik195517782.04% 61
Martin Ellison13446023.37% 23
Andrea Ferrero132917621.23% 97
James Forder9382733.19% 11
Mishel Ghassibe33690% 23
Christine Anne Greenhalgh15436931.42% 16
Mary Gregory8354180.71% 8
donald andrew hay7352530.39% 5
Knick Harley11586611.49% 12
David F. Hendry4824993871.51% 164
Sanjay Jain5152303.77% 9
Beata Smarzynska Javorcik378667321.2% 292
john kay151348600.23% 17
R Godfrey Keller6164353.76% 16
Willemien Kets62713513.46% 7
Paul Klemperer346988690.54% 211
Anders Bredahl Kock10303525.63% 23
Jeremy Houston Large782332.51% 33
Nathan Lane481581.86% 11
Hamish Low195418573.38% 68
James Malcomson246527040.95% 56
Sophocles Mavroeidis13329672.62% 50
Michael Francis McMahon124210063.92% 41
john muellbauer3213472331.22% 139
Thomas W. L. Norman425476% 2
Sheilagh Ogilvie14476574.51% 24
Alexei Parakhonyak518937% 6
Barbara Petrongolo307561270.95% 235
Natalie Naïri Quinn36228.33% 1
Kevin Roberts163616270.43% 39
Howard William Smith8162970.67% 11
Margaret Stevens10217220.41% 31
Alexander Teytelboym10254472.83% 40
Gabriel Ulyssea9236720.59% 39
John Vickers297856390.55% 148
Martin Weidner12209063.21% 75
Julian Ilyas Winkler383415% 8
Simon Wren-Lewis2010412594.33% 34
Linda Yueh11383391.74% 22
Francesco Zanetti14579359.57% 46

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated March, 4 2024. Contact: CitEc Team