Resources For the Future / Discussion Papers
Raw citation data, Impact Factor, Immediacy Index, Published documents, Citations received, , Most cited papers , Latest citations and documents published in this series in EconPapers.
Raw data: | |
IF |
D2Y |
C2Y |
SC(%) |
CiY |
II |
1996 | 0.75 | 0.16 | 29 | 43 | 4 | 3 | 33.3 | 5 | 0.17 | 0.07 |
1997 | 0.24 | 0.17 | 44 | 84 | 33 | 8 | 50 | 4 | 0.09 | 0.09 |
1998 | 0.21 | 0.19 | 50 | 133 | 73 | 15 | 60 | 15 | 0.3 | 0.12 |
1999 | 0.24 | 0.29 | 50 | 96 | 94 | 23 | 60.9 | 9 | 0.18 | 0.19 |
2000 | 0.31 | 0.39 | 50 | 93 | 100 | 31 | 64.5 | 6 | 0.12 | 0.2 |
2001 | 0.18 | 0.34 | 47 | 86 | 100 | 18 | 66.7 | 8 | 0.17 | 0.18 |
2002 | 0.33 | 0.39 | 53 | 84 | 97 | 32 | 56.3 | 8 | 0.15 | 0.2 |
2003 | 0.22 | 0.41 | 14 | 14 | 100 | 22 | 22.7 | 2 | 0.14 | 0.21 |
2004 | 0.27 | 0.47 | 12 | 9 | 67 | 18 | 5.6 | 1 | 0.08 | 0.25 |
2005 | 0.04 | 0.45 | 12 | 3 | 26 | 1 | 100 | | | 0.29 |
|   |
Impact Factor:
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Immediacy Index:
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Documents published:
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Citations received:
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  Most cited documents in this series: (1) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-97-18-rev When Can Carbon Abatement Policies Increase Welfare? The Fundamental Role of Distorted Factor Markets (1997). Cited: 35 times. (2) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-01-22 Rebating Environmental Policy Revenues: Output-Based Allocations and Tradable Performance Standards (2001). Cited: 22 times. (3) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-98-22 The Cost-Effectiveness of Alternative Instruments for Environmental Protection in a Second-Best Setting (1998). Cited: 22 times. (4) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-01-30- The Effect of Allowance Allocation on the Cost of Carbon Emission Trading (2001). Cited: 20 times. (5) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-04-54 Environmental Economics (0000). Cited: 20 times. (6) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-02-42 Projecting Productivity Growth: Lessons from the U.S. Growth Resurgence (2002). Cited: 17 times. (7) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-98-02 Prices vs. Quantities Revisited: The Case of Climate Change (1998). Cited: 17 times. (8) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-99-04 Instrument Choice for Environmental Protection When Technological Innovation is Endogenous (1999). Cited: 15 times. (9) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-98-34 Tradable Carbon Permit Auctions: How and Why to Auction Not Grandfather (1998). Cited: 14 times. (10) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-02-15- The Effect on Asset Values of the Allocation of Carbon Dioxide Emission Allowances (2002). Cited: 14 times. (11) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-99-20 Read This Paper Even Later: Procrastination with Time-Inconsistent Preferences (1999). Cited: 12 times. (12) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-00-47 Technological Change and the Environment (2000). Cited: 12 times. (13) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-03-32 Combining Rate-Based and Cap-and-Trade Emissions Policies (0000). Cited: 12 times. (14) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-02-12- Does Britain or the United States Have the Right Gasoline Tax? (2002). Cited: 11 times. (15) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-00-55-rev Cost-Effective Reduction of NOx Emissions from Electricity Generation (2000). Cited: 11 times. (16) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-97-31-rev The Costs and Benefits of Reducing Acid Rain (1997). Cited: 10 times. (17) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-96-30 The Social Cost of Electricity: Do the Numbers Add Up? (1996). Cited: 10 times. (18) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-01-14 Policy-Induced Technology Adoption: Evidence from the U.S. Lead Phasedown (2001). Cited: 9 times. (19) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-98-04 Pollution Regulation and the Efficiency Gains from Technological Innovation (1998). Cited: 9 times. (20) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-95-30-rev Cost Savings sans Allowance Trades? Evaluating the SO2 Emission Trading Program to Date (1995). Cited: 8 times. (21) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-99-18 On the Accuracy of Regulatory Cost Estimates (1999). Cited: 8 times. (22) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-99-10-rev Regulating Stock Externalities Under Uncertainty (1999). Cited: 8 times. (23) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-98-43 Accumulative Pollution, Clean Technology, and Policy Design (1998). Cited: 8 times. (24) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-01-31- Is There a Rationale for Rebating Environmental Levies? (2001). Cited: 8 times. (25) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-02-11- The Effects of Potential Land Development on Agricultural Land Prices (2002). Cited: 8 times. (26) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-00-38 Innovation Under the Tradable Sulfur Dioxide Emission Permits Program in the U.S. Electricity Sector (2000). Cited: 7 times. (27) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-97-25 The Positive Political Economy of Instrument Choice in Environmental Policy (1997). Cited: 7 times. (28) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-01-54 A Reconsideration of Environmental Federalism (2001). Cited: 7 times. (29) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-02-68 Prospects for Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies (2002). Cited: 6 times. (30) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-98-27 Overcoming Public Aversion to Congestion Pricing (1998). Cited: 6 times. (31) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-98-48 Policy Analysis in a Second-Best World (1998). Cited: 6 times. (32) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-97-17 Optimal Choice of Policy Instrument and Stringency Under Uncertainty: The Case of Climate Change (1997). Cited: 6 times. (33) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-98-26 Market-Based Environmental Policies (1998). Cited: 6 times. (34) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-98-15 Pollution Control in the Informal Sector: The Ciudad Juárez Brickmakers Project (1998). Cited: 6 times. (35) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-99-28 Winner, Loser, or Innocent Victim? Has Renewable Energy Performed As Expected? (1999). Cited: 5 times. (36) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-05-25 Allocation of CO2 Emissions Allowances in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Cap-and-Trade Program (0000). Cited: 5 times. (37) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-96-27 Valuation of Biodiversity for Use in New Product Research in a Model of Sequential Search (1996). Cited: 5 times. (38) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-99-39 The Use of Economic Incentives in Developing Countries: Lessons from International Experience with Industrial Air Pollution (1999). Cited: 5 times. (39) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-05-01 Cost-Effectiveness of Renewable Electricity Policies (0000). Cited: 5 times. (40) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-01-10-rev Restructuring and Cost of Reducing NOx Emissions in Electricity Generation (2001). Cited: 5 times. (41) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-00-37 Age, Health, and the Willingness to Pay for Mortality Risk Reductions: A Contingent Valuation Survey of Ontario Residents (2000). Cited: 5 times. (42) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-06-37 Congestion Pricing: Long-Term Economic and Land-Use Effects (2006). Cited: 5 times. (43) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-98-19-rev Getting on the Map: The Political Economy of State-Level Electricity Restructuring (1998). Cited: 5 times. (44) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-95-37 Temporal Reliability of Estimates from Contingent Valuation (1995). Cited: 5 times. (45) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-05-02 The Case for Intensity Targets (0000). Cited: 5 times. (46) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-96-35 The Cost of Reducing Municipal Solid Waste (1996). Cited: 5 times. (47) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-00-18 Cost-Effective NOx Control in the Eastern United States (2000). Cited: 5 times. (48) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-99-19 Read This Paper Later: Procrastination with Time-Consistent Preferences (1999). Cited: 5 times. (49) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-01-55 The Political Economy of Environmental Policy (2001). Cited: 5 times. (50) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-96-03 Environmental Taxes: Dead or Alive? (1996). Cited: 4 times. Latest citations received in: | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 Latest citations received in: 2005 Latest citations received in: 2004 (1) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-fsrc-dp-02 Linking Illness to Food: Summary of a Workshop on Food Attribution (2004). Resources For the Future / Discussion Papers Latest citations received in: 2003 (1) RePEc:cdl:agrebk:939 Does Community Involvement Matter? How Collective Choice Affects Forests in Mexico. (2003). Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics, UC Berkeley / Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics, UC Berkeley, Working Paper Series (2) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-03-08 How Well Can Markets for Development Rights Work? Evaluating a Farmland Preservation Program (2003). Resources For the Future / Discussion Papers Latest citations received in: 2002 (1) RePEc:aea:jecper:v:16:y:2002:i:2:p:3-22 Distinguished Lecture on Economics in Government: The New Economy: Post Mortem or Second Wind'DONE' (2002). Journal of Economic Perspectives (2) RePEc:fce:doctra:0208 The Aftermath of the New Economy Bust : a Case Study of Five OECD Countries (2002). Observatoire Francais des Conjonctures Economiques (OFCE) / Documents de Travail de l'OFCE (3) RePEc:fip:fedgfe:2002-29 Information technology and productivity: where are we now and where are we going? (2002). Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) / Finance and Economics Discussion Series (4) RePEc:nbr:nberwo:9034 Stock Market Boom and the Productivity Gains of the 1990s (2002). National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc / NBER Working Papers (5) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-02-09- Green Price Indices (2002). Resources For the Future / Discussion Papers (6) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-02-10- Quality Adjustment for Spatially-Delineated Public Goods: Theory and Application to Cost-of-Living Indices in Los Angeles (2002). Resources For the Future / Discussion Papers (7) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-02-47 Adjusting Carbon Cost Analyses to Account for Prior Tax Distortions (2002). Resources For the Future / Discussion Papers (8) RePEc:rif:dpaper:827 The Production and Use of ICT in Finland (2002). The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy / Discussion Papers Warning!! This is still an experimental service. The results of this service should be interpreted with care, especially in research assessment exercises. The processing of documents is automatic. There still are errors and omissions in the identification of references. We are working to improve the software to increase the accuracy of the results. Source data used to compute the impact factor of RePEc series.