Rodolfo Nicolay : Citation Profile


H index


i10 index









   8 years (2014 - 2022). See details.
   Cites by year: 8
   Journals where Rodolfo Nicolay has often published
   Relations with other researchers
   Recent citing documents: 8.    Total self citations: 4 (5.63 %)


   Updated: 2025-01-10    RAS profile: 2023-07-10    
   Missing citations? Add them    Incorrect content? Let us know

Relations with other researchers

Works with:

Montes, Gabriel (2)

Authors registered in RePEc who have co-authored more than one work in the last five years with Rodolfo Nicolay.

Is cited by:

Montes, Gabriel (20)

Anzoátegui Zapata, Juan (8)

Galvis Ciro, Juan Camilo (8)

Angino, Siria (4)

de Mendonça, Helder (4)

Jitmaneeroj, Boonlert (2)

Fasolo, Angelo (2)

Giraldo, Carlos (2)

Gomez-Gonzalez, Jose (2)

Kliber, Agata (2)

Uribe, Jorge (2)

Cites to:

Jansen, David-Jan (52)

de Haan, Jakob (45)

Fratzscher, Marcel (45)

Blinder, Alan (45)

Ehrmann, Michael (45)

de Mendonça, Helder (29)

Montes, Gabriel (22)

Gürkaynak, Refet (20)

Swanson, Eric (15)

Eijffinger, Sylvester (13)

Svensson, Lars (10)

Main data

Production by document typearticlepaper201420152016201720182019202020212022024Documents Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Cumulative documents published201420152016201720182019202020212022051015Documents Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

Citations received201720182019202020212022202320240102030Citations Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Citations by production year20162017201820192020202120220204060Citations Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

H-Index: 4Most cited documents1234560204060Number of citations Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
H-Index evolution2017112017122018012018022018032018042018052018062018072018082018092018102018112018122019012019022019032019042019052019062019072019082019092019102019112019122020012020022020032020042020052020062020072020082020092020102020112020122021012021022021032021042021052021062021072021082021092021102021112021122022012022022022032022042022052022062022072022082022092022102022112022122023012023022023032023042023052023062023072023082023092023102023112023122024012024022024032024042024052024062024072024082024092024102024112024122025010246h-index Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

Where Rodolfo Nicolay has published?

Journals with more than one article published# docs
Applied Economics2
Journal of Economic Studies2

Recent works citing Rodolfo Nicolay (2024 and 2023)

Year  ↓Title of citing document  ↓
2023The reaction of disagreements in inflation expectations to fiscal sentiment obtained from information in official communiqués. (2023). Maia, Victor ; Montes, Gabriel Caldas. In: Bulletin of Economic Research. RePEc:bla:buecrs:v:75:y:2023:i:4:p:828-859.

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2023An explained extreme gradient boosting approach for identifying the time-varying determinants of sovereign risk. (2023). Uribe, Jorge ; Gomez-Gonzalez, Jose ; Giraldo, Iader. In: Finance Research Letters. RePEc:eee:finlet:v:57:y:2023:i:c:s1544612323006451.

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2024Can leaders motivate employees’ energy-efficient behavior with thoughtful communication?. (2024). Thommes, Kirsten ; Hoffmann, Christin. In: Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. RePEc:eee:jeeman:v:125:y:2024:i:c:s0095069624000640.

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2023Uncertainties and disagreements in expectations of professional forecasters: Evidence from an inflation targeting developing country. (2023). Marcelino, Igor Mendes ; Montes, Gabriel Caldas. In: Journal of Forecasting. RePEc:wly:jforec:v:42:y:2023:i:4:p:937-956.

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Works by Rodolfo Nicolay:

Year  ↓Title  ↓Type  ↓Cited  ↓
2014COMUNICAÇÃO DO BANCO CENTRAL,EXPECTATIVAS DE INFLAÇÃO E PROFECIA AUTO-REALIZÁVEL: EVIDÊNCIAS PARA OBRASIL In: Anais do XL Encontro Nacional de Economia [Proceedings of the 40th Brazilian Economics Meeting].
[Full Text][Citation analysis]
2018FISCAL CREDIBILITY AND CENTRAL BANK CREDIBILITY: HOW DO WE BUILD THEM? EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FROM BRAZIL In: Anais do XLIV Encontro Nacional de Economia [Proceedings of the 44th Brazilian Economics Meeting].
[Full Text][Citation analysis]
2018EFFECT OF THE COMMUNICATION AND CLARITY OF THE FISCAL Rodolfo NicolayITY ON MARKET EXPECTATIONS: EVIDENCE FROM THE BRAZILIAN ECONOMY In: Anais do XLIV Encontro Nacional de Economia [Proceedings of the 44th Brazilian Economics Meeting].
[Full Text][Citation analysis]
2019Do fiscal communication and clarity of fiscal announcements affect public debt uncertainty? Evidence from Brazil In: Journal of Economics and Business.
[Full Text][Citation analysis]
2017Is communication clarity from fiscal authority useful? Evidence from an emerging economy In: Journal of Policy Modeling.
[Full Text][Citation analysis]
2022Does fiscal sentiment matter for sovereign risk? In: The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance.
[Full Text][Citation analysis]
2019Inflation volatility, monetary policy signaling and clarity of the central bank communication In: Journal of Economic Studies.
[Full Text][Citation analysis]
2015Central bank’s perception on inflation and inflation expectations of experts In: Journal of Economic Studies.
[Full Text][Citation analysis]
2018The Effect of Central Bank Communication on the Capital Buffer of Banks: Evidence from an Emerging Economy In: Econometric Research in Finance.
[Full Text][Citation analysis]
2022Does innovative capacity affect the deindustrialization process? A panel data analysis In: Journal of Economic Structures.
[Full Text][Citation analysis]
2016Effects of transparency, monetary policy signalling and clarity of central bank communication on disagreement about inflation expectations In: Applied Economics.
[Full Text][Citation analysis]
2017Does clarity of central bank communication affect credibility? Evidences considering governor-specific effects In: Applied Economics.
[Full Text][Citation analysis]

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated December, 8 2024. Contact: CitEc Team