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 Updated January, 4 2010 234.510 documents processed, 5.249.629 references and 2.248.145 citations



International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) / 2020 vision briefs

Raw citation data, Impact Factor, Immediacy Index, Published documents, Citations received, , Most cited papers , Recent citations and documents published in this series in EconPapers.

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Raw data:
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CIT: Number of citations to the series in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
SC(%): Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
IdI: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
Impact Factor:
Immediacy Index:
Documents published:
Citations received:


Most cited documents in this series:

(1) RePEc:fpr:2020br:41 Structural changes in the demand for food in Asia (1996).
Cited: 23 times.

(2) RePEc:fpr:2020br:61 Livestock to 2020: the next food revolution (1999).
Cited: 21 times.

(3) RePEc:fpr:2020br:69 Transforming the rural Asian economy (2001).
Cited: 11 times.

(4) RePEc:fpr:2020br:bb09 Determinants of pro-poor growth: (2007).
Cited: 9 times.

(5) RePEc:fpr:2020br:1201 African agriculture (2004).
Cited: 6 times.

(6) RePEc:fpr:2020br:70 Agricultural research and poverty reduction (2001).
Cited: 6 times.

(7) RePEc:fpr:2020br:10 A time of plenty, a world of need (1995).
Cited: 4 times.

(8) RePEc:fpr:2020br:2610 Breaking the links between conflict and hunger in Africa (2004).
Cited: 4 times.

(9) RePEc:fpr:2020br:47 The nonfarm sector and rural development (1997).
Cited: 4 times.

(10) RePEc:fpr:2020br:2408 Investing in Sub-Saharan African agricultural research (2004).
Cited: 4 times.

(11) RePEc:fpr:2020br:3 World production of cereals, 1966-90 (1994).
Cited: 3 times.

(12) RePEc:fpr:2020br:32 The transition in the contribution of living aquatic resources to food security (1996).
Cited: 3 times.

(13) RePEc:fpr:2020br:1009 Case study the shrimp export industry in Bangladesh (2003).
Cited: 2 times.

(14) RePEc:fpr:2020br:58 Soil degradation: a threat to developing-country food security by 2020? (1999).
Cited: 2 times.

(15) RePEc:fpr:2020br:1112 Property rights and collective action in watersheds (2004).
Cited: 2 times.

(16) RePEc:fpr:2020br:2206 Exploring market opportunities for African smallholders (2004).
Cited: 2 times.

(17) RePEc:fpr:2020br:6 Malnutrition and food insecurity projections, 2020 (1994).
Cited: 2 times.

(18) RePEc:fpr:2020br:64 Overcoming child malnutrition in developing countries (2000).
Cited: 2 times.

(19) RePEc:fpr:2020br:34 Implementing the Uruguay Round (1996).
Cited: 1 times.

(20) RePEc:fpr:2020br:17 Generating food security in the year 2020 (1995).
Cited: 1 times.

(21) RePEc:fpr:2020br:1006 Balancing risk reduction and benefits from trade in setting standards (2003).
Cited: 1 times.

(22) RePEc:fpr:2020br:46 Agriculture, trade and regionalism in South Asia (1995).
Cited: 1 times.

(23) RePEc:fpr:2020br:66 Roots and tubers for the 21st century (2000).
Cited: 1 times.

(24) RePEc:fpr:2020br:1010 Case study reducing pesticide residues on horticultural crops (2003).
Cited: 1 times.

(25) RePEc:fpr:2020br:36 Russias food economy in transition (1996).
Cited: 1 times.

(26) RePEc:fpr:2020br:1903 Assuring food and nutrition security in the time of AIDs (2004).
Cited: 1 times.

(27) RePEc:fpr:2020br:63 Prospects for Indias cereal supply and demand to 2020: (1999).
Cited: 1 times.

(28) RePEc:fpr:2020br:1007 Case study Guatemalan raspberries and cyclospora (2003).
Cited: 1 times.

(29) RePEc:fpr:2020br:bb33 Improving governance to eradicate hunger and poverty: (2007).
Cited: 1 times.

(30) RePEc:fpr:2020br:13 The potential of technology to meet world food needs in 2020 (1995).
Cited: 1 times.

(31) RePEc:fpr:2020br:1002 Food safety as a public health issue for developing countries (2003).
Cited: 1 times.

(32) RePEc:fpr:2020br:2812 Linking safety nets, social protection, and poverty reduction (2004).
Cited: 1 times.

(33) RePEc:fpr:2020br:1113 Property rights, collective action, and agribusiness (2004).
Cited: 1 times.

(34) RePEc:fpr:2020br:68 Governing the GM crop revolution (2000).
Cited: 1 times.

(35) RePEc:fpr:2020br:1015 Case study reducing mycotoxins in Brazilian crops (2003).
Cited: 1 times.

(36) RePEc:fpr:2020br:20 China and the future global food situation (1995).
Cited: 1 times.

Recent citations received in: | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004

Recent citations received in: 2007

(1) RePEc:cgd:wpaper:118 Income Distribution: Effects on Growth and Development (2007). Center for Global Development / Working Papers

(2) RePEc:zbw:gdec07:6532 Geography vs. Institutions at the Village Level (2007). Verein für Socialpolitik, Research Committee Development Economics / Proceedings of the German Development Economics Conference, Göttingen 2007

(3) RePEc:zbw:gdec07:6533 Measuring Chronic Non-Income Poverty (2007). Verein für Socialpolitik, Research Committee Development Economics / Proceedings of the German Development Economics Conference, Göttingen 2007

Recent citations received in: 2006

Recent citations received in: 2005

Recent citations received in: 2004

(1) RePEc:fao:wpaper:0406 Interactions Between the Agricultural Sector and the HIV/AIDS Pandemic: Implications for agricultural policy (2004). Agricultural and Development Economics Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO - ESA) / Working Papers

(2) RePEc:fpr:mtiddp:71 Spatial integration of maize markets in post-liberalized Uganda (2004). International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) / Working papers

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Source data used to compute the impact factor of RePEc series.

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