Author citation profiles: Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI). Social Sciences

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Andrea Ascani72113313.07% 16
Maria Giovanna Brandano39442.22% 6
Fabiano Compagnucci614606.25% 3
Alessandro Crociata6251317.09% 9
Alessandra Faggian1910613612.65% 61
Alberto Marzucchi12345853.31% 45
Sandro MONTRESOR169610644.74% 40
Felix Modrego6141102.65% 7
Marco Modica7312026.91% 22
Ilan Noy2520732485.33% 154
Alessandro Palma7242483.88% 31
Giulia Urso58748.64% 8
Paolo Veneri10403454.7% 21

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