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Citation Profile [Updated: 2024-08-05 07:38:32]
5 Years H Index
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1990 0.12 0.11 1.76 0.14 58 58 209 101 102 107 13 274 38 36 35.6 7 0.12 0.05
1991 0.11 0.1 1.06 0.15 55 113 167 120 222 115 13 275 40 37 30.8 4 0.07 0.05
1992 0.21 0.11 0.56 0.15 62 175 203 98 320 113 24 271 42 37 37.8 1 0.02 0.05
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
11987VIRGINIA FARMERS SOIL CONSERVATION DECISIONS: AN APPLICATION OF TOBIT ANALYSIS. (1987). Norris, Patricia ; Batie, Sandra S.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29310.

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21985PUBLIC ENVIRONMENTAL AMENITY BENEFITS OF PRIVATE LAND: THE CASE OF PRIME AGRICULTURAL LAND. (1985). Bergstrom, John ; Dillman, B. L. ; Stoll, John R.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29361.

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31985RISK PERCEPTIONS AND MANAGEMENT RESPONSES: PRODUCER-GENERATED HYPOTHESES FOR RISK MODELING. (1985). Young, Douglas L. ; Boggess, William G. ; Barry, Peter J. ; Wilson, Paul N. ; Patrick, George R.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29989.

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41989CONSUMER DEMAND FOR FOOD DIVERSITY. (1989). Lee, Jong-Ying ; Brown, Mark G.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:30114.

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51986VALIDATION OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING MODELS. (1986). McCarl, Bruce ; Apland, Jeffrey. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29773.

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61992DETERMINANTS OF CATTLE FINISHING PROFITABILITY. (1992). Schroeder, Ted ; Mintert, James ; Langemeier, Michael. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29637.

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71978LOCATION DETERMINANTS OF MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY IN RURAL AREAS. (1978). Kelch, David ; Deaton, Brady J. ; Smith, Eldon D.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:30275.

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81987REGIONAL COTTON ACREAGE RESPONSE. (1987). wohlgenant, michael ; Richardson, James ; Duffy, Patricia A.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29315.

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91989FACTORS WHICH CONTRIBUTE TO THE FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF SELECTED TENNESSEE DAIRIES. (1989). Haden, Kimberly L. ; Johnson, Larry A.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:30171.

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101992ADOPTION OF DOUBLE-CROPPING SOYBEANS AND WHEAT. (1992). Brorsen, B ; Shapiro, B. I. ; Doster, Howard D.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29630.

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111983THE CHANGING DEMAND STRUCTURE FOR PORK AND BEEF IN THE 1970S: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE 1980S. (1983). Braschler, Curtis . In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:30142.

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121991CONJOINT ANALYSIS OF THE MID-ATLANTIC FOOD-FISH MARKET FOR FARM-RAISED HYBRID STRIPED BASS. (1991). Halbrendt, C. K. ; Vaughn, G. F. ; Wirth, F. F.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:30303.

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131984USE OF BIOPHYSICAL SIMULATION IN PRODUCTION ECONOMICS. (1984). Musser, Wesley ; Tew, Bernard V.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29604.

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141984AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS OF THE INTERTEMPORAL STABILITY OF RISK PREFERENCE. (1984). Robison, Lindon ; Love, Ross O.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29597.

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151973THE ENTRY-GROWTH-EXIT PROCESSES IN AGRICULTURE. (1973). Boehlje, Michael. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:30409.

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161976USE OF PROBABILISTIC CASH FLOWS IN ANALYZING INVESTMENTS UNDER CONDITIONS OF RISK AND UNCERTAINTY. (1976). Richardson, James ; Mapp, Harry P.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29759.

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171987CONSUMER PREFERENCES FOR LOCAL VERSUS OUT-OF-STATE GROWN SELECTED FRESH PRODUCE: THE CASE OF KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE. (1987). Eastwood, David B. ; Orr, Robert H. ; Brooker, John R.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:30198.

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181985IMPORTANCE, CAUSES, AND MANAGEMENT RESPONSES TO FARM RISKS: EVIDENCE FROM FLORIDA AND ALABAMA. (1985). Hanson, Gregory D. ; Boggess, William G. ; Anaman, Kwabena A.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29992.

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191983RISK-RETURN ASSESSMENT OF IRRIGATION DECISIONS IN HUMID REGIONS. (1983). Swaney, D. P. ; Boggess, W. G. ; Jones, J. W. ; Lynne, G. D.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:30246.

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201984ECONOMIC THRESHOLDS UNDER UNCERTAINTY WITH APPLICATION TO CORN NEMATODE MANAGEMENT. (1984). Osteen, Craig D. ; Moffitt, Joe L. ; Hall, Darwin C.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29732.

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211988THE PRICING EFFICIENCY OF AGRICULTURAL FUTURES MARKETS: AN ANALYSIS OF PREVIOUS RESEARCH RESULTS. (1988). Waller, Mark ; Garcia, Philip ; Hudson, Michael A.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29717.

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221976ESTABLISHING PRIORITIES AMONG MULTIPLE MANAGEMENT GOALS. (1976). Capstick, Daniel F. ; Smith, Donnie . In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29741.

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231989A GENERALIZED STOCHASTIC DOMINANCE PROGRAM FOR THE IBM PC. (1989). Shih, Chao-Chyuan ; Goh, Siew ; Raskin, Rob ; Cochran, Mark J.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:30109.

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241973AGRICULTURAL LOAN EVALUATION WITH DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS. (1973). Hagan, Albert R. ; Johnson, Bruce R.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29417.

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251990PROBABILISTIC COST EFFECTIVENESS IN AGRICULTURAL NONPOINT POLLUTION CONTROL. (1990). Shortle, James ; McSweeny, William T.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29907.

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261985Dynamic Factor Demands for Aggregate Southeastern United States Agriculture. (1985). Monson, Michael J. ; Taylor, Timothy G.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:37202.

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271982SOME EVIDENCE AND IMPLICATIONS OF STRUCTURAL CHANGE IN RETAIL DEMAND FOR MEATS. (1982). Miller, G. H. ; Nyankori, J. C. O., . In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:30458.

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281982RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FARM SIZE AND TECHNICAL EFFICIENCY IN WEST TENNESSEE AGRICULTURE. (1982). Bagi, Faqir Singh. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:30449.

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291992ESTIMATING THE BENEFITS OF GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION CONTROL. (1992). Dorfman, Jeffrey ; Bergstrom, John ; Sun, Henglun . In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29641.

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301983A BIOECONOMIC SIMULATION ANALYSIS OF IRRIGATION INVESTMENTS. (1983). Amerling, C. B. ; Boggess, W. G.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:30149.

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311977IMPACT OF THE FOOD STAMP PROGRAM ON LOW INCOME HOUSEHOLD FOOD CONSUMPTION IN RURAL FLORIDA. (1977). Davis, Carlton G. ; Neenan, Pamela H.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:30524.

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321990GENERALIZED STOCHASTIC DOMINANCE: AN EMPIRICAL EXAMINATION. (1990). McCarl, Bruce. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:30005.

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331981SHORT-PERIOD PRICING MODELS FOR FED CATTLE AND IMPACTS OF WHOLESALE CARCASS BEEF AND LIVE CATTLE FUTURES MARKET PRICES. (1981). Ward, Clement. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:30079.

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341988PREFERENCE AMONG RISKY PROSPECTS UNDER CONSTANT RISK AVERSION. (1988). McCarl, Bruce. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29266.

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351975THE HOUSEHOLD DEMAND FOR MAJOR DAIRY PRODUCTS IN THE SOUTHERN REGION. (1975). Boehm, William T.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29523.

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361987THE TECHNICAL EFFICIENCY OF ILLINOIS GRAIN FARMS: AN APPLICATION OF A RAY-HOMOTHETIC PRODUCTION FUNCTION. (1987). Grabowski, Richard ; Aly, Hassan Y. ; Kraft, Steven ; Belbase, Krishna . In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29313.

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371989BIOPHYSICAL SIMULATION IN SUPPORT OF CROP PRODUCTION DECISIONS: A CASE STUDY IN THE BLACKLANDS REGION OF TEXAS. (1989). McCarl, Bruce ; Dillon, Carl R. ; Mjelde, James W.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:30189.

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381987FARM LEVEL DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF SOIL CONSERVATION: AN APPLICATION TO THE PIEDMONT AREA OF VIRGINIA. (1987). Taylor, Daniel ; Segarra, Eduardo. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:30204.

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391992THE IMPACTS OF QUALITY ON CASH FED CATTLE PRICES. (1992). Schroeder, Ted ; Mintert, James ; Brazle, Frank ; Jones, Rodney . In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29636.

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401985ESTIMATING IMPLICIT MARGINAL PRICES OF QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS OF TOMATOES. (1985). Jordan, Jeffrey ; Hurst, W. C. ; Prussia, S. E. ; Shewfelt, R. L.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29990.

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411980OBJECTIVE EVALUATION FOR AGRICULTURAL LENDING. (1980). Weed, Johno B. ; Hardy, William E.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29395.

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421990ANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING COW AUCTION PRICE DIFFERENTIALS. (1990). Schroeder, Ted ; Mintert, James ; Brazle, Frank ; Blair, Joanne . In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:30011.

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431985THE MARKET VALUE OF INGRESS RIGHTS FOR WHITE-TAILED DEER HUNTING IN TEXAS. (1985). Pope, C. ; Stoll, John R.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29356.

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441990A HEDONIC ANALYSIS OF PRIVATE HUNTING LAND ATTRIBUTES USING AN ALTERNATIVE FUNCTIONAL FORM. (1990). Luzar, Jane E. ; Messonier, Mark L.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29995.

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451985WHEAT ACREAGE RESPONSE: A REGIONAL ECONOMETRIC INVESTIGATION. (1985). Womack, Abner W. ; Bailey, Kenneth W.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29977.

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461980A CONTROL THEORY APPROACH TO OPTIMAL IRRIGATION SCHEDULING IN THE OKLAHOMA PANHANDLE. (1980). Harris, Thomas ; Mapp, Harry P.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29400.

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471991ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF CHEMICAL USE REDUCTION ON THE SOUTH. (1991). Smith, Edward G. ; Knutson, Ronald D. ; Taylor, Robert C. ; Penson, John B.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:30282.

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481982USING MECHANICAL TRADING SYSTEMS TO EVALUATE THE WEAK FORM EFFICIENCY OF FUTURES MARKETS. (1982). Peterson, Paul E. ; Leuthold, Raymond M.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29574.

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491988AGRICULTURE AS THE PROBLEM: NEW AGENDAS AND NEW OPPORTUNITIES. (1988). Batie, Sandra S.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29701.

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501979THE RESPONSE OF FUTURES PRICES TO NEW MARKET INFORMATION: THE CASE OF LIVE HOGS. (1979). Miller, Steve. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29541.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
11987VIRGINIA FARMERS SOIL CONSERVATION DECISIONS: AN APPLICATION OF TOBIT ANALYSIS. (1987). Norris, Patricia ; Batie, Sandra S.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29310.

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21976USE OF PROBABILISTIC CASH FLOWS IN ANALYZING INVESTMENTS UNDER CONDITIONS OF RISK AND UNCERTAINTY. (1976). Richardson, James ; Mapp, Harry P.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29759.

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31973AGRICULTURAL LOAN EVALUATION WITH DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS. (1973). Hagan, Albert R. ; Johnson, Bruce R.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29417.

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41989CONSUMER DEMAND FOR FOOD DIVERSITY. (1989). Lee, Jong-Ying ; Brown, Mark G.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:30114.

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51973MARKOV INTERTEMPORAL LAND USE SIMULATION MODEL. (1973). Burnham, Bruce O.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:30392.

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61984AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS OF THE INTERTEMPORAL STABILITY OF RISK PREFERENCE. (1984). Robison, Lindon ; Love, Ross O.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29597.

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71970SIMULATED EFFECTS OF USE VALUE ASSESSMENT ON PROPERTY TAX RATES. (1970). Ching, Chauncey T. K., ; Frick, George E.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29875.

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81980FERTILIZER DEMAND FUNCTIONS FOR FIVE CROPS IN THE UNITED STATES. (1980). Roberts, Roland ; Heady, Earl O. ; Gunjal, Kisan R.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29473.

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91986VALIDATION OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING MODELS. (1986). McCarl, Bruce ; Apland, Jeffrey. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29773.

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101988FORECASTING AGRICULTURAL PRICES USING A BAYESIAN COMPOSITE APPROACH. (1988). McIntosh, Christopher ; Bessler, David. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:29269.

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111978ECONOMIC VALUES ATTRIBUTABLE TO VIRGINIAS COASTAL WETLANDS AS INPUT IN OYSTER PRODUCTION. (1978). Wilson, James R. ; Batie, Sandra S.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:30270.

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121991CONJOINT ANALYSIS OF THE MID-ATLANTIC FOOD-FISH MARKET FOR FARM-RAISED HYBRID STRIPED BASS. (1991). Halbrendt, C. K. ; Vaughn, G. F. ; Wirth, F. F.. In: Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics. RePEc:ags:sojoae:30303.

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