Author citation profiles: Government of Norway. Statistisk Sentralbyrå

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Rolf Aaberge268621604.59% 67
Finn Roar Aune9252237.85% 10
Simon Søbstad Bensnes36273.57% 4
Erlend Eide Bø471174.1% 13
Ådne Cappelen9425113.22% 12
John K. Dagsvik12586625.7% 17
Anders Ekeland318571.72% 2
Kristine M. Grimsrud9383593.23% 15
Trude Gunnes310303.23% 3
Cathrine Hagem8362915.21% 11
Torbjørn Hægeland10283572.99% 17
Bjart Holtsmark9392965.73% 12
Håvard Hungnes5195719.72% 2
Ingrid Marie Schaumburg Huitfeldt39318.82% 6
Eilev S. Jansen13246403.18% 14
Zhiyang Jia83720112.23% 9
Lars Johannessen Kirkebøen7143150.32% 22
Audun Langørgen6192196.01% 7
Stefan Leknes3101611.11% 2
Linda Nøstbakken10252662.56% 16
Marte Rønning7152610.76% 20
Marina Rybalka4111384.17% 7
Terje Skjerpen8532857.77% 9
Thor O. Thoresen12485667.21% 19
Ola Lotherington Vestad5102372.07% 21
Hidemichi Yonezawa93222210.12% 20

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated March, 4 2024. Contact: CitEc Team