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  Updated February, 7 2012 333.516 documents processed, 7.301.907 references and 2.961.463 citations



IMK Working Paper

Raw citation data, Impact Factor, Immediacy Index, Published documents, Citations received, , Most cited papers , Recent citations and documents published in this series in EconPapers.

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Raw data:
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CIT: Number of citations to the series in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
SC(%): Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
IdI: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
Impact Factor:
Immediacy Index:
Documents published:
Citations received:


Most cited documents in this series:

(1) RePEc:imk:wpaper:06-2007 A Synthetic, Stock-Flow Consistent Macroeconomic Model of Financialisation (2007).
Cited: 10 times.

(2) RePEc:imk:wpaper:07-2007 Financialisation in Kaleckian/Post-Kaleckian models of distribution and growth (2007).
Cited: 9 times.

(3) RePEc:imk:wpaper:04-2008 Financialization: What it is and Why it Matters (2008).
Cited: 8 times.

(4) RePEc:imk:wpaper:05-2005 Interest, debt and capital accumulation - a Kaleckian approach (2005).
Cited: 4 times.

(5) RePEc:imk:wpaper:9-2008 Conflicting claims and equilibrium adjustment processes in a stock-flow consistent macro model (2008).
Cited: 4 times.

(6) RePEc:imk:wpaper:07-2006 Fiscal Policy and Macroeconomic Performance in the Euro area - Lessons for the Future (2006).
Cited: 4 times.

(7) RePEc:imk:wpaper:10-2007 A Post-Keynesian macroeconomic policy mix as an alternative to the New Consensus approach (2007).
Cited: 4 times.

(8) RePEc:imk:wpaper:01-2008 The political economy debate on ‘financialisation’ – a macroeconomic perspective (2008).
Cited: 4 times.

(9) RePEc:imk:wpaper:06-2006 Monetary policy, macroeconomic policy mix and economic performance in the Euro area (2006).
Cited: 4 times.

(10) RePEc:imk:wpaper:01-2007 Reconsidering the Investment-Profit Nexus in Finance-Led Economies: an ARDL-Based Approach (2007).
Cited: 3 times.

(11) RePEc:imk:wpaper:10-2008 Financialisation in Post-Keynesian models of distribution and growth - a systematic review (2008).
Cited: 3 times.

(12) RePEc:imk:wpaper:19-2008 Some instability puzzles in Kaleckian models of growth and distribution: A critical survey (2008).
Cited: 3 times.

(13) RePEc:imk:wpaper:04-2006 Disequilibrium Macroeconomic Dynamics, Income Distribution and Wage-Price Phillips Curves (2006).
Cited: 2 times.

(14) RePEc:imk:wpaper:03-2007 Distribution and growth reconsidered - empirical results for Austria, France, Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and the USA (2007).
Cited: 2 times.

(15) RePEc:imk:wpaper:11-2008 On the Determinacy of New Keynesian Models with Staggered Wage and Price Setting (2008).
Cited: 1 times.

(16) RePEc:imk:wpaper:03-2006 Germanys post-2000 stagnation in the European context - a lesson in macroeconomic mismanagement (2006).
Cited: 1 times.

(17) RePEc:imk:wpaper:18-2008 Distribution, aggregate demand and productivity growth - theory and empirical results for six OECD countries based on a Post-Kaleckian model (2008).
Cited: 1 times.

(18) RePEc:imk:wpaper:8-2010 The Simple Macroeconomics of Fiscal Austerity, Public Sector Debt and Deflation (2010).
Cited: 1 times.

(19) RePEc:imk:wpaper:02-2007 Estimating Germanys Potential Output (2007).
Cited: 1 times.

(20) RePEc:imk:wpaper:07-2005 Pricing-to-Market Effects in Foreign Trade Prices. Evidence from a Cointegration Approach for Germany (2005).
Cited: 1 times.

(21) RePEc:imk:wpaper:15-2010 The Great Moderation and the Decoupling of Monetary Policy from Long-Term Rates in the U.S. and Germany (2010).
Cited: 1 times.

(22) RePEc:imk:wpaper:04-2007 Distribution and growth in France and Germany - single equation estimations and model simulations based on the Bhaduri/Marglin-model (2007).
Cited: 1 times.

(23) RePEc:imk:wpaper:5-2009 A Theory of Minsky Super-Cycles and Financial Crises (2009).
Cited: 1 times.

(24) RePEc:imk:wpaper:02-2006 On the (in-)stability and the endogeneity of the normal rate of capacity utilisation in a post-Keynesian/Kaleckian monetary distribution and growth model (2006).
Cited: 1 times.

(25) RePEc:imk:wpaper:15-2008 The Impact of Monetary Policy on Unemployment Hysteresis (2008).
Cited: 1 times.

(26) RePEc:imk:wpaper:08-2005 Wage bargaining and monetary policy in a Kaleckian monetary distribution and growth model: trying to make sense of the NAIRU (2005).
Cited: 1 times.

(27) RePEc:imk:wpaper:2-2011 Monetary Union Stability: The Need for a Government Banker and the Case for a European Public Finance Authority (2011).
Cited: 1 times.

(28) RePEc:imk:wpaper:11-2009 The Limits of Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis as an Explanation of the Crisis (2009).
Cited: 1 times.

(29) RePEc:imk:wpaper:9-2009 The macroeconomics of financialisation and the deeper origins of the world economic crisis (2009).
Cited: 1 times.

Recent citations received in: | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006

Recent citations received in: 2009

Recent citations received in: 2008

(1) RePEc:adl:wpaper:2008-05 Keynes, Keynesians and Contemporary Monetary Theory and Policy: An Assessment (2008). School of Economics Working Papers

(2) RePEc:imk:wpaper:10-2008 Financialisation in Post-Keynesian models of distribution and growth - a systematic review (2008). IMK Working Paper

(3) RePEc:imk:wpaper:14-2008 The J2 Status of Chaos in Period Macroeconomic Models (2008). IMK Working Paper

(4) RePEc:imk:wpaper:19-2008 Some instability puzzles in Kaleckian models of growth and distribution: A critical survey (2008). IMK Working Paper

(5) RePEc:imk:wpaper:21-2008 Financialisation in a comparative static, stock-flow consistent Post-Kaleckian distribution and growth model (2008). IMK Working Paper

(6) RePEc:wiw:wiwwuw:wuwp120 Shareholder value orientation, distribution and growth – short- and medium-run effects in a Kaleckian model (2008). Department of Economics Working Papers

Recent citations received in: 2007

(1) RePEc:imk:wpaper:04-2007 Distribution and growth in France and Germany - single equation estimations and model simulations based on the Bhaduri/Marglin-model (2007). IMK Working Paper

(2) RePEc:imk:wpaper:07-2007 Financialisation in Kaleckian/Post-Kaleckian models of distribution and growth (2007). IMK Working Paper

Recent citations received in: 2006

(1) RePEc:imk:wpaper:06-2006 Monetary policy, macroeconomic policy mix and economic performance in the Euro area (2006). IMK Working Paper

Warning!! This is still an experimental service. The results of this service should be interpreted with care, especially in research assessment exercises. The processing of documents is automatic. There still are errors and omissions in the identification of references. We are working to improve the software to increase the accuracy of the results.

Source data used to compute the impact factor of RePEc series.

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