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  Updated November, 1 2010 270.084 documents processed, 5.971.319 references and 2.485.965 citations



University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics. Centre for Applied Microeconometrics / CAM Working Papers

Raw citation data, Impact Factor, Immediacy Index, Published documents, Citations received, , Most cited papers , Recent citations and documents published in this series in EconPapers.

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Raw data:
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CIT: Number of citations to the series in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
SC(%): Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
IdI: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
Impact Factor:
Immediacy Index:
Documents published:
Citations received:


Most cited documents in this series:

(1) RePEc:kud:kuieca:2004_09 On the Job Search and the Wage Distribution (2003).
Cited: 18 times.

(2) RePEc:kud:kuieca:2003_16 An Analysis of the Determinants of Job Satisfaction when Individuals’ Baseline Satisfaction Levels May Differ (2003).
Cited: 6 times.

(3) RePEc:kud:kuieca:2004_23 Bounds on Parameters in Dynamic Discrete Choice Models (2004).
Cited: 6 times.

(4) RePEc:kud:kuieca:2003_12 Estimating Consumption Economies of Scale, Adult Equivalence Scales, and Household Bargaining Power (2003).
Cited: 5 times.

(5) RePEc:kud:kuieca:2002_04 Nonparametric Engel Curves and Revealed Preference (2002).
Cited: 4 times.

(6) RePEc:kud:kuieca:2003_01 The Distribution of Well-Being and Income within the Household (2003).
Cited: 4 times.

(7) RePEc:kud:kuieca:2005_17 Determinants of Recent Immigrants’ Location Choices: Quasi-Experimental Evidence (2005).
Cited: 3 times.

(8) RePEc:kud:kuieca:2006_03 Heterogeneity and Microeconometrics Modelling (2006).
Cited: 3 times.

(9) RePEc:kud:kuieca:2003_03 Estimating Intertemporal Allocation Parameters using Simulated Residual Estimation (2003).
Cited: 3 times.

(10) RePEc:kud:kuieca:2005_01 Marriage and the City (2005).
Cited: 2 times.

(11) RePEc:kud:kuieca:2003_06 Self-employment in Denmark and Spain: Institution, Economic Conditions and Gender differences (2003).
Cited: 2 times.

(12) RePEc:kud:kuieca:2006_07 The Reservation Wage Theory, Vocational Rehabilitation and the Return to Work of Disabled Employees (2006).
Cited: 1 times.

(13) RePEc:kud:kuieca:2003_09 Are Home Owners Really more Unemployed? (2003).
Cited: 1 times.

(14) RePEc:kud:kuieca:2004_20 Residual Wage Disparity and Coordination Unemployment (2004).
Cited: 1 times.

(15) RePEc:kud:kuieca:2008_02 Entrepreneurial Moral Hazard in Income Insurance: Empirical Evidence from a Large Administrative Sample (2008).
Cited: 1 times.

(16) RePEc:kud:kuieca:2005_16 Best Nonparametric Bounds on Demand Responses (2005).
Cited: 1 times.

(17) RePEc:kud:kuieca:2003_08 Self-Employment among Immigrants: A Last Resort? (2003).
Cited: 1 times.

(18) RePEc:kud:kuieca:2010_03 Adjustment Costs, Firm Responses, and Labor Supply Elasticities: Evidence from Danish Tax Records (2010).
Cited: 1 times.

(19) RePEc:kud:kuieca:2004_15 Collective and Unitary Models: a Clarification (2004).
Cited: 1 times.

Recent citations received in: | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005

Recent citations received in: 2008

Recent citations received in: 2007

Recent citations received in: 2006

Recent citations received in: 2005

Warning!! This is still an experimental service. The results of this service should be interpreted with care, especially in research assessment exercises. The processing of documents is automatic. There still are errors and omissions in the identification of references. We are working to improve the software to increase the accuracy of the results.

Source data used to compute the impact factor of RePEc series.

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