Author citation profiles: Toulouse School of Economics (TSE)

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Ingela Alger14436189.91% 25
Stefan Ambec157316452.55% 71
Henrik Andersson104632410.74% 14
Tiziana Assenza11286631.63% 44
andrea attar84020818.43% 10
Milo Bianchi13306753.02% 37
Christophe BISIÈRE7153120.32% 9
Matteo Bobba9213474.67% 18
Christophe Bontemps10372734.21% 10
Jean-François Bonnefon8502304.17% 14
Stephane CAPRICE5221376.16% 7
Fabrice Collard269920621.58% 71
Helmuth Cremer3724341545.78% 103
Claude Crampes12708773.09% 23
Abdelaati Daouia9265623.44% 31
Jean-Paul Décamps10414575.19% 14
Olivier De Groote361533.16% 21
Philippe De Donder1711679110.52% 27
Marion Desquilbet7281786.32% 8
Martial Dupaigne7231584.24% 6
Pierre Dubois187911153.3% 46
Isis Durrmeyer68804.76% 7
Patrick Fève151137435.59% 24
Fabien Gensbittel4154510% 5
Christian Gollier3721551852.85% 140
Stéphane M. Gregoir8281861.06% 6
Christian Hellwig155714682.78% 63
YingHua He7222399.13% 18
Ulrich Hege13628672.58% 36
Marc IVALDI1810312654.74% 40
Doh-Shin Jeon136258010.91% 23
Koen Jochmans96346611.57% 35
Bruno Jullien2711335002.34% 100
Pascal Lavergne10282745.52% 9
Yassine Lefouili10322456.13% 13
David MARTIMORT3015333793.68% 112
Thierry Magnac218822152.25% 67
Zohra Bouamra Mechemache11643766% 15
Sophie Moinas7204191.41% 20
Celine Nauges2111015463.5% 70
Nicolas Pistolesi7115490.72% 39
François Poinas39702.78% 4
Vincent Rebeyrol48960% 5
Arnaud Reynaud15478032.67% 47
Mathias Reynaert792713.9% 24
Andrew Rhodes8142193.95% 21
silvia rossetto510616.15% 2
Vincent Réquillart151217206.37% 21
David Joseph Salant11334581.72% 11
François Salanié14487213.99% 26
Alex Smolin4151362.86% 15
Emmanuel Thibault73218512.74% 7
Nicolas TREICH209013496.06% 49
Takuro Yamashita5221117.5% 8

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 10 2023. Contact: CitEc Team