Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers
Raw citation data, Impact Factor, Immediacy Index, Published documents, Citations received, , Most cited papers , Latest citations and documents published in this series in EconPapers.
Raw data: | |
IF |
D2Y |
C2Y |
SC(%) |
CiY |
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1996 | 0.04 | 0.16 | 30 | 9 | 52 | 2 | 100 | | | 0.07 |
1997 | 0.07 | 0.17 | 36 | 19 | 58 | 4 | 50 | 2 | 0.06 | 0.09 |
1998 | 0.03 | 0.19 | 35 | 14 | 66 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 0.03 | 0.12 |
1999 | 0.04 | 0.29 | 25 | 9 | 71 | 3 | 66.7 | | | 0.19 |
2000 | 0.05 | 0.39 | 31 | 40 | 60 | 3 | 33.3 | 4 | 0.13 | 0.2 |
2001 | 0.09 | 0.34 | 32 | 32 | 56 | 5 | 40 | 4 | 0.13 | 0.18 |
2002 | 0.13 | 0.39 | 28 | 26 | 63 | 8 | 37.5 | 1 | 0.04 | 0.2 |
2003 | 0.25 | 0.41 | 37 | 19 | 60 | 15 | 33.3 | 3 | 0.08 | 0.21 |
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Impact Factor:
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Immediacy Index:
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Documents published:
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Citations received:
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Most cited documents in this series: (1) RePEc:bol:bodewp:429 Interest Rate Rules and Inflation Targeting in Three Transition Countries. (2001). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 9 times. (2) RePEc:bol:bodewp:393 Feedback and Open-Loop Solutions. (2000). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 8 times. (3) RePEc:bol:bodewp:374 Lo stock di capitale nelle Regioni Italiane. (2000). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 7 times. (4) RePEc:bol:bodewp:300 Financial Intermediation Versus Stock Markets in a Dynamic Intertemporal Model (1997). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 7 times. (5) RePEc:bol:bodewp:375 Joint Decisions on Household Membership and Human Capital Accumulation of Youths: The role of expected carnings and labour market rationing. (2000). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 7 times. (6) RePEc:bol:bodewp:431 Private and Social Incentives Towards Investment in Product Differentiation. (2002). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 7 times. (7) RePEc:bol:bodewp:402 Differential Oligopoly Games where the Closed-Loop Memoryless and Open-Loop Equilibria Coincide. (2001). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 6 times. (8) RePEc:bol:bodewp:89 Can Severe Fiscal Contractions Be Expansionary? Tales of two Small Euopean Countries (1990). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 6 times. (9) RePEc:bol:bodewp:296 Extended Games Played by Managerial Firms (1997). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 5 times. (10) RePEc:bol:bodewp:86 The New EMS (1990). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 5 times. (11) RePEc:bol:bodewp:368 Market Structure. (2000). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 5 times. (12) RePEc:bol:bodewp:514 Testing exogeneity in the bivariate probit model: Monte Carlo evidence and an application to health economics (2004). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 5 times. (13) RePEc:bol:bodewp:226 The Multiproduct Monopolist Under Vertical Differentiations: an Inductive Approach (1995). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 5 times. (14) RePEc:bol:bodewp:611 Who are the active investors? Evidence from Venture Capital (2007). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 5 times. (15) RePEc:bol:bodewp:464 Monetary and fiscal policy coordination and macroeconomic stabilization. A theoretical analysis. (2003). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 5 times. (16) RePEc:bol:bodewp:365 Educational Policy: Egalitarian or Elitist? (1999). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 4 times. (17) RePEc:bol:bodewp:17 The Choice of Currency in the Foreign Trade of Italy (1985). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 4 times. (18) RePEc:bol:bodewp:430 Advertising with Spillover Effects in a Differential Oligopoly Game With Differentiated Goods. (2002). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 4 times. (19) RePEc:bol:bodewp:73 Confidence Crises and Public Debt Management (1989). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 4 times. (20) RePEc:bol:bodewp:108 Quality Choice in a Vertically Differentiated Mixed Duopoly (1991). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 4 times. (21) RePEc:bol:bodewp:328 Corporate Taxation in Italy: an Analysis of the 1998 Reform (1998). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 4 times. (22) RePEc:bol:bodewp:191 Choosing Roles in a Duopoly for Endogenously Differentiated Products (1994). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 4 times. (23) RePEc:bol:bodewp:283 Integration, Geography and the Burden of History (1997). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 4 times. (24) RePEc:bol:bodewp:372 Non-Linear Marcket Demand and Capital Accumulation in A Differential Oligopoly Game. (2000). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 4 times. (25) RePEc:bol:bodewp:468 Vertical Integration and Differentiation in an Oligopoly with Process Innovating R&D. (2003). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 4 times. (26) RePEc:bol:bodewp:424 Hungary and Poland. (2001). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 4 times. (27) RePEc:bol:bodewp:71 Italy: The Real Effects of Inflation and Disinflation (1989). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 4 times. (28) RePEc:bol:bodewp:212 Il Capitale mancante nel Mezzogiorno italiano (1995). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 3 times. (29) RePEc:bol:bodewp:497 R&D Incentives and Market Structure: A Dynamic Analysis (2004). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 3 times. (30) RePEc:bol:bodewp:557 Style of practice and assortative mating: a recursive probit analysis of cesarean section scheduling in Italy (2006). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 3 times. (31) RePEc:bol:bodewp:100 Trade Liberalizaiton and Oligopolistic Industries: a Welfare Appraisal (1990). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 3 times. (32) RePEc:bol:bodewp:545 The Incidence and Cost of Job Loss in the Ukrainian Labor Market (2005). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 3 times. (33) RePEc:bol:bodewp:230 Productivity and Infrastructure in the Italian Regions (1995). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 3 times. (34) RePEc:bol:bodewp:371 R&D Cooperation: Theory and Evidence. (2000). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 3 times. (35) RePEc:bol:bodewp:260 The window of locational opportunity-concept (1996). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 3 times. (36) RePEc:bol:bodewp:383 Preference for Novelty and Price Behaviour (2000). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 3 times. (37) RePEc:bol:bodewp:525 The Emergence of Paradigm Setters through Firms Interaction and Network Formation (2004). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 3 times. (38) RePEc:bol:bodewp:436 Piracy and Quality Choice in Monopolistic Markets. (2002). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 3 times. (39) RePEc:bol:bodewp:495 Dynamic R&D with Spillovers: Competition vs Cooperation (2003). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 3 times. (40) RePEc:bol:bodewp:476 Private incentives to vertical disintegration among firms with heterogeneous objectives (2003). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 3 times. (41) RePEc:bol:bodewp:456 Dynamic Advertising under Vertical Product Differentiation. (2002). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 3 times. (42) RePEc:bol:bodewp:155 Equilibrium Locations in the Unconstrained Hotelling Game (1993). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 3 times. (43) RePEc:bol:bodewp:401 R&D in transport and comunication in a Cournot duopoly. (2001). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 2 times. (44) RePEc:bol:bodewp:444 Asymmetric Information and Monetary Policy in Common Currency Areas. (2002). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 2 times. (45) RePEc:bol:bodewp:240 Monopolistic Competition, Trade and Endogenous Spatial Fluctuations (1996). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 2 times. (46) RePEc:bol:bodewp:379 Price vs Quantityin a Repeated Differentiated Duopoly. (2000). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 2 times. (47) RePEc:bol:bodewp:462 Fiscal Competition and Brain Drain. (2003). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 2 times. (48) RePEc:bol:bodewp:40 International Monetary Cooperation Under Tariff Threats (0000). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 2 times. (49) RePEc:bol:bodewp:409 Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interactions: the Impact on the Term Structure of Interest Rates. (2001). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 2 times. (50) RePEc:bol:bodewp:459 Does Globalization Reduce Poverty? Some Empirical Evidence for the Developing Countries. (2002). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Cited: 2 times. Latest citations received in: | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 Latest citations received in: 2003 (1) RePEc:bol:bodewp:476 Private incentives to vertical disintegration among firms with heterogeneous objectives (2003). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers (2) RePEc:bol:bodewp:479 Endogenous Transportation Technology in a Cournot Differential Game with Intraindustry Trade (2003). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers (3) RePEc:bol:bodewp:487 Endogeneous outsourcing and vertical integration with process R&D (2003). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Latest citations received in: 2002 (1) RePEc:bol:bodewp:455 Advertising and Endogenous Exit in a Differentiated Duopoly. (2002). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Latest citations received in: 2001 (1) RePEc:bol:bodewp:395 Production and Advertising in a Dynamic Hotelling Monopoly. (2001). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers (2) RePEc:bol:bodewp:399 Dynamic Hotelling Monopoly with Product Development. (2001). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers (3) RePEc:bol:bodewp:410 An Equilibrium Approach to the Term Structure of Interest rates with the Interaction between Monetary and Fiscal Policy. (2001). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers (4) RePEc:bol:bodewp:427 Advertising in a Differential Oligopoly Game. (2001). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers Latest citations received in: 2000 (1) RePEc:bol:bodewp:392 Tariffs vs Quotas in a Model of Trade with Capital Accumulation. (2000). Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna / Working Papers (2) RePEc:igi:igierp:163 Public Capital and Economic Performance: Evidence from Italy (2000). IGIER (Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research), Bocconi University / Working Papers (3) RePEc:igi:igierp:176 TFP, Costs, and Public Infrastructure: An Equivocal Relationship (2000). IGIER (Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research), Bocconi University / Working Papers (4) RePEc:kud:kuieci:1999-15 Market Transparency: A Mixed Blessing? (2000). University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics (formerly Institute of Economics). Centre for Industrial Economics / CIE Discussion Papers Warning!! This is still an experimental service. The results of this service should be interpreted with care, especially in research assessment exercises. The processing of documents is automatic. There still are errors and omissions in the identification of references. We are working to improve the software to increase the accuracy of the results. Source data used to compute the impact factor of RePEc series.