Author citation profiles: Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Kurmaş Akdoğan623762.56% 4
Faruk Aydın311454.26% 2
Yasemin Erduman422360% 2
Mahir Binici10256001.8% 42
Sanli Pinar (Ceyhan) Darendeli6131054.55% 7
Evren Ceritoğlu4251432.72% 6
Ufuk Demiroglu5251491.97% 6
Evren Erdoğan Coşar420640% 3
Ergun Ermisoglu411487.69% 16
Okan Eren322185.26% 1
Salih Fendoglu9192221.33% 18
Eda Gulsen3133211.11% 2
Mahmut Gunay420313.13% 2
Selcuk Gul320165.88% 2
Timur Hulagu6221452.68% 16
Suleyman Hilmi Kal4143011.76% 3
Zubeyir Kilinc512603.23% 5
Hande Kucuk6281332.92% 7
Doruk Küçüksaraç, PhD329296.45% 3
Arif Oduncu521718.97% 17
Fethi Ogunc7291627.43% 9
Utku Ozmen4476619.51% 4
Huseyin Ozturk8301785.32% 12
SAYGIN CEVIK422881.12% 5
Seref Saygili36140% 1
Ünal Seven7232212.21% 22
S. Tolga Tiryaki415382.56% 2
Huzeyfe Torun7192315.33% 33
Vuslat Us625973.96% 5
Cihan YALCIN4331763.3% 8
Gökhan Yılmaz317228.33% 1
Erdal Yılmaz420320% 1
Çağlar Yüncüler310310% 2
Pınar Özbay Özlü7291336.34% 7
Kazim Azim Özdemir315214.55% 1

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