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  Updated February, 7 2012 333.516 documents processed, 7.301.907 references and 2.961.463 citations



Brookings Papers on Economic Activity

Raw citation data, Impact Factor, Immediacy Index, Published documents, Citations received, , Most cited papers , Recent citations and documents published in this series in EconPapers.

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Raw data:
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CIT: Number of citations to the series in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
SC(%): Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
IdI: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
Impact Factor:
Immediacy Index:
Documents published:
Citations received:


Most cited documents in this series:

(1) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:19:y:1988:i:1988-1:p:141-206 Financing Constraints and Corporate Investment (1988).
Cited: 720 times.

(2) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:26:y:1995:i:1995-1:p:1-118 Economic Reform and the Process of Global Integration (1995).
Cited: 685 times.

(3) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:23:y:1992:i:1992-1:p:1-76 Regional Evolutions (1992).
Cited: 405 times.

(4) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:27:y:1996:i:1996-1:p:1-76 The Macroeconomics of Low Inflation (1996).
Cited: 322 times.

(5) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:27:y:1996:i:1996-2:p:1-78 What Does Monetary Policy Do? (1996).
Cited: 307 times.

(6) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:22:y:1991:i:1991-1:p:107-182 Convergence across States and Regions (1991).
Cited: 285 times.

(7) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:18:y:1987:i:1987-3:p:783-832 Appropriating the Returns from Industrial Research and Development (1987).
Cited: 282 times.

(8) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:32:y:2001:i:2001-1:p:135-174 The Long and Large Decline in U.S. Output Volatility (2001).
Cited: 265 times.

(9) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:23:y:1992:i:1992-2:p:61-156 The Buffer-Stock Theory of Saving: Some Macroeconomic Evidence (1992).
Cited: 190 times.

(10) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:20:y:1989:i:1989-1:p:1-76 The Beveridge Curve (1989).
Cited: 182 times.

(11) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:34:y:2003:i:2003-1:p:139-235 The Zero Bound on Interest Rates and Optimal Monetary Policy (2003).
Cited: 169 times.

(12) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:25:y:1994:i:1994-2:p:217-272 The Growth of Earnings Instability in the U.S. Labor Market (1994).
Cited: 167 times.

(13) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:29:y:1998:i:1998-2:p:1-136 Economic Crises: Evidence and Insights from East Asia (1998).
Cited: 166 times.

(14) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:28:y:1997:i:1997-1:p:91-157 Systematic Monetary Policy and the Effects of Oil Price Shocks (1997).
Cited: 151 times.

(15) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:31:y:2000:i:2000-1:p:125-236 Raising the Speed Limit: U.S. Economic Growth in the Information Age (2000).
Cited: 150 times.

(16) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:26:y:1995:i:1995-2:p:1-54 Plant-Level Adjustment and Aggregate Investment Dynamics (1995).
Cited: 149 times.

(17) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:28:y:1997:i:1997-1:p:1-90 How Much Do Immigration and Trade Affect Labor Market Outcomes? (1997).
Cited: 141 times.

(18) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:34:y:2003:i:2003-1:p:1-74 Debt Intolerance (2003).
Cited: 139 times.

(19) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:29:y:1998:i:1998-1:p:1-90 The East Asian Financial Crisis: Diagnosis, Remedies, Prospects (1998).
Cited: 138 times.

(20) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:12:y:1981:i:1981-1:p:67-140 Taxation and Corporate Investment: A q-Theory Approach (1981).
Cited: 130 times.

(21) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:29:y:1998:i:1998-1:p:91-196 Self-Control and Saving for Retirement (1998).
Cited: 129 times.

(22) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:26:y:1995:i:1995-1:p:327-377 Growing World Trade: Causes and Consequences (1995).
Cited: 123 times.

(23) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:29:y:1998:i:1998-2:p:137-206 Its Baaack: Japans Slump and the Return of the Liquidity Trap (1998).
Cited: 120 times.

(24) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:14:y:1983:i:1983-1:p:173-224 Forward Rates and Future Policy: Interpreting the Term Structure of Interest Rates (1983).
Cited: 111 times.

(25) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:28:y:1997:i:1997-2:p:159-240 The Unofficial Economy in Transition (1997).
Cited: 108 times.

(26) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:29:y:1998:i:1998-2:p:297-346 Foundations of the Goldilocks Economy: Supply Shocks and the Time-Varying NAIRU (1998).
Cited: 104 times.

(27) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:25:y:1994:i:1994-2:p:1-74 A Reconsideration of Investment Behavior Using Tax Reforms as Natural Experiments (1994).
Cited: 102 times.

(28) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:29:y:1998:i:1998-2:p:207-296 Geography, Demography, and Economic Growth in Africa (1998).
Cited: 99 times.

(29) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:19:y:1988:i:1988-2:p:495-594 Job Switching and Job Satisfaction in the U.S. Labor Market (1988).
Cited: 99 times.

(30) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:24:y:1993:i:1993-1:p:51-144 The Unstable EMS (1993).
Cited: 99 times.

(31) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:36:y:2005:i:2005-1:p:67-146 Global Current Account Imbalances and Exchange Rate Adjustments (2005).
Cited: 96 times.

(32) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:33:y:2002:i:2002-2:p:63-146 Robust Monetary Policy Rules with Unknown Natural Rates (2002).
Cited: 95 times.

(33) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:31:y:2000:i:2000-1:p:1-60 Near-Rational Wage and Price Setting and the Long-Run Phillips Curve (2000).
Cited: 95 times.

(34) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:22:y:1991:i:1991-2:p:205-248 The Credit Crunch (1991).
Cited: 92 times.

(35) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:22:y:1991:i:1991-2:p:1-74 Macroeconomic Performance and the Disadvantaged (1991).
Cited: 91 times.

(36) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:34:y:2003:i:2003-2:p:113-206 The Empirics of Growth: An Update (2003).
Cited: 91 times.

(37) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:24:y:1993:i:1993-2:p:139-192 Privatizing Russia (1993).
Cited: 87 times.

(38) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:24:y:1993:i:1993-2:p:1-74 Looting: The Economic Underworld of Bankruptcy for Profit (1993).
Cited: 82 times.

(39) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:21:y:1990:i:1990-1:p:149-214 New Evidence on the Monetary Transmission Mechanism (1990).
Cited: 80 times.

(40) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:27:y:1996:i:1996-2:p:135-204 Economic Growth in East Asia: Accumulation versus Assimilation (1996).
Cited: 79 times.

(41) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:26:y:1995:i:1995-1:p:275-326 The Growth of Nations (1995).
Cited: 78 times.

(42) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:19:y:1988:i:1988-1:p:1-82 The New Keynsesian Economics and the Output-Inflation Trade-off (1988).
Cited: 77 times.

(43) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:22:y:1991:i:1991-2:p:75-142 Why Has the Natural Rate of Unemployment Increased over Time? (1991).
Cited: 76 times.

(44) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:21:y:1990:i:1990-2:p:157-216 The Stock Market and Investment: Is the Market a Sideshow? (1990).
Cited: 76 times.

(45) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:27:y:1996:i:1996-1:p:217-314 How to Stabilize: Lessons from Post -communist Countries (1996).
Cited: 75 times.

(46) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:21:y:1990:i:1990-1:p:1-74 An Aging Society: Opportunity or Challenge? (1990).
Cited: 75 times.

(47) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:34:y:2003:i:2003-2:p:299-362 Is There a Bubble in the Housing Market? (2003).
Cited: 74 times.

(48) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:22:y:1991:i:1991-1:p:1-106 East Germany in from the Cold: The Economic Aftermath of Currency Union (1991).
Cited: 72 times.

(49) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:29:y:1998:i:1998-1:p:197-266 The Political Economy of Fiscal Adjustments (1998).
Cited: 71 times.

(50) RePEc:bin:bpeajo:v:19:y:1988:i:1988-2:p:433-494 How Does Macroeconomic Policy Affect Output? (1988).
Cited: 67 times.

Recent citations received in: | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006

Recent citations received in: 2009

(1) RePEc:fip:fedfwp:2009-16 Monetary policy response to oil price shocks (2009). Working Paper Series

(2) RePEc:iis:dispap:iiisdp303 From Great Depression to Great Credit Crisis: Similarities, Differences and Lessons (2009). The Institute for International Integration Studies Discussion Paper Series

(3) RePEc:imf:imfwpa:09/204 How to Stop a Herd of Running Bears? Market Response to Policy Initiatives during the Global Financial Crisis (2009). IMF Working Papers

(4) RePEc:nbr:nberwo:15458 Paulsons Gift (2009). NBER Working Papers

Recent citations received in: 2008

(1) RePEc:ces:ceswps:_2361 A Permanent Income Version of the Relative Income Hypothesis (2008). CESifo Working Paper Series

(2) RePEc:cir:cirwor:2008s-18 The Relative Income Hypothesis (2008). CIRANO Working Papers

(3) RePEc:fip:fedlwp:2008-025 Is inflation an international phenomenon? (2008). Working Papers

(4) RePEc:imf:imfwpa:08/265 Do Financial Sector Reforms Lead to Financial Development? Evidence from a New Dataset (2008). IMF Working Papers

(5) RePEc:nbr:nberwo:14035 The Own and Social Effects of an Unexpected Income Shock: Evidence from the Dutch Postcode Lottery (2008). NBER Working Papers

(6) RePEc:nbr:nberwo:14539 Happiness Adaptation to Income beyond Basic Needs (2008). NBER Working Papers

(7) RePEc:nbr:nberwo:14587 Banking Crises: An Equal Opportunity Menace (2008). NBER Working Papers

(8) RePEc:nbr:nberwo:14625 An Empirical Model of Subprime Mortgage Default From 2000 to 2007 (2008). NBER Working Papers

(9) RePEc:pra:mprapa:13698 Variety Trade and Skill Premium in a Calibrated General Equilibrium Model: The Case of Mexico (2008). MPRA Paper

(10) RePEc:ran:wpaper:574 The Own and Social Effects of an Unexpected Income Shock: Evidence from the Dutch Postcode Lottery (2008). Working Papers

Recent citations received in: 2007

(1) RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:6494 How to Save Globalization from its Cheerleaders (2007). CEPR Discussion Papers

(2) RePEc:ecl:harjfk:rwp07-038 How to Save Globalization from Its Cheerleaders (2007). Working Paper Series

(3) RePEc:fip:fedfwp:2007-29 Optimal reserve management and sovereign debt (2007). Working Paper Series

(4) RePEc:imf:imfwpa:08/59 What Makes Growth Sustained? (2007). IMF Working Papers

(5) RePEc:iza:izadps:dp2995 Is the Chinese Growth Miracle Built to Last? (2007). IZA Discussion Papers

(6) RePEc:nbr:nberwo:13216 Optimal Reserve Management and Sovereign Debt (2007). NBER Working Papers

(7) RePEc:nbr:nberwo:13277 Large Hoarding of International Reserves and the Emerging Global Economic Architecture (2007). NBER Working Papers

(8) RePEc:nbr:nberwo:13602 Capital Flows to Developing Countries: The Allocation Puzzle (2007). NBER Working Papers

Recent citations received in: 2006

(1) RePEc:fip:fedgfe:2007-09 A cohort-based model of labor force participation (2006). Finance and Economics Discussion Series

(2) RePEc:nbr:nberwo:12787 Housing Dynamics (2006). NBER Working Papers

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