Author citation profiles: Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB)

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Manfred Antoni8202312.53% 13
Mario Bossler8332617.45% 37
Udo Brixy12445433.21% 22
Katharina Grienberger4281508.54% 11
Bernd Fitzenberger319935772.93% 127
Michaela Fuchs68013822.03% 6
Hermann Gartner15508533.51% 40
Andreas Hauptmann6191226.15% 12
Christian Hutter4518613.13% 8
Elke Jutta Jahn16716347.17% 25
Markus Janser512535.36% 5
Sekou Theodor Keita413357.89% 5
Yuliya Kosyakova6277610.59% 10
Thomas Kruppe7302405.51% 10
Alexander Kubis8521874.1% 12
Oliver Ludewig417424.55% 1
Andreas Mense8251694.52% 18
Michael Moritz6239010.89% 5
Annekatrin Niebuhr168711472.55% 52
Michael Oberfichtner8252374.82% 21
Laura Pohlan5211006.54% 14
Agnese Romiti8212031.46% 20
Anja Rossen6421674.02% 15
Duncan Roth7402975.71% 21
Margarida Rodrigues310643.03% 5
Malte Sandner62810714.4% 7
Norbert Schanne7191506.25% 16
Hans-Joerg Schmerer8275344.13% 41
Gesine Stephan16748114.81% 27
Ignat Stepanok510555.17% 5
Michael Stops6311566.02% 11
Parvati Trübswetter6291621.82% 6

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated March, 4 2024. Contact: CitEc Team