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 Updated January, 4 2010 234.510 documents processed, 5.249.629 references and 2.248.145 citations



Journal of Management and Governance

Raw citation data, Impact Factor, Immediacy Index, Published documents, Citations received, , Most cited papers , Recent citations and documents published in this series in EconPapers.

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Raw data:
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CIT: Number of citations to the series in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
SC(%): Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
IdI: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
Impact Factor:
Immediacy Index:
Documents published:
Citations received:


Most cited documents in this series:

(1) RePEc:kap:jmgtgv:v:8:y:2004:i:3:p:305-332 The Corporate Governance Effects of Audit Committees (2004).
Cited: 5 times.

(2) RePEc:kap:jmgtgv:v:1:y:1997:i:2:p:147-175 The Evolution of Knowledge and the Dynamics of an Industry Network (1997).
Cited: 4 times.

(3) RePEc:kap:jmgtgv:v:10:y:2006:i:3:p:277-306 Adaptive Build-up and Breakdown of Trust: An Agent Based Computational Approach (2006).
Cited: 2 times.

(4) RePEc:kap:jmgtgv:v:10:y:2006:i:2:p:119-148 The Determinants and Effects of Board Nomination Committees* (2006).
Cited: 2 times.

(5) RePEc:kap:jmgtgv:v:8:y:2004:i:4:p:337-343 Methodological Challenges Posed by Measures of Performance (2004).
Cited: 2 times.

(6) RePEc:kap:jmgtgv:v:8:y:2004:i:2:p:149-171 Between Supply and Demand: Intermediaries, Social Networks and the Construction of Quality in the Italian Wine Industry (2004).
Cited: 2 times.

(7) RePEc:kap:jmgtgv:v:8:y:2004:i:1:p:27-48 Matching Communities and Hierarchies within the Firm (2004).
Cited: 1 times.

(8) RePEc:kap:jmgtgv:v:10:y:2006:i:1:p:21-27 Knowledge in the Theory of the Firm and MNC: Asset or Action? A Commentary on Foss N. “Knowledge and Organisation in the Theory of the MNC” (2006).
Cited: 1 times.

(9) RePEc:kap:jmgtgv:v:8:y:2004:i:3:p:255-277 An Examination of Socially Responsible Firms’ Board Structure (2004).
Cited: 1 times.

(10) RePEc:kap:jmgtgv:v:11:y:2007:i:1:p:5-22 The board advisory tasks in small firms and the event of crises (2007).
Cited: 1 times.

(11) RePEc:kap:jmgtgv:v:10:y:2006:i:3:p:325-345 Shareholders Should Welcome Knowledge Workers as Directors (2006).
Cited: 1 times.

(12) RePEc:kap:jmgtgv:v:8:y:2004:i:1:p:49-69 Contractual Integration of Physician and Hospital Services in the U.S. (2004).
Cited: 1 times.

(13) RePEc:kap:jmgtgv:v:10:y:2006:i:2:p:179-204 Power of Ultimate Controlling Owners: A Survey of Canadian Landscape (2006).
Cited: 1 times.

(14) RePEc:kap:jmgtgv:v:1:y:1997:i:2:p:231-253 On Markets in Knowledge (1997).
Cited: 1 times.

(15) RePEc:kap:jmgtgv:v:10:y:2006:i:1:p:3-20 Knowledge and Organization in the Theory of the Multinational Corporation: Some Foundational Issues (2006).
Cited: 1 times.

(16) RePEc:kap:jmgtgv:v:12:y:2008:i:1:p:37-71 Is the German system of corporate governance converging towards the Anglo-American model? (2008).
Cited: 1 times.

(17) RePEc:kap:jmgtgv:v:8:y:2004:i:2:p:173-186 Executive Stock Options in Germany: The Diffusion or Translation of US-Style Corporate Governance? (2004).
Cited: 1 times.

(18) RePEc:kap:jmgtgv:v:10:y:2006:i:4:p:353-380 Shareholders’ Voting at General Meetings: Evidence from the Netherlands (2006).
Cited: 1 times.

(19) RePEc:kap:jmgtgv:v:8:y:2004:i:2:p:129-148 The Contribution of Work Representation to Solving the Governance Structure Problem (2004).
Cited: 1 times.

Recent citations received in: | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004

Recent citations received in: 2007

Recent citations received in: 2006

(1) RePEc:dgr:kubcen:200637 Human nature in the adaptation of trust (2006). Tilburg University, Center for Economic Research / Discussion Paper

(2) RePEc:dgr:kubcen:200640 Forms, sources and processes of trust (2006). Tilburg University, Center for Economic Research / Discussion Paper

Recent citations received in: 2005

Recent citations received in: 2004

Warning!! This is still an experimental service. The results of this service should be interpreted with care, especially in research assessment exercises. The processing of documents is automatic. There still are errors and omissions in the identification of references. We are working to improve the software to increase the accuracy of the results.

Source data used to compute the impact factor of RePEc series.

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