Yoshiro Miwa : Citation Profile

University of Tokyo


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Books edited


   25 years (1990 - 2015). See details.
   Cites by year: 8
   Journals where Yoshiro Miwa has often published
   Relations with other researchers
   Recent citing documents: 3.    Total self citations: 25 (10.33 %)


   Permalink: http://citec.repec.org/pmi452
   Updated: 2025-03-15    RAS profile: 2022-05-26    
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Relations with other researchers

Works with:

Authors registered in RePEc who have co-authored more than one work in the last five years with Yoshiro Miwa.

Is cited by:

Okubo, Toshihiro (10)

Tsuruta, Daisuke (9)

Hoffmann, Mathias (8)

Braguinsky, Serguey (7)

Guriev, Sergei (6)

Udell, Gregory (6)

Rousseau, Peter (5)

Uchida, Hirofumi (4)

Fukao, Kyoji (4)

Ohashi, Hiroshi (3)

Raddant, Matthias (3)

Cites to:

Ramseyer, John (50)

Hoshi, Takeo (28)

Kashyap, Anil (27)

Scharfstein, David (16)

Rajan, Raghuram (14)

Morck, Randall (13)

Kaplan, Steven (11)

Zingales, Luigi (10)

Nakamura, Masao (9)

Shleifer, Andrei (9)

Petersen, Mitchell (7)

Main data

Production by document typearticlechapterpaperbook1990199119921993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201501020Documents Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Cumulative documents published19901991199219931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015050100150Documents Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

Citations received199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202021202220232024202501020Citations Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Citations by production year199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420150255075Citations Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

H-Index: 9Most cited documents12345678910110255075Number of citations Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
H-Index evolution2013082013092013102013112013122014012014022014032014042014052014062014072014082014092014102014112014122015012015022015032015042015052015062015072015082015092015102015112015122016012016022016032016042016052016062016072016082016092016102016112016122017012017022017032017042017052017062017072017082017092017102017112017122018012018022018032018042018052018062018072018082018092018102018112018122019012019022019032019042019052019062019072019082019092019102019112019122020012020022020032020042020052020062020072020082020092020102020112020122021012021022021032021042021052021062021072021082021092021102021112021122022012022022022032022042022052022062022072022082022092022102022112022122023012023022023032023042023052023062023072023082023092023102023112023122024012024022024032024042024052024062024072024082024092024102024112024122025012025022025030510h-index Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

Where Yoshiro Miwa has published?

Journals with more than one article published# docs
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy5
The Journal of Legal Studies2
Public Policy Review2

Working Papers Series with more than one paper published# docs
CIRJE F-Series / CIRJE, Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo28
CIRJE J-Series / CIRJE, Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo22
CARF J-Series / Center for Advanced Research in Finance, Faculty of Economics, The University of Tokyo9
CARF F-Series / Center for Advanced Research in Finance, Faculty of Economics, The University of Tokyo7

Recent works citing Yoshiro Miwa (2025 and 2024)

Year  ↓Title of citing document  ↓
2024Reputation is golden: Superstar CEOs and trade credit. (2024). Gao, RU ; Xiang, Cheng ; Quan, Xiaofeng. In: Journal of Business Finance & Accounting. RePEc:bla:jbfnac:v:51:y:2024:i:1-2:p:631-656.

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2024Does unconventional monetary policy improve credit support for the industry chain? The mechanism of trade credit. (2024). Ding, Zengcai ; Huang, Jinbo ; Du, Zhidi ; Bai, Hengrui ; Li, Zhongfei ; Zhou, Tao. In: International Review of Economics & Finance. RePEc:eee:reveco:v:91:y:2024:i:c:p:180-192.

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2025Modern Banking Reforms and Financial Activities of Indigenous Merchants: A Case from Japan in the Late 19th Century. (2025). Fukumoto, Makoto ; Shizume, Masato. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wap:wpaper:2415.

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Yoshiro Miwa has edited the books:

Year  ↓Title  ↓Type  ↓Cited  ↓

Works by Yoshiro Miwa:

Year  ↓Title  ↓Type  ↓Cited  ↓
2002The Fable of the Keiretsu In: Journal of Economics & Management Strategy.
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2001The Fable of the Keiretsu.(2001) In: CIRJE F-Series.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 49
2006The Fable of the Keiretsu.(2006) In: University of Chicago Press Economics Books.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 49
2003Does Ownership Matter? Evidence from the Zaibatsu Dissolution Program In: Journal of Economics & Management Strategy.
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2001Does Ownership Matter? Evidence from the Zaibatsu Dissolution Program.(2001) In: CIRJE F-Series.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 9
2004Directed Credit? The Loan Market in High‐Growth Japan In: Journal of Economics & Management Strategy.
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2005Who Appoints Them, What Do They Do? Evidence on Outside Directors from Japan In: Journal of Economics & Management Strategy.
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2002Who Appoints Them, What Do they Do? Evidence on Outside Directors from Japan.(2002) In: CIRJE F-Series.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 24
2008The Implications of Trade Credit for Bank Monitoring: Suggestive Evidence from Japan In: Journal of Economics & Management Strategy.
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2004The Fable of the Keiretsu, and Other Tales of Japan We Wish Were True In: CARF F-Series.
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2004The Fable of the Keiretsu, and Other Tales of Japan We Wish Were True.(2004) In: CIRJE F-Series.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 0
2004Industrial Finance Before the Financial Revolution: Japan at the Turn of the Last Century (Subsequently published in Explanations in Economic History, 2005, vol. 43, 94-118. ) In: CARF F-Series.
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2005Trade Credit, Bank Loans, and Monitoring: Evidence from Japan In: CARF F-Series.
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2005Trade Credit, Bank Loans, and Monitoring: Evidence from Japan.(2005) In: CIRJE F-Series.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 15
2011A Study of Financing Behavior of Japanese Firms with Firm-Level Data from Corporate Enterprise Quarterly Statistics - 1994~2009: Introduction and Summary In: CARF F-Series.
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2011Are Japanese Firms Becoming More Independent from Their Banks?: Evidence from the Firm-Level Data of the Corporate Enterprise Quarterly Statistics, 1994-2009 In: CARF F-Series.
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2012Are Japanese Firms Becoming More Independent from Their Banks?: Evidence from the Firm-Level Data of the Corporate Enterprise Quarterly Statistics, 1994-2009.(2012) In: Public Policy Review.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 3
2011Are Japanese Firms Becoming More Independent from Their Banks?: Evidence from the Firm-Level Data of the Corporate Enterprise Quarterly Statistics, 1994-2009.(2011) In: CIRJE F-Series.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 3
2012How Strongly Do Financing Constraints Affect Firm Behavior?: Japanese Corporate Investment since the Mid-1980s In: CARF F-Series.
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2013How Strongly Do Financing Constraints Affect Firm Behavior? Japanese Corporate Investment since the Mid-1980s.(2013) In: Public Policy Review.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 0
2013Do Wild Fluctuations in Quarterly Inventory Investment Data Matter?: A Study of Japanese GDP Statistics, 1994-2010 In: CARF F-Series.
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2013Do Wild Fluctuations in Quarterly Inventory Investment Data Matter?: A Study of Japanese GDP Statistics, 1994-2010.(2013) In: CIRJE F-Series.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 0
2008Credit Crunch?: Details from Borrower Quarterly Financial Data about What Actually Happened in Japan during 1997-1999 In: CARF J-Series.
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2010Credit Guarantee Policy [shinyo hosho seido] for Small Businesses in Japan, with Reference to the Special Credit Guarantee Policy during 1998.10 - 2001.3 In: CARF J-Series.
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2011A Study of Financing Behavior of Japanese Firms with Firm-Level Data from Corporate Enterprise Quarterly Statistics ? 1994~2009: Introduction and Summary (Revised in March 2011) In: CARF J-Series.
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2010The Low Bank-Dependence Ratio and Recent Further Increase in the Independence of Firms from Banks In: CARF J-Series.
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2010The Reality of Short-term Shocks like the Credit Crunch of 1997-1999 and the Financial Crisis of 2007, and the Effectiveness of Emergency Economic Measures ? A Follow-up to Miwa [2008] In: CARF J-Series.
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2010The Reality of Trade Credit and its Link to Bank Borrowing and Inventory: (1) Overall Discussion and Preliminary Investigation In: CARF J-Series.
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2010The Reality of Trade Credit and its Link to Bank Borrowing and Inventory: (2) Correlation Coefficients and Multiple Regressions In: CARF J-Series.
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2011Bad Loans, Delayed Disposals, Follow-on and Zombie Lending, and the Lost Two Decades: Lessons from the Japanese Experience? In: CARF J-Series.
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2011Bubble or Boom?: Investigation of the Japanese economy in the second-half of 1980s with the firm-level data from the Corporate Enterprise Annual Statistics, as preparation for studying the Lost Two Decades In: CARF J-Series.
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2015Japans Economic Planning and Mobilization in Wartime, 1930s€“1940s In: Cambridge Books.
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2006Japanese industrial finance at the close of the 19th century: Trade credit and financial intermediation In: Explorations in Economic History.
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1990Law and trade issues of the Japanese economy: American and Japanese perspectives : Eds., University of Washington Press, Seattle, 1986. 290 + xx pp., $40.00 In: Journal of the Japanese and International Economies.
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2001Japanese Economic Policy and Policy Evaluation―The Case of “Industrial Policy”― In: Economic Review.
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1991The Subcontracting System in Japan: A Critical Survey In: Japanese Economy.
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2005Toward a theory of jurisdictional competition: the case of the Japanese FTC In: Journal of Competition Law and Economics.
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2004Toward a Theory of Jurisdictional Competition: The Case of the Japanese FTC.(2004) In: CIRJE F-Series.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 1
1996Firms and Industrial Organization in Japan In: Palgrave Macmillan Books.
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1996Introduction and Summary In: Palgrave Macmillan Books.
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1996Coordination within Industry: Output, Price and Investment In: Palgrave Macmillan Books.
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1996Corporate Governance in Japanese Firms: The Body of Employees as the Controlling Group and Friendly Shareholders In: Palgrave Macmillan Books.
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1996Inter-firm Relationships In: Palgrave Macmillan Books.
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1996Conclusion In: Palgrave Macmillan Books.
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1996Monopoly, Corporate Profits and the Dual Structure In: Palgrave Macmillan Books.
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1996The Image and Reality of Small Business and Small Business Policies In: Palgrave Macmillan Books.
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1996Supplier-Assembler Relationships in the Motor Industry In: Palgrave Macmillan Books.
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1996Economic Analysis of the ‘Loan-Concentration’ Mechanism In: Palgrave Macmillan Books.
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1996Main Bank and its Functions In: Palgrave Macmillan Books.
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1996An Anatomy and Critique of the Corporate-Group View In: Palgrave Macmillan Books.
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1996Industrial Policy of Japan: A Beginner’s Guide In: Palgrave Macmillan Books.
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1996Economic Consequences of Investment Coordination in the Steel Industry In: Palgrave Macmillan Books.
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2000Rethinking Relationship-Specific Investments: Subcontracting in the Japanese Automobile Industry In: CIRJE F-Series.
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2000Banks and Economic Growth: Implications from Japanese History In: CIRJE F-Series.
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2002Banks and Economic Growth: Implications from Japanese History..(2002) In: Journal of Law and Economics.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 13
2001Japanese Distribution: Background, Issues, Examples In: CIRJE F-Series.
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2001Apparel Distribution: @Inter-firm Contracting and Intra-firm Organization In: CIRJE F-Series.
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2001Property Rights and Indigenous Tradition Among Early 20th Century Japanese Firms In: CIRJE F-Series.
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2001The Myth of the Main Bank: Japan and Comparative Corporate Governance In: CIRJE F-Series.
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2001Directed Credit? Capital Market Competition in High-Growth Japan In: CIRJE F-Series.
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2001Financial Malaise and the Myth of the Misgoverned Firm In: CIRJE F-Series.
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2002The Legislative Dynamic: Evidence from the Deregulation of Financial Services in Japan In: CIRJE F-Series.
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2002Capitalist Politicians, Socialist Bureaucrats? Legends of Government Planning from Japan In: CIRJE F-Series.
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2003Does Relationship Banking Matter? Japanese Bank-Borrower Ties in Good Times and Bad In: CIRJE F-Series.
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2003Conflicts of Interest in Japanese Insolvencies: The Problem of Bank Rescues In: CIRJE F-Series.
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2004Deregulation and Market Response in Contemporary Japan: Administrative Guidance, Keiretsu, and Main Banks In: CIRJE F-Series.
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2004Industrial Finance Before the Financial Revolution: Japan at the Turn of the Last Century In: CIRJE F-Series.
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2005The Good Occupation In: CIRJE F-Series.
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2011A Study of Financing Behavior of Japanese Firms with Firm-Level Data from Corporate Enterprise Quarterly Statistics – 1994~2009: Introduction and Summary In: CIRJE F-Series.
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1998Market and Marketization: From the Japanese Experience, In: CIRJE F-Series.
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1998The Social Responsibility of Directors: Dangerous and Harmful, though maybe not Irrelevant In: CIRJE F-Series.
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1999Corporate Governance in Transitional Economies: Lessons from the Pre-War Japanese Cotton Textile Industry In: CIRJE F-Series.
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2000Corporate Governance in Transitional Economies: Lessons from the Prewar Japanese Cotton Textile Industry..(2000) In: The Journal of Legal Studies.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 24
1999The Value of Prominent Directors: Lessons in Corporate Governance from Transitional Japan In: CIRJE F-Series.
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2000Policy Loans and Economic Growth: The Case of the Industrial Bank of Japan in Pre-war Japan(in Japanese) In: CIRJE J-Series.
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2000The Fable of the Keiretsu: Keiretsu in Keiretsu no Kenkyu(in Japanese) In: CIRJE J-Series.
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2003Shohisha keiyaku-ho [The Consumer Contract Act] of 2000 (in Japanese) In: CIRJE J-Series.
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2004The Effectiveness of Economic Controls: The Early Postwar Years in Japan --- Part I: The Effectiveness of Economic Controls(in Japanese) In: CIRJE J-Series.
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2004The Effectiveness of Economic Controls: The Early Postwar Years in Japan --- Part II: Political Economy of Economic Controls(in Japanese) In: CIRJE J-Series.
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2008An Invitation to Health Economics: A Review Essay: Ryu Niki, Shigeru Tanaka, Naoki Ikegami, Shuzo Nishimura, and Hisao Endo eds. Koza Iryokeizai-Seisakugaku (Lecture Series on Health Economy and Healt In: CIRJE J-Series.
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2008Credit Crunch?: Details from Borrower Quarterly Financial Data about What Actually Happened in Japan during 1997-1999(in Japanese) In: CIRJE J-Series.
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2010Credit Guarantee Policy [shinyo hosho seido] for Small Businesses in Japan, with Reference to the Special Credit Guarantee Policy during 1998.10 `2001.3 (in Japanese) In: CIRJE J-Series.
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2010A Study of Financing Behavior of Japanese Firms with Firm-Level Data from Corporate Enterprise Quarterly Statistics - 1994~2009: Introduction and Summary (in Japanese) In: CIRJE J-Series.
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2010The Low Bank-Dependence Ratio and Recent Further Increase in the Independence of Firms from Banks (in Japanese) In: CIRJE J-Series.
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2010The Reality of Short-term Shocks like the Credit Crunch of 1997-1999 and the Financial Crisis of 2007, and the Effectiveness of Emergency Economic Measures - A Follow-up to Miwa [2008] (in Japanese) In: CIRJE J-Series.
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2010The Reality of Short-term Shocks like the Credit Crunch of 1997-1999 and the Financial Crisis of 2007, and the Effectiveness of Emergency Economic Measures - A Follow-up to Miwa [2008] (in Japanese).(2010) In: CIRJE J-Series.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 0
2010The Reality of Trade Credit and its Link to Bank Borrowing and Inventory: (2) Correlation Coefficients and Multiple Regressions (in Japanese) In: CIRJE J-Series.
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2011Bad Loans, Delayed Disposals, Follow-on and Zombie Lending, and the Lost Two Decades: Lessons from the Japanese Experience? (in Japanese) In: CIRJE J-Series.
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2011Bubble or Boom?: Investigation of the Japanese economy in the second-half of 1980s with the firm-level data from the Corporate Enterprise Annual Statistics, as preparation for studying the Lost Two De In: CIRJE J-Series.
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2013Do Wild Fluctuations in Quarterly Inventory Investment Data Matter?: A Study of Japanese GDP Statistics, 1994-2010 (in Japanese) In: CIRJE J-Series.
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2014Improving Economic Statistics in order to Improve Economic Policy and Research: An Invitation (in Japanese) In: CIRJE J-Series.
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2014Improving Economic Statistics in order to Improve Economic Policy and Research: (2) IO Tables, SNA (GDP) Estimates, GDP Deflators, and Productivity Indexes (in Japanese) In: CIRJE J-Series.
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2014Improving Economic Statistics in order to Improve Economic Policy and Research: (3) IO Tables, SNA Base-year Annual Estimates, and Healthcare, Education, and Government Administration Sectors (in Japa In: CIRJE J-Series.
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2014Improving Economic Statistics in order to Improve Economic Policy and Research: (4)An International Comparison with respect to 93SNA, supply-use tables, productivity index, deflators, and the publ In: CIRJE J-Series.
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2015Improving Economic Statistics in order to Improve Economic Policy and Research: (5)Diagnosis and Treatment --- 5W1H, the statistical system, Rokumeikan after half a century, The Emperor in New Clo In: CIRJE J-Series.
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20152014 Amendments to the Corporate Code, Corporate Governance Code, and Outside Directors (in Japanese) In: CIRJE J-Series.
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2002The Value of Prominent Directors: Corporate Governance and Bank Access in Transitional Japan. In: The Journal of Legal Studies.
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1999The Value of Prominent Directors In: William Davidson Institute Working Papers Series.
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2005Does Relationship Banking Matter? The Myth of the Japanese Main Bank In: Journal of Empirical Legal Studies.
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CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team