California Davis - Department of Economics / Department of Economics
Raw citation data, Impact Factor, Immediacy Index, Published documents, Citations received, , Most cited papers , Latest citations and documents published in this series in EconPapers.
Raw data: | |
IF |
D2Y |
C2Y |
SC(%) |
CiY |
II |
1996 | 0.19 | 0.16 | 14 | 30 | 21 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 0.07 | 0.07 |
1997 | 0.23 | 0.17 | 32 | 117 | 35 | 8 | 0 | 2 | 0.06 | 0.09 |
1998 | 0.09 | 0.19 | 14 | 141 | 46 | 4 | 25 | 2 | 0.14 | 0.12 |
1999 | 0.3 | 0.29 | 9 | 35 | 46 | 14 | 0 | | | 0.19 |
2000 | 0.39 | 0.39 | 13 | 1 | 23 | 9 | 0 | | | 0.2 |
2001 | 0.32 | 0.34 | 7 | 21 | 22 | 7 | 0 | | | 0.18 |
2002 |  | 0.39 | | 0 | 20 | | 0 | | | 0.2 |
2003 | 0.29 | 0.41 | | 0 | 7 | 2 | 0 | | | 0.21 |
2004 |  | 0.47 | | 0 | 0 | | 0 | | | 0.25 |
2005 |  | 0.45 | | 0 | 0 | | 0 | | | 0.29 |
|   |
Impact Factor:
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Immediacy Index:
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Documents published:
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Citations received:
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  Most cited documents in this series: (1) RePEc:fth:caldec:98-06 INTEGRATION OF TRADE AND DISINTEGRATION OF PRODUCTION IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY (1998). Cited: 126 times. (2) RePEc:fth:caldec:95-14 Foreign Investment, Outsourcing and Relative Wages. (1995). Cited: 84 times. (3) RePEc:fth:caldec:97-27 DATA MINING RECONSIDERED: ENCOMPASSING AND THE GENERAL-TO-SPECIFIC APPROACH TO SPECIFICATION SEARCH (1997). Cited: 42 times. (4) RePEc:fth:caldec:95-10 Estimating the Effects of Trade Policy. (1995). Cited: 29 times. (5) RePEc:fth:caldec:95-11 Exact Hedonic Price Indexes. (1995). Cited: 24 times. (6) RePEc:fth:caldec:97-26 IMPROVED TESTING AND SPECIFICATION OF SMOOTH TRANSITION REGRESSION MODELS (1997). Cited: 21 times. (7) RePEc:fth:caldec:97-04 UNDERSTANDING CHINAS ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE (1997). Cited: 20 times. (8) RePEc:fth:caldec:01-01 Truth and Robustness in Cross-country Growth Regressions (2001). Cited: 19 times. (9) RePEc:fth:caldec:99-07 A model for the federal funds rate target (1999). Cited: 14 times. (10) RePEc:fth:caldec:96-01 PROTECTIONIST THREATS AND FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT (1996). Cited: 10 times. (11) RePEc:fth:caldec:99-03 The Retirement Behavior of Married Couples: Evidence From The Spouses Allowance (1999). Cited: 10 times. (12) RePEc:fth:caldec:96-12 INCENTIVES AND RISK SHARING IN A STOCK MARKET EQUILIBRIUM (1996). Cited: 7 times. (13) RePEc:fth:caldec:96-08 CHINESE ECONOMIC GROWTH: SOURCES AND PROSPECTS (1996). Cited: 7 times. (14) RePEc:fth:caldec:97-09 THREE CENTURIES OF INEQUALITY IN BRITAIN AND AMERICA (1997). Cited: 7 times. (15) RePEc:fth:caldec:98-10 OFFSHORE ASSEMBLY FROM THE UNITED STATES: PRODUCTION CHARACTERISTICS OF THE 9802 PROGRAM (1998). Cited: 7 times. (16) RePEc:fth:caldec:97-15 DATA MINING: A RECONSIDERATION (1997). Cited: 6 times. (17) RePEc:fth:caldec:98-05 STAGGERED PRICE SETTING AND ENDOGENOUS PERSISTENCE (1998). Cited: 5 times. (18) RePEc:fth:caldec:97-13 MONETARY POLICY, INVESTMENT DYNAMICS, AND THE INTERTEMPORAL APPROACH TO THE CURRENT ACCOUNT (1997). Cited: 5 times. (19) RePEc:fth:caldec:99-01 PRICING TO MARKET, STAGGERED CONTRACTS, AND REAL EXCHANGE RATE PERSISTENCE (1999). Cited: 4 times. (20) RePEc:fth:caldec:97-16 TESTING ENDOGENOUS GROWTH IN SOUTH KOREA AND TAIWAN (1997). Cited: 4 times. (21) RePEc:fth:caldec:99-8 Equalizing educational opportunity through educational finance reform (1999). Cited: 4 times. (22) RePEc:fth:caldec:95-17 Monetary Autonomy in the Presence of Capital Flows: And Never the Twain Shall Meet, Except in Asia? (1995). Cited: 3 times. (23) RePEc:fth:caldec:98-04 FACTS AND FALLACIES ABOUT FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT (1998). Cited: 3 times. (24) RePEc:fth:caldec:96-02 FUNDAMENTAL AGREEMENT: A NEW FOUNDATION FOR THE HARSANYI DOCTRINE (1996). Cited: 3 times. (25) RePEc:fth:caldec:97-03 ASSESSING THE TRUTH AXIOM UNDER INCOMPLETE INFORMATION (1997). Cited: 2 times. (26) RePEc:fth:caldec:97-29 TECHNOLOGY SHOCKS OR COLORED NOISE? WHY REAL-BUSINESS-CYCLE MODELS CANNOT EXPLAIN ACTUAL BUSINESS CYCLES (1997). Cited: 2 times. (27) RePEc:fth:caldec:96-06 MONETARISTS AND KEYNESIANS ON CENTRAL BANKING: A STUDY OF A FAILED DEBATE (1996). Cited: 2 times. (28) RePEc:fth:caldec:97-18 AGREEING TO DISAGREE: A SURVEY (1997). Cited: 2 times. (29) RePEc:fth:caldec:97-14 PUTTING THINGS IN ORDER: PATTERNS OF TRADE DYNAMICS AND GROWTH (1997). Cited: 2 times. (30) RePEc:fth:caldec:01-06 The Response of Term Rates to Monetary Policy Uncertainty (2001). Cited: 2 times. (31) RePEc:fth:caldec:95-20 Which Improves Welfare More: Nominal or Indexed Bond? (1995). Cited: 1 times. (32) RePEc:fth:caldec:97-17 PRODUCTIVITY MEASUREMENT AND THE IMPACT OF TRADE AND TECHNOLOGY ON WAGES: ESTIMATES FOR THE U.S., 1972-1990 (1997). Cited: 1 times. (33) RePEc:fth:caldec:00-10 Conditional Moment Tests for Parametric Duration Models (2000). Cited: 1 times. (34) RePEc:fth:caldec:99-04 Using Government Documents to Assess the Influence of Academic Research on Macroeconomic Policy (1999). Cited: 1 times. (35) RePEc:fth:caldec:96-09 DOES EGALITARIANISM HAVE A FUTURE? (1996). Cited: 1 times. (36) RePEc:fth:caldec:95-04 Why the Poor Do not Expropriate the Rich in Democracies: A New Argument. (1995). Cited: 1 times. (37) RePEc:fth:caldec:97-11 THE DEMOCRATIC POLITICAL ECONOMY OF PROGRESSIVE INCOME TAXATION (1997). Cited: 1 times. (38) RePEc:fth:caldec:98-13 BRANCHING TIME LOGIC, PERFECT INFORMATION GAMES AND BACKWARD INDUCTION (1998). Cited: 1 times. (39) RePEc:fth:caldec:99-13 The Stock Market in the Overlapping Generations (1999). Cited: 1 times. (40) RePEc:fth:caldec:99-06 The Pavlovian Response of Term Rates to Fed Announcements (1999). Cited: 1 times. (41) RePEc:fth:caldec:97-28 ECONOMETRICS AND REALITY (1997). Cited: 1 times. (42) RePEc:fth:caldec:95-07 Credit Constraint in General Equilibrium: Experimental Results. (1995). Cited: 1 times. (43) RePEc:fth:caldec:97-12 PRICE LEVEL DETERMINATION IN A HETEROGENEOUS MONETARY UNION (1997). Cited: 1 times. (44) RePEc:fth:caldec:98-14 RECENT RESULTS ON BELIEF, KNOWLEDGE AND THE EPISTEMIC FOUNDATIONS OF GAME THEORY (1998). Cited: 1 times. Latest citations received in: | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 Latest citations received in: 2005 Latest citations received in: 2004 Latest citations received in: 2003 Latest citations received in: 2002 Warning!! This is still an experimental service. The results of this service should be interpreted with care, especially in research assessment exercises. The processing of documents is automatic. There still are errors and omissions in the identification of references. We are working to improve the software to increase the accuracy of the results. Source data used to compute the impact factor of RePEc series.