H index
i10 index
Centre de Recherche en Économie et Management (CREM) | 2 H index 0 i10 index 12 Citations RESEARCH PRODUCTION: 16 Articles 28 Papers 1 Books 7 Chapters RESEARCH ACTIVITY:
Works with: Authors registered in RePEc who have co-authored more than one work in the last five years with Benoît Walraevens. | Is cited by: | Cites to: |
Journals with more than one article published | # docs |
The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought | 6 |
Journal of the History of Economic Thought | 4 |
History of Economic Ideas | 2 |
Working Papers Series with more than one paper published | # docs |
Post-Print / HAL | 21 |
Discussion Papers / School of Economics, The University of New South Wales | 3 |
GREDEG Working Papers / Groupe de REcherche en Droit, Economie, Gestion (GREDEG CNRS), Universit� C�te d'Azur, France | 2 |
Year ![]() | Title ![]() | Type ![]() | Cited ![]() |
2014 | Vertus et justice du marché chez Adam Smith In: Revue économique. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 1 |
2011 | Corruption of workers, and education in commercial societies according to Adam Smith. In: Cahiers d’économie politique / Papers in Political Economy. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 0 |
2012 | GROWTH AND PROGRESS IN ADAM SMITH’S THOUGHT In: Journal of the History of Economic Thought. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 0 |
2012 | Growth and progress in Adam Smiths thought.(2012) In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 0 | paper | |
2017 | Istvan Hont, Politics in Commercial Society: Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Adam Smith, Edited by Béla Kapossy and Michael Sonenscher (Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press, 2015), pp. 160, $35. ISBN 978-0-674-96770-0. In: Journal of the History of Economic Thought. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 0 |
2019 | SCHUMPETER’S ASSESSMENT OF ADAM SMITH AND THE WEALTH OF NATIONS: WHY HE GOT IT WRONG In: Journal of the History of Economic Thought. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 0 |
2015 | Schumpeter’s Assessment of Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nations: Why He Got It Wrong.(2015) In: Discussion Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 0 | paper | |
2021 | Christian Maurer, Self-Love, Egoism and the Selfish Hypothesis: Key Debates from Eighteenth-Century British Moral Philosophy (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2019), pp. 240, 75£ (hardcover). ISBN: 9781474413374. In: Journal of the History of Economic Thought. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 0 |
2020 | Thomas Piketty, le capitalisme et la société juste In: GREDEG Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2021 | From Capital to Property: History and Justice in the Work of Thomas Piketty In: GREDEG Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2021 | From capital to property: History and justice in the work of Thomas Piketty.(2021) In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 0 | paper | |
2021 | The triumph of injustice. Wealth, tax evasion and democracy In: Post-Print. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2022 | The wealth of humans: core, periphery and frontiers of humanomics In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2023 | The wealth of humans: core, periphery and frontiers of humanomics.(2023) In: Journal of Economic Methodology. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 0 | article | |
2023 | Liberty, political economy and good government in Adam Smith In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2023 | Liberty, political economy and good government in Adam Smith.(2023) In: The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 0 | article | |
2023 | Ideologies and Utopia: A Ricoeurian Reading of Thomas Piketty In: Post-Print. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2023 | Rawlss maximin and optimal taxation theory In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2023 | Rawls’s maximin and optimal taxation theory.(2023) In: The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 0 | article | |
2023 | Esquisse d’un libéralisme soutenable , Claude Gamel In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2024 | Colonization, Commerce and Global History: Adam Smith and Raynal’s Histoire des Deux Indes In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2023 | Moral Sentiments and the Sense of Justice in Smith and Rawls In: Post-Print. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2012 | A la recherche du spectateur impartial perdu In: Post-Print. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 1 |
2012 | Adam Smith, Philosopher and Man of the World In: Post-Print. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2010 | Adam Smith’s economics and the Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres. The language of commerce.(2010) In: History of Economic Ideas. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 2 | article | |
.() In: . [Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 2 | chapter | ||
2011 | Corruption des travailleurs et éducation dans les sociétés commerciales selon Adam Smith In: Post-Print. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 1 |
2015 | Adam Smith on the subordination of wage-earners in the commercial society In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 2 |
2015 | Adam Smith on the subordination of wage-earners in the commercial society.(2015) In: The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 2 | article | |
2015 | Book review :The Oxford Handbook of Adam Smith, by Christopher J. Berry, Maria Pia Paganelli, Craig Smith, Oxford University Press, 2013, 656 pp In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2018 | From Vanity to the Love of Systems, from Luxury to the Accumulation of Capital, from the Gaze of Others to the Endless Process In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2018 | Nature et économie chez J.-J. Rousseau et Adam Smith In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2017 | Book Review : Istvan Hont, Politics in Commercial Society: Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Adam Smith, Edited by Béla Kapossy and Michael Sonenscher (Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press, 2015), pp. 160, ISBN 978-0-674-96770-0. In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2017 | Jealousy of trade in Hume and Smith In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 1 |
2017 | Adam Smith on Empire, the Invisible Hand and the Progress of Society In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2015 | A missing touch of Adam Smith in Amartya Sens Public Reasoning : the Man Within for the Man Without In: Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 2 |
2012 | Adam Smith, philosopher and man of the world. A review essay on Gavin Kennedy, Adam Smith: A Moral Philosopher and His Political Economy, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008 In: History of Economic Ideas. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 0 |
2021 | Adam Smith’s view of economic inequality In: Cambridge Journal of Economics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 1 |
In: . [Citation analysis] | chapter | 0 | |
In: . [Citation analysis] | chapter | 0 | |
In: . [Citation analysis] | chapter | 0 | |
In: . [Citation analysis] | chapter | 0 | |
In: . [Citation analysis] | chapter | 0 | |
In: . [Citation analysis] | chapter | 0 | |
In: . [Citation analysis] | book | 0 | |
2014 | The Rhetorical Structure of Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations (and the importance of acknowledging it) In: Discussion Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2015 | The Rhetorical Structure of Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations (and the importance of acknowledging it) In: Discussion Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2015 | The Oxford Handbook of Adam Smith , by Christopher J. Berry, Maria Pia Paganelli, Craig Smith In: The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 0 |
2017 | Smith and Rousseau on envy in commercial societies In: The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 1 |
2019 | Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Adam Smith. Ethics, Politics and Economics, by Maria Paganelli, Dennis C. Rasmussen, Craig Smith In: The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 0 |
CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated February, 4 2025. Contact: CitEc Team