Author citation profiles: Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (WIFO)

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Julia Bachtrögler5551048.77% 11
Josef Baumgartner101173869.39% 14
Juergen Bierbaumer-Polly5571052.78% 8
Benjamin Bittschi535426.67% 4
Julia Bock-Schappelwein913735210.43% 16
Elisabeth M. Christen7431339.52% 11
Stefan Ederer91454373.74% 27
Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger7581697.65% 8
Gabriel J Felbermayr3125638964.25% 177
Marian Fink57511111.9% 8
Klaus Sylvester Friesenbichler912529612.17% 16
Christian Glocker7312546.62% 21
Alois Guger9712025.16% 5
Werner Hölzl142109627.41% 41
Gerard Thomas Horvath71232504.58% 19
Peter Huber162919675.2% 34
Jürgen Janger9944036.06% 21
Serguei Kaniovski111385057.51% 21
Claudia Kettner89026310.24% 15
Agnes Kügler89314319.21% 11
Michael Klien71522248.57% 14
Angela Köppl81662968.92% 10
Thomas Leoni91143883.72% 21
Simon Loretz13486672.63% 37
Peter Mayerhofer91603436.28% 10
Ina Meyer6681619.04% 9
Birgit Meyer5182034.25% 14
Michael Peneder2114712404.62% 40
Philipp Piribauer8631645.75% 16
Hans Pitlik131267315.56% 31
Peter Reschenhofer8271222.4% 12
Silvia Rocha-Akis9512218.68% 13
Stephan Schulmeister91303758.31% 7
Marcus Scheiblecker51941904.04% 7
Margit Schratzenstaller923647612.5% 19
Stefan Schiman31357111.25% 6
Franz Sinabell917632511.68% 13
Sandra Bilek-Steindl51057115.48% 3
Gerhard Streicher111676193.88% 25
Yvonne Anna Wolfmayr10823264.4% 10
Michael Wueger61071595.92% 4

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