Author citation profiles: Schweizerische Nationalbank (SNB)

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Angela Abbate5101802.7% 20
Simon Alder6102720.73% 22
Romain Baeriswyl7182442.4% 14
Gregor Bäurle4174426.67% 2
Stefanie Behncke8113380.88% 19
Toni Beutler37776.1% 4
Jürg Blum586360.47% 48
Marc Blatter461801.1% 12
Matthias Burgert49902.17% 5
Tobias Cwik579551.44% 59
Jayson Danton33290% 4
Marius Faber44720% 18
Lucas Marc Fuhrer3135311.67% 7
Anne Kathrin Funk3251313.33% 1
Alain Gabler49954.04% 11
Alain Galli352519.35% 4
Petra Gerlach-Kristen13426492.55% 32
Oliver Gloede3101870.53% 15
Christian Grisse6172012.43% 14
Matthias Gubler49676.94% 5
Simon Haenni37550% 6
Florian Haelg342310.43% 77
Sandra Hanslin68680% 5
Christian Hepenstrick511699.21% 5
Terhi Jokipii684450.45% 27
Lena Boneva12275021.95% 41
Catherine Tahmee Casanova12258991.53% 64
Sébastien Philippe Kraenzlin8141497.45% 11
Carlos Lenz6151120.88% 5
Matthias Lutz9252931.35% 17
Thomas Maag461262.33% 10
Simone Auer44705.41% 7
Florence Miguet Heimlicher33360% 2
Benjamin Müller36485.88% 6
Thomas Nellen4148011.11% 6
Thomas Nitschka64520212.55% 11
Marcel Peter451410% 17
Inske Pirschel373612.2% 7
Samuel Reynard6161995.24% 9
Miriam Koomen4159310.58% 7
Rina Rosenblatt-Wisch59795.95% 5
Enzo Rossi4151338.28% 7
Barbara Rudolf6112004.31% 10
Rolf Scheufele9392423.97% 14
Tim Schwarzmüller4174214.29% 10
Silvio Schumacher46835.68% 11
Elizabeth Steiner371623.81% 1
Nicolas Stoffels34450% 2
Jörn Tenhofen5112201.79% 14
Pascal Towbin9235512.82% 39
Christoph Winter58905.26% 5
Sébastien Waelti8181893.08% 10
Pınar Ayşe Yeşin11234985.5% 26
Attilio Zanetti59593.28% 2

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated March, 4 2024. Contact: CitEc Team