Author citation profiles: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Viola Angelini11555005.3% 27
Sjoerd Beugelsdijk285723651.13% 118
Jacopo Canello39626.06% 10
Francesco Cecchi7211043.7% 11
Jakob de Haan52302102161.67% 283
Pedro de Faria7122170.91% 19
Erik Dietzenbacher198830300.95% 91
Abdul Azeez Erumban10339341.89% 40
Hanna Christin Fromell36240% 2
Pim Heijnen7301169.38% 6
Richard Jong-A-Pin153211191.15% 65
Artūras Juodis58589.38% 5
Ruud Koning10412541.93% 7
Tristan Kohl7132613.33% 21
Giampaolo Lecce471063.64% 9
Jochen O. Mierau11414754.23% 29
Anna Minasyan613966.8% 13
Machiel Mulder13675495.18% 28
Milena Nikolova13344339.98% 43
Florian Noseleit11313202.14% 26
Jan Oosterhaven16927913.77% 20
Noemi Peter671912.55% 17
Sebastian Pfeil48972.02% 8
Stefan Pichler9233375.87% 25
Sarah Grace See410400% 4
Ahmed Skali8201862.11% 23
Adriaan Soetevent125111851.82% 53
Elmer Sterken13764961.78% 13
Nikolaos (Nikos) Terzidis34127.69% 3
Daniel Marcel te Kaat312338.33% 4
Gerard J. van den Berg4317367142.92% 186
Christiaan Gradus Frederik van der Kwaak38442.22% 4
Peter Verhoef13334961.39% 41
Konstantin M. Wacker7361797.73% 12
Michael Wyrwich14936618.45% 44

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated March, 4 2024. Contact: CitEc Team