James Townsend : Citation Profile

University of Winnipeg


H index


i10 index









   16 years (2007 - 2023). See details.
   Cites by year: 2
   Journals where James Townsend has often published
   Relations with other researchers
   Recent citing documents: 2.    Total self citations: 0 (0 %)


   Permalink: http://citec.repec.org/pto191
   Updated: 2025-01-10    RAS profile: 2024-03-08    
   Missing citations? Add them    Incorrect content? Let us know

Relations with other researchers

Works with:

Lemieux, Thomas (3)

Green, David (3)

Brochu, Pierre (3)

Authors registered in RePEc who have co-authored more than one work in the last five years with James Townsend.

Is cited by:

Green, David (7)

Worswick, Christopher (5)

Riddell, W. Craig (4)

Ferrer, Ana (3)

Trejo, Stephen (3)

Sand, Benjamin (2)

Bonikowska, Aneta (2)

Ritter, Moritz (2)

Boll, Christina (2)

Dube, Arindrajit (1)

shin, yongcheol (1)

Cites to:

Lemieux, Thomas (6)

Manning, Alan (5)

Melly, Blaise (4)

Chernozhukov, Victor (4)

Brochu, Pierre (4)

Fernandez-Val, Ivan (3)

Green, David (3)

Clarke, Andrew (2)

Aydemir, Abdurrahman (2)

Skuterud, Mikal (2)

Bertoli, Simone (2)

Main data

Production by document typearticlepaper20072008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023024Documents Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Cumulative documents published20072008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023051015Documents Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

Citations received200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023202402.557.510Citations Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Citations by production year20072008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023051015Citations Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

H-Index: 4Most cited documents123456051015Number of citations Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
H-Index evolution2013082013092013102013112013122014012014022014032014042014052014062014072014082014092014102014112014122015012015022015032015042015052015062015072015082015092015102015112015122016012016022016032016042016052016062016072016082016092016102016112016122017012017022017032017042017052017062017072017082017092017102017112017122018012018022018032018042018052018062018072018082018092018102018112018122019012019022019032019042019052019062019072019082019092019102019112019122020012020022020032020042020052020062020072020082020092020102020112020122021012021022021032021042021052021062021072021082021092021102021112021122022012022022022032022042022052022062022072022082022092022102022112022122023012023022023032023042023052023062023072023082023092023102023112023122024012024022024032024042024052024062024072024082024092024102024112024122025010246h-index Highcharts.comExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart

Where James Townsend has published?

Journals with more than one article published# docs
Canadian Public Policy3
Canadian Journal of Economics2

Working Papers Series with more than one paper published# docs
IFS Working Papers / Institute for Fiscal Studies2

Recent works citing James Townsend (2024 and 2023)

Year  ↓Title of citing document  ↓
2024Canadian inequality over the last 40 years: common and contrary variations on universal themes. (2024). Riddell, Craig W ; Green, David A ; Foley, Kelly. In: Fiscal Studies. RePEc:wly:fistud:v:45:y:2024:i:2:p:119-130.

Full description at Econpapers || Download paper

Works by James Townsend:

Year  ↓Title  ↓Type  ↓Cited  ↓
2007Do tariff reductions affect the wages of workers in protected industries? Evidence from the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement In: Canadian Journal of Economics.
[Citation analysis]
2010Understanding the wage patterns of Canadian less skilled workers: the role of implicit contracts In: Canadian Journal of Economics.
[Full Text][Citation analysis]
2009Understanding the wage patterns of Canadian less skilled workers: the role of implicit contracts.(2009) In: IFS Working Papers.
[Full Text][Citation analysis]
This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 10
2010Understanding the wage patterns of Canadian less skilled workers: the role of implicit contracts.(2010) In: Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique.
[Full Text][Citation analysis]
This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 10
2011Quantifying the Effects of the Provincial Nominee Programs In: Canadian Public Policy.
[Full Text][Citation analysis]
2013Mandatory Retirement and the Employment Rights of Elderly Canadian Immigrants In: Canadian Public Policy.
[Full Text][Citation analysis]
2013Provincial Nominee Programs: An Evaluation of the Earnings and Settlement Rates of Nominees In: Canadian Public Policy.
[Full Text][Citation analysis]
2023The minimum wages, turnover, and the shape of the wage distribution In: IFS Working Papers.
[Full Text][Citation analysis]
2023The Minimum Wage, Turnover, and the Shape of the Wage Distribution.(2023) In: IZA Discussion Papers.
[Full Text][Citation analysis]
This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 1
2023The minimum wage, turnover, and the shape of the wage distribution.(2023) In: CLEF Working Paper Series.
[Full Text][Citation analysis]
This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 1
2017Prior host-country work experience and immigrant labor market outcomes: evidence from Canada In: IZA Journal of Migration and Development.
[Full Text][Citation analysis]
2010Provincial Nominee Programs: An Evaluation of the Earnings and Retention Rates of Nominees In: Departmental Working Papers.
[Full Text][Citation analysis]

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated December, 8 2024. Contact: CitEc Team