Land Economics
Raw citation data, Impact Factor, Immediacy Index, Published documents, Citations received, , Most cited papers , Recent citations and documents published in this series in EconPapers. Create citation feed for this series
Raw data: |
IF |
D2Y |
C2Y |
SC(%) |
CiY |
II |
1996 | 0.24 | 0.18 | 35 | 279 | 72 | 17 | 0 | 3 | 0.09 | 0.08 |
1997 | 0.27 | 0.21 | 52 | 178 | 71 | 19 | 0 | 3 | 0.06 | 0.08 |
1998 | 0.32 | 0.22 | 36 | 221 | 87 | 28 | 0 | 3 | 0.08 | 0.1 |
1999 | 0.18 | 0.28 | 39 | 208 | 88 | 16 | 0 | 2 | 0.05 | 0.13 |
2000 | 0.27 | 0.37 | 42 | 253 | 75 | 20 | 0 | 2 | 0.05 | 0.16 |
2001 | 0.27 | 0.37 | 40 | 193 | 81 | 22 | 0 | 7 | 0.18 | 0.16 |
2002 | 0.37 | 0.41 | 39 | 205 | 82 | 30 | 0 | 2 | 0.05 | 0.19 |
2003 | 0.46 | 0.42 | 39 | 181 | 79 | 36 | 0 | 6 | 0.15 | 0.2 |
2004 | 0.4 | 0.47 | 35 | 118 | 78 | 31 | 0 | 7 | 0.2 | 0.21 |
2005 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 36 | 106 | 74 | 37 | 0 | 4 | 0.11 | 0.23 |
2006 | 0.27 | 0.51 | 36 | 91 | 71 | 19 | 0 | 7 | 0.19 | 0.22 |
2007 | 0.33 | 0.4 | 36 | 86 | 72 | 24 | 0 | 8 | 0.22 | 0.18 |
2008 | 0.57 | 0.42 | 42 | 49 | 72 | 41 | 0 | 3 | 0.07 | 0.21 |
2009 | 0.41 | 0.43 | 47 | 31 | 78 | 32 | 0 | 2 | 0.04 | 0.19 |
| |
Impact Factor:
| Immediacy Index:
Documents published:
| Citations received:
Most cited documents in this series: (1) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:74:y:1998:i:2:p:230-239 Recreation Demand Models with Taste Differences over People (1998). Cited: 82 times. (2) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:79:y:2003:i:2:p:292-308 Price and Income Elasticities of Residential Water Demand: A Meta-Analysis (2003). Cited: 55 times. (3) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:72:y:1996:i:1:p:80-99 Contingent Valuation and Revealed Preference Methodologies: Comparing the Estimates for Quasi-Public Goods (1996). Cited: 54 times. (4) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:78:y:2002:i:4:p:465-480 The Effects of Open Space on Residential Property Values (2002). Cited: 50 times. (5) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:67:y:1991:i:1:p:64-73 Confidence Intervals for Evaluating Benefits Estimates from Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Studies (1991). Cited: 45 times. (6) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:66:y:1990:i:1:p:67-81 The Impact of Environmental Regulation on Industry Location Decisions: The Motor Vehicle Industry (1990). Cited: 39 times. (7) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:72:y:1996:i:2:p:152-166 Which Response Format Reveals the Truth about Donations to a Public Good? (1996). Cited: 36 times. (8) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:68:y:1992:i:3:p:249-262 Property-Rights Regimes and Natural Resources: A Conceptual Analysis (1992). Cited: 35 times. (9) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:62:y:1986:i:3:p:278-291 A Critical Review of the Individual Quota as a Device in Fisheries Management (1986). Cited: 32 times. (10) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:67:y:1991:i:4:p:413-421 Interval Estimates of Non-Market Resource Values from Referendum Contingent Valuation Surveys (1991). Cited: 29 times. (11) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:68:y:1992:i:3:p:302-317 Combining Contingent Valuation and Travel Cost Data for the Valuation of Nonmarket Goods (1992). Cited: 27 times. (12) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:72:y:1996:i:3:p:397-411 Differences between Continuous and Discrete Contingent Value Estimates (1996). Cited: 26 times. (13) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:70:y:1994:i:1:p:53-62 Amenity Benefits and the Optimal Allocation of Land (1994). Cited: 25 times. (14) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:66:y:1990:i:2:p:135-139 A Non-Parametric Approach to the Estimation of Welfare Measures in Discrete Response Valuation Studies (1990). Cited: 24 times. (15) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:67:y:1991:i:2:p:225-239 Inference and Optimal Design for a Welfare Measure in Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation (1991). Cited: 24 times. (16) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:70:y:1994:i:4:p:414-430 Deforestation and the Rule of Law in a Cross-Section of Countries (1994). Cited: 23 times. (17) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:80:y:2004:i:1:p:125-135 Estimating the Public Value of Conflicting Information: The Case of Genetically Modified Foods (2004). Cited: 23 times. (18) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:75:y:1999:i:1:p:126-141 Yea-Saying in Contingent Valuation Surveys (1999). Cited: 23 times. (19) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:62:y:1986:i:3:p:306-312 Information Disclosure and Endangered Species Valuation (1986). Cited: 23 times. (20) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:72:y:1996:i:4:p:538-549 Public Preferences Regarding the Goals of Farmland Preservation Programs (1996). Cited: 23 times. (21) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:69:y:1993:i:1:p:54-66 The Impact of the Miami Metrorail on the Value of Residences near Station Locations (1993). Cited: 23 times. (22) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:68:y:1992:i:1:p:93-106 Randomly Drawn Opportunity Sets in a Random Utility Model of Lake Recreation (1992). Cited: 23 times. (23) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:73:y:1997:i:1:p:90-100 Agricultural Land Values under Urbanizing Influences (1997). Cited: 22 times. (24) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:64:y:1988:i:3:p:220-233 The Robustness of Hedonic Price Estimation: Urban Air Quality (1988). Cited: 22 times. (25) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:83:y:2007:i:4:p:575-599 Output-Based Allocation of Emissions Permits for Mitigating Tax and Trade Interactions (2007). Cited: 22 times. (26) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:69:y:1993:i:2:p:138-146 Optimal Experimental Design for Double-Bounded Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation (1993). Cited: 22 times. (27) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:70:y:1994:i:2:p:197-209 An Examination of the Effect of Ownership on the Relative Efficiency of Public and Private Water Utilities (1994). Cited: 22 times. (28) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:62:y:1985:i:2:p:188-194 Starting Point Bias in Contingent Valuation Bidding Games (1985). Cited: 21 times. (29) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:67:y:1991:i:4:p:390-400 Measuring the Existence Value of Wildlife: What Do CVM Estimates Really Show? (1991). Cited: 21 times. (30) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:56:y:1980:i:2:p:125-141 Micro-Neighborhood Externalities and Hedonic Housing Prices (1980). Cited: 21 times. (31) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:78:y:2002:i:2:p:285-297 Incentive Incompatibility and Starting-Point Bias in Iterative Valuation Questions (2002). Cited: 20 times. (32) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:63:y:1987:i:1:p:11-20 The Effect of Common Sources of Regression Error on Benefit Estimates (1987). Cited: 20 times. (33) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:72:y:1996:i:4:p:413-432 Why Do Firms Volunteer to Exceed Environmental Regulations? Understanding Participation in EPAs 33/50 Program (1996). Cited: 20 times. (34) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:72:y:1996:i:1:p:1-16 Patterns of Behavior in Endangered Species Preservation (1996). Cited: 20 times. (35) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:64:y:1988:i:2:p:172-183 Measuring the Benefits of Amenity Improvements in Hedonic Price Models (1988). Cited: 20 times. (36) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:59:y:1983:i:3:p:259-278 The Opportunity Cost of Travel Time in Recreation Demand Models (1983). Cited: 19 times. (37) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:66:y:1990:i:2:p:199-211 The Farm-Level Economics of Soil Conservation: The Uplands of Java (1990). Cited: 19 times. (38) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:73:y:1997:i:4:p:448-466 Sustainability Constraints versus Optimality versus Intertemporal Concern, and Axioms versus Data (1997). Cited: 19 times. (39) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:72:y:1996:i:3:p:381-396 Valuing Public Goods: Discrete versus Continuous Contingent-Valuation Responses (1996). Cited: 19 times. (40) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:75:y:1999:i:3:p:360-374 Minimum Cost Strategies for Sequestering Carbon in Forests (1999). Cited: 18 times. (41) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:68:y:1992:i:4:p:418-433 Site Aggregation in a Random Utility Model of Recreation (1992). Cited: 18 times. (42) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:76:y:2000:i:1:p:28-36 Eco-Labeling Consequences in General Equilibrium: A Graphical Assessment (2000). Cited: 18 times. (43) repec:uwp:landec:v:78:y:2002:i:3:p:417-425 (). Cited: 18 times. (44) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:58:y:1982:i:3:p:277-292 Factors Affecting the Use of Soil Conservation Practices: Hypotheses, Evidence, and Policy Implications (1982). Cited: 17 times. (45) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:76:y:2000:i:1:p:54-67 Comparison of Hypothetical Phone and Mail Contingent Valuation Responses for Green-Pricing Electricity Programs (2000). Cited: 17 times. (46) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:57:y:1981:i:2:p:151-172 Valuing Environmental Commodities: Some Recent Experiments (1981). Cited: 17 times. (47) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:65:y:1989:i:2:p:167-185 Conservation Tillage: The Role of Farm and Operator Characteristics and the Perception of Soil Erosion (1989). Cited: 17 times. (48) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:70:y:1994:i:2:p:223-233 Using Referendum Data to Characterize Public Support for Purchasing Development Rights to Farmland (1994). Cited: 17 times. (49) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:76:y:2000:i:1:p:68-85 Privately Operated Water Utilities, Municipal Price Negotiation, and Estimation of Residential Water Demand: The Case of France (2000). Cited: 17 times. (50) RePEc:uwp:landec:v:77:y:2001:i:3:p:315-326 How Do Respondents with Uncertain Willingness to Pay Answer Contingent Valuation Questions? (2001). Cited: 16 times. Recent citations received in: | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 Recent citations received in: 2009 (1) RePEc:ags:cudawp:57034 The Conservation Reserve Program, Off-Farm Work, and Farm Household Technical Efficiencies (2009). Working Papers (2) RePEc:unr:wpaper:09-002 Benefit Transfer from Multiple Contingent Experiments: A Flexible Two-Step Model Combining Individual Choice Data with Community Characteristics (2009). Working Papers Recent citations received in: 2008 (1) RePEc:ags:aaea08:6459 Are High-Tech Employment and Natural Amenities Linked?: Answers from a Smoothed Bayesian Spatial Model (2008). 2008 Annual Meeting, July 27-29, 2008, Orlando, Florida (2) RePEc:koe:wpaper:0820 The influence of decision-making rules on individual preference for ecological restoration: Evidence from an experimental survey (2008). Discussion Papers (3) RePEc:man:sespap:0807 A note on sustainable agricultural intensification through agro-biodiversity conservation (2008). The School of Economics Discussion Paper Series Recent citations received in: 2007 (1) RePEc:ags:aes007:7975 Combining mixed logit models and random effects models to identify the determinants of willingness to pay for rural landscape improvements (2007). 81st Annual Conference, April 2-4, 2007, Reading University (2) RePEc:ags:arerjl:44702 Conservation Reserve Program: Environmental Benefits Update (2007). Agricultural and Resource Economics Review (3) RePEc:ags:gewi07:7607 EIN OKONOMISCHES AUKTIONSEXPERIMENT ZUR AUSWAHL DER TEILNEHMER AN UMWELTSCHUTZPROGRAMMEN (German) (2007). 47th Annual Conference, Weihenstephan, Germany, September 26-28, 2007 (4) RePEc:ecl:harjfk:rwp07-059 What Drives Land Use Change in the United States? A National Analysis of Landowner Decisions (2007). Working Paper Series (5) RePEc:ecl:wisagr:519 Spatial Externalities in Agriculture: Empirical Analysis, Statistical Identification, and Policy Implications (2007). Staff Paper Series (6) RePEc:nbr:nberwo:13572 What Drives Land-Use Change in the United States? A National Analysis of Landowner Decisions (2007). NBER Working Papers (7) RePEc:rff:dpaper:dp-07-33 The Trade-off between Private Lots and Public Open Space in Subdivisions at the Urban-Rural Fringe (2007). Discussion Papers (8) RePEc:wai:econwp:07/21 Designs Efficiency for Non-market Valuation with Choice Modelling:
How to Measure It, What to Report and Why (2007). Working Papers in Economics Recent citations received in: 2006 (1) RePEc:ags:aaea06:21262 Predicting Watershed Ecosystems Through Targeted Local Land Use Policies (2006). 2006 Annual meeting, July 23-26, Long Beach, CA (2) RePEc:ags:iaae06:25241 Spatial Economic Analysis in Data-Rich Environments (2006). 2006 Annual Meeting, August 12-18, 2006, Queensland, Australia (3) RePEc:ags:iaae06:25450 Households Choice of Fuelwood Source in Malawi: A Multinomial Probit Analysis (2006). 2006 Annual Meeting, August 12-18, 2006, Queensland, Australia (4) RePEc:ags:joaaec:43784 The Capitalization of Wildlife Recreation Income into Farmland Values (2006). Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics (5) RePEc:fem:femwpa:2006.155 Municipal Waste Production, Economic Drivers, and New Waste Policies: EKC Evidence from Italian Regional and Provincial Panel Data (2006). Working Papers (6) RePEc:hal:wpaper:halshs-00409676 Heterogeneous anchoring and the shift effect in iterative valuation questions (2006). Working Papers (7) RePEc:mee:wpaper:0620 Does Hazardous Waste Matter? Evidence from the Housing Market and the Superfund Program (2006). Working Papers Warning!! This is still an experimental service. The results of this service should be interpreted with care, especially in research assessment exercises. The processing of documents is automatic. There still are errors and omissions in the identification of references. We are working to improve the software to increase the accuracy of the results. Source data used to compute the impact factor of RePEc series.