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 Updated January, 2 2009 180.482 documents processed, 3.979.807 references and 1.716.086 citations



Industrial and Corporate Change

Raw citation data, Impact Factor, Immediacy Index, Published documents, Citations received, , Most cited papers , Recent citations and documents published in this series in EconPapers.

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Raw data:
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CIT: Number of citations to the series in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
SC(%): Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
IdI: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
Impact Factor:
Immediacy Index:
Documents published:
Citations received:


Most cited documents in this series:

(1) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:10:y:2001:i:4:p:975-1005 Knowledge Spillovers and Local Innovation Systems: A Critical Survey. (2001).
Cited: 68 times.

(2) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:5:y:1996:i:2:p:421-52 Institutions and Commitment. (1996).
Cited: 56 times.

(3) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:6:y:1997:i:2:p:379-460 Technological Extinctions of Industrial Firms: An Inquiry into Their Nature and Causes. (1997).
Cited: 55 times.

(4) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:6:y:1997:i:1:p:145-81 Industry Life Cycles. (1997).
Cited: 47 times.

(5) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:9:y:2000:i:2:p:211-53 The Explicit Economics of Knowledge Codification and Tacitness. (2000).
Cited: 45 times.

(6) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:6:y:1997:i:3:p:595-622 The Economics of Codification and the Diffusion of Knowledge. (1997).
Cited: 39 times.

(7) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:11:y:2002:i:4:p:645-666 The capabilities of new firms and the evolution of the US automobile industry (2002).
Cited: 33 times.

(8) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:8:y:1999:i:1:p:3-40 History-Friendly Models of Industry Evolution: The Computer Industry. (1999).
Cited: 30 times.

(9) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:8:y:1999:i:3:p:409-46 Scaling in Economics: A Readers Guide. (1999).
Cited: 25 times.

(10) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:11:y:2002:i:2:p:245-262 Why all this fuss about codified and tacit knowledge? (2002).
Cited: 22 times.

(11) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:5:y:1996:i:1:p:51-87 The Dynamics and Evolution of Industries. (1996).
Cited: 21 times.

(12) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:10:y:2001:i:1:p:179-205 Unpacking the Black Box of Modularity: Technologies, Products and Organizations. (2001).
Cited: 21 times.

(13) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:6:y:1997:i:1:p:83-117 Technological Regimes and Sectoral Patterns of Innovative Activities. (1997).
Cited: 20 times.

(14) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:11:y:2002:i:2:p:355-389 The institutional environment for infrastructure investment (2002).
Cited: 20 times.

(15) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:9:y:2000:i:4:p:757-88 The Structure of Problem-Solving Knowledge and the Structure of Organizations. (2000).
Cited: 19 times.

(16) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:9:y:2000:i:1:p:1-20 A Firm as a Knowledge-Creating Entity: A New Perspective on the Theory of the Firm. (2000).
Cited: 18 times.

(17) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:11:y:2002:i:3:p:451-496 Modular production networks: a new American model of industrial organization (2002).
Cited: 18 times.

(18) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:7:y:1998:i:2:p:217-47 The Slow Pace of Rapid Technological Change: Gradualism and Punctuation in Technological Change. (1998).
Cited: 17 times.

(19) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:11:y:2002:i:4:p:725-760 The birth of capabilities: market entry and the importance of pre-history (2002).
Cited: 17 times.

(20) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:5:y:1996:i:3:p:653-98 Routines and Other Recurring Action Patterns of Organizations: Contemporary Research Issues. (1996).
Cited: 17 times.

(21) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:10:y:2001:i:3:p:639-74 Employee Startups in High-Tech Industries. (2001).
Cited: 15 times.

(22) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:10:y:2001:i:4:p:835-60 Old Economy Inputs for New Economy Outcomes: Cluster Formation in the New Silicon Valleys. (2001).
Cited: 15 times.

(23) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:7:y:1998:i:3:p:523-56 A Theory of the Early Growth of the Firm. (1998).
Cited: 14 times.

(24) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:11:y:2002:i:4:p:705-723 Corporate growth and industrial structures: some evidence from the Italian manufacturing industry (2002).
Cited: 14 times.

(25) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:10:y:2001:i:4:p:817-33 The Geography of Innovation and Economic Clustering: Some Introductory Notes. (2001).
Cited: 14 times.

(26) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:7:y:1998:i:2:p:369-97 Absorbing Technological Spillovers: Simulations in an Evolutionary Framework. (1998).
Cited: 13 times.

(27) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:12:y:2003:i:2:p:413-436 Bridging contested terrain: linking incentive-based and learning perspectives on organizational evolution (2003).
Cited: 13 times.

(28) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:10:y:2001:i:4:p:1007-37 EU Regions and Multinational Corporations: Change, Stability and Strengthening of Technological Comparative Advantages. (2001).
Cited: 13 times.

(29) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:10:y:2001:i:1:p:267-315 Whats New about the New Economy? (2001).
Cited: 12 times.

(30) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:12:y:2003:i:2:p:351-385 The vanishing hand: the changing dynamics of industrial capitalism (2003).
Cited: 12 times.

(31) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:11:y:2002:i:4:p:667-703 Innovation and market structure in the dynamics of the pharmaceutical industry and biotechnology: towards a history-friendly model (2002).
Cited: 12 times.

(32) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:10:y:2001:i:2:p:481-506 Organizational Change and Skill Accumulation. (2001).
Cited: 11 times.

(33) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:8:y:1999:i:2:p:267-88 Does Specialization Matter for Growth? (1999).
Cited: 11 times.

(34) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:14:y:2005:i:3:p:365-391 Comparative analysis of firm demographics and survival: evidence from micro-level sources in OECD countries (2005).
Cited: 11 times.

(35) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:4:y:1995:i:2:p:425-47 Tacit Knowledge and Models of Innovation. (1995).
Cited: 11 times.

(36) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:6:y:1997:i:2:p:313-38 On the Rationales of Corporate Headquarters. (1997).
Cited: 11 times.

(37) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:9:y:2000:i:4:p:733-55 Changing Cognitive Frames--Changing Organizational Forms: An Entrepreneurial Theory of Organizational Development. (2000).
Cited: 10 times.

(38) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:13:y:2004:i:4:p:643-678 Organizational routines: a review of the literature (2004).
Cited: 10 times.

(39) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:9:y:2000:i:2:p:315-59 Economies of Scale in Experimentation: Knowledge and Technology in Pharmaceutical R&D. (2000).
Cited: 10 times.

(40) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:4:y:1995:i:1:p:93-130 Coase Revisited: Business Groups in the Modern Economy. (1995).
Cited: 10 times.

(41) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:5:y:1996:i:2:p:561-95 Markets and Hierarchies and (Mathematical) Economic Theory. (1996).
Cited: 10 times.

(42) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:9:y:2000:i:3:p:443-87 Pragmatic Collaborations: Advancing Knowledge While Controlling Opportunism. (2000).
Cited: 10 times.

(43) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:10:y:2001:i:2:p:419-51 Markets for Technology and Their Implications for Corporate Strategy. (2001).
Cited: 10 times.

(44) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:11:y:2002:i:3:p:587-599 Near decomposability and the speed of evolution (2002).
Cited: 10 times.

(45) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:9:y:2000:i:2:p:361-76 Will New Information and Communication Technologies Improve the Codification of Knowledge? (2000).
Cited: 10 times.

(46) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:6:y:1997:i:1:p:25-47 Firm Performance and Evolution: Empirical Regularities in the US Microdata. (1997).
Cited: 10 times.

(47) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:7:y:1998:i:2:p:311-46 The Coevolution of Community Networks and Technology: Lessons from the Flight Simulation Industry. (1998).
Cited: 10 times.

(48) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:4:y:1995:i:4:p:647-65 Modern Telecommunications Infrastructure and Economic Activity: An Empirical Investigation. (1995).
Cited: 10 times.

(49) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:9:y:2000:i:1:p:21-51 Accumulating Technological Competence: Its Changing Impact on Corporate Diversification and Internationalization. (2000).
Cited: 9 times.

(50) RePEc:oup:indcch:v:10:y:2001:i:4:p:945-74 Regional Innovation Systems, Clusters, and the Knowledge Economy. (2001).
Cited: 9 times.

Recent citations received in: | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003

Recent citations received in: 2006

(1) RePEc:ebl:ecbull:v:15:y:2006:i:7:p:1-8 Modelling smooth and uneven cross-sectoral growth patterns: an identification problem (2006). Economics Bulletin

(2) RePEc:hit:hitcei:2006-17 Plant Turnover and TFP Dynamics in Japanese Manufacturing (2006). Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University / Working Paper Series

(3) RePEc:hst:hstdps:d06-180 Plant Turnover and TFP Dynamics in Japanese Manufacturing (2006). Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University / Hi-Stat Discussion Paper Series

(4) RePEc:stc:stcp5e:2006042e Competition, Firm Turnover and Productivity Growth (2006). Statistics Canada, Analytical Studies Branch / Economic analysis (EA) research paper series

(5) RePEc:stc:stcp5f:2006042f Concurrence, roulement des entreprises et croissance de la productivité (2006). Statistics Canada, Direction des études analytiques / Série de documents de recherche sur l'analyse économique (AE)

Recent citations received in: 2005

(1) RePEc:cmi:wpaper:cemi-report-2005-002 Knowledge-based Entrepreneurship : The Organizational Side of Technology Commercialization (2005). Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Chaire en Economie et Management de l'Innovation / CEMI Working Papers

(2) RePEc:gbl:wpaper:200503 Start-ups, firm growth and the consolidation of the French biotech industry (2005). Grenoble Applied Economics Laboratory (GAEL) / Working Papers

(3) RePEc:sls:ipmsls:v:11:y:2005:4 What Explains the Canada-US ICT Investment Gap? (2005). International Productivity Monitor

(4) RePEc:sls:resrep:0506 What Explains the Canada-US ICT Investment Intensity Gap? (2005). Centre for the Study of Living Standards / CSLS Research Reports

(5) RePEc:sru:ssewps:136 Making Design Rules: A Multi-Domain Perspective (2005). University of Sussex, SPRU - Science and Technology Policy Research / SPRU Electronic Working Paper Series

Recent citations received in: 2004

(1) RePEc:rif:dpaper:918 Allocation of Control Rights to Customised Products: Empirical Analysis of Finnish SMEs (2004). The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy / Discussion Papers

(2) RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa04p393 Why is Economic Geography not an Evolutionary Science? (2004). European Regional Science Association / ERSA conference papers

Recent citations received in: 2003

(1) RePEc:aal:abbswp:03-16 Searching Low and High: What Types of Firms use Universities as a Source of Innovation (2003). DRUID, Copenhagen Business School, Department of Industrial Economics and Strategy/Aalborg University, Department of Business Studies / DRUID Workin

(2) RePEc:dgr:tuecis:0315 The Early Development of the Steam Engine: An Evolutionary Interpretation using Complexity Theory (2003). Eindhoven Centre for Innovation Studies, Eindhoven University of Technology / ECIS Working Papers

(3) RePEc:mit:sloanp:3519 Robust Identities or Non-Entities? Typecasting in the Feature Film Labor Market (2003). Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Sloan School of Management / Working papers

(4) RePEc:sru:ssewps:93 Problem solving and the co-ordination of innovative activities (2003). University of Sussex, SPRU - Science and Technology Policy Research / SPRU Electronic Working Paper Series

(5) RePEc:ssa:lemwps:2003/11 Organizational Capabilities, Patterns of Knowledge Accumulation and Governance Structures in Business Firms. An Introduction (2003). Laboratory of Economics and Management (LEM), Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy / LEM Papers Series

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