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Oxford University | 38 H index 66 i10 index 8587 Citations RESEARCH PRODUCTION: 76 Articles 123 Papers 2 Books 1 Chapters EDITOR: Series edited RESEARCH ACTIVITY: 45 years (1979 - 2024). See details. MORE DETAILS IN: ABOUT THIS REPORT: Permalink: http://citec.repec.org/pbr221 |
Works with: Authors registered in RePEc who have co-authored more than one work in the last five years with Martin Browning. | Is cited by: | Cites to: |
Year | Title of citing document | |
2023 | Labor Market Responses to Unemployment Insurance: The Role of Heterogeneity. (2023). See, Kurt ; Birinci, Serdar. In: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics. RePEc:aea:aejmac:v:15:y:2023:i:3:p:388-430. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Health Effects of Increasing Income for the Elderly: Evidence from a Chilean Pension Program. (2023). Navarrete, Pablo ; Miglino, Enrico. In: American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. RePEc:aea:aejpol:v:15:y:2023:i:1:p:370-93. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Mistakes in Future Consumption, High MPCs Now. (2023). Lian, Chen. In: American Economic Review: Insights. RePEc:aea:aerins:v:5:y:2023:i:4:p:563-81. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Collective Labor Supply, Divisions of Domestic Work and Intra-household Bargaining. (2023). Florencia, Amabile. In: Asociación Argentina de EconomÃa PolÃtica: Working Papers. RePEc:aep:anales:4624. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | . Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Identification in Economies with Frictions. (2020). Tryphonides, Andreas. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2005.02010. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Entitled to Property: Inheritance Laws, Female Bargaining Power, and Child Health in India. (2021). Nikolov, Plamen ; Hossain, Md Shahadath. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2106.10841. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2024 | Empirical Welfare Economics. (2021). Chambers, Christopher ; Echenique, Federico. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2108.03277. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2024 | Stable marriage in the eyes of the law. (2021). Surana, Khushboo ; Freer, Mikhail. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2110.10781. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Optimal index insurance and basis risk decomposition: an application to Kenya. (2021). Lobell, David ; Stigler, Matthieu. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2111.08601. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Optimal Discrete Decisions when Payoffs are Partially Identified. (2022). Schorfheide, Frank ; Moon, Hyungsik Roger ; Christensen, Timothy. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2204.11748. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Inference on Extreme Quantiles of Unobserved Individual Heterogeneity. (2022). Morozov, Vladislav . In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2210.08524. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Recovering utility. (2023). Lambert, Nicolas S ; Echenique, Federico ; Chambers, Christopher P. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2301.11492. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Dynamic and Stochastic Rational Behavior. (2023). Aguiar, Victor H ; Gauthier, Charles ; Kashaev, Nail. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2302.04417. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Stable Marriage, Children, and Intrahousehold Allocations. (2023). Surana, Khushboo ; Freer, Mikhail. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2302.08541. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Transition Probabilities and Identifying Moments in Dynamic Fixed Effects Logit Models. (2023). Dano, Kevin. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2303.00083. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Price Changes and Welfare Analysis: Measurement under Individual Heterogeneity. (2023). Malhotra, Raghav ; Maes, Sebastiaan. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2303.01231. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Finding Regularized Competitive Equilibria of Heterogeneous Agent Macroeconomic Models with Reinforcement Learning. (2023). Yang, Zhuoran ; Jordan, Michael I ; Wang, Zhaoran ; Min, Yifei ; Xu, Ruitu. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2303.04833. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Revealed preferences for dynamically inconsistent models. (2023). Tserenjigmid, Gerelt ; Echenique, Federico. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2305.14125. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Does personality affect the allocation of resources within households?. (2023). Fern, Gast'On P. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2307.02918. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2024 | Commitment and the Dynamics of Household Labor Supply. (2023). Theloudis, Alexandros ; Gim, Ignacio J ; Pierre-Andr'e Chiappori, ; Velilla, Jorge. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2307.10983. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Only-child matching penalty in the marriage market. (2023). Komura, Mizuki ; Kawata, Keisuke. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2307.15336. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | A Robust Method for Microforecasting and Estimation of Random Effects. (2023). Sarpietro, Silvia ; Lee, Sokbae ; Giacomini, Raffaella. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2308.01596. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2024 | Bounds on Average Effects in Discrete Choice Panel Data Models. (2023). Weidner, Martin ; Pakel, Cavit. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2309.09299. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2024 | Bayesian Estimation of Panel Models under Potentially Sparse Heterogeneity. (2023). Zhang, Boyuan ; Schorfheide, Frank ; Moon, Hyungsik Roger. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2310.13785. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2024 | Matching under Imperfectly Transferable Utility. (2024). Weber, Simon ; Galichon, Alfred. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2403.05222. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2024 | Irrational Random Utility Models. (2024). Petri, Henrik ; Caliari, Daniele. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2403.10208. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2024 | Income Shocks and their Transmission into Consumption. (2024). Theloudis, Alexandros ; Crawley, Edmund. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2404.12214. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2024 | The geometry of consumer preference aggregation. (2024). Ushchev, Philip ; Sandomirskiy, Fedor. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2405.06108. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2024 | Revealed preference and revealed preference cycles: a survey. (2024). , John ; Lanier, Joshua ; Dziewulski, Pawel. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2405.08459. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2024 | Goodness-of-fit and utility estimation: whats possible and whats not. (2024). , John ; Lanier, Joshua. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2405.08464. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Socio-Economic Identity and Intra-Household Distribution of Consumption in India: A Structural Approach. (2023). Maity, Bipasha ; Bandyopadhyay, Sutirtha. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ash:wpaper:100. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | . Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Time-Varying Risk Aversion and International Stock Returns. (2023). Guidolin, Massimo ; Cabrera, Gabriel ; Hansen, Erwin. In: BAFFI CAREFIN Working Papers. RePEc:baf:cbafwp:cbafwp23203. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | . Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Time Use and Macroeconomic Uncertainty. (2023). Hauser, Daniela ; Gnocchi, Stefano ; Cacciatore, Matteo. In: Staff Working Papers. RePEc:bca:bocawp:23-29. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | When death was postponed: the effect of hiv medication on work, savings and marriage. (2023). Lundborg, Petter ; Gortz, Mette ; Garcia-Miralles, Esteban ; Ejrnas, Mette. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bde:wpaper:2317. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | . Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2024 | Class size reduction, bullying, and violent behavior: Evidence from West Bank schools. (2024). Hallaq, Sameh. In: Bulletin of Economic Research. RePEc:bla:buecrs:v:76:y:2024:i:2:p:545-595. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Access to credit and heterogeneous effects on agricultural technology adoption: Evidence from large rural surveys in Ethiopia. (2023). Regassa, Mekdim ; Melesse, Mequanint B ; Degnet, Mohammed B. In: Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie. RePEc:bla:canjag:v:71:y:2023:i:2:p:231-253. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | What do fiscal stimulus packages mean for household debt?. (2023). Dvalishvili, Mikheil ; Olivero, Maria Pia. In: Contemporary Economic Policy. RePEc:bla:coecpo:v:41:y:2023:i:2:p:282-299. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Measuring Corruption in China: An Expenditure†based Approach Using Household Survey Data. (2018). Zhong, Hai. In: Economica. RePEc:bla:econom:v:85:y:2018:i:338:p:383-405. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Parental Childcare with Process Benefits. (2023). Cosaert, Sam ; Hennebel, Veerle. In: Economica. RePEc:bla:econom:v:90:y:2023:i:357:p:339-371. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2024 | Consumption and time use responses to unemployment: Implications for the lifecycle model. (2024). Suari-Andreu, Eduard ; Alessie, Rob ; Knoef, Marike ; Suariandreu, Eduard ; Been, Jim. In: Economica. RePEc:bla:econom:v:91:y:2024:i:361:p:1-32. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Export- and Import-Specific Habit Formation. (2009). Ikeda, Shinsuke. In: Review of Development Economics. RePEc:bla:rdevec:v:13:y:2009:i:4:p:709-718. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Side effects of labor market policies. (2023). Vikstrom, Johan ; van den Berg, Gerard J ; Mahlstedt, Robert ; Caliendo, Marco. In: Scandinavian Journal of Economics. RePEc:bla:scandj:v:125:y:2023:i:2:p:339-375. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Untying the Knot: How Child Support and Alimony Affect Couples’ Decisions and Welfare. (2020). Foerster, Hanno. In: Boston College Working Papers in Economics. RePEc:boc:bocoec:1043. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2024 | Collective Behavior with Information Asymmetry. (2024). Lewbel, Arthur ; Yi, Junjian ; Li, Wenchao ; Cao, Zhi. In: Boston College Working Papers in Economics. RePEc:boc:bocoec:1070. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | . Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | The Effect of Increasing Retirement Age on Households’ Savings and Consumption Expenditures. (2023). Ye, Han ; Fischer, Bjorn ; Etgeton, Stefan. In: CRC TR 224 Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:bon:boncrc:crctr224_2023_255v3. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Health Insurance and Agricultural Investments: Evidence from Rural Thailand. (2023). Schroyen, F ; Prommawin, B ; Liu, K. In: Cambridge Working Papers in Economics. RePEc:cam:camdae:2327. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Intergenerational Altruism and Transfers of Time and Money: A Life Cycle Perspective. (2023). french, eric ; O'Dea, C ; MacCuish, Hentall J ; Bolt, U. In: Cambridge Working Papers in Economics. RePEc:cam:camdae:2374. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2024 | Interpreting Cohort Profiles of Lifecycle Earnings Volatility. (2024). Blundell, Richard ; Ziliak, James P ; Hokayem, Charles ; Bollinger, Christopher R. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cen:wpaper:24-21. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2024 | Mobility, Opportunity, and Volatility Statistics (MOVS): Infrastructure Files and Public Use Data. (2024). Voorheis, John ; Rothbaum, Jonathan ; Porter, Sonya R ; Pharris-Ciurej, Nikolas ; Houghton, Kendall ; Eng, Amanda ; Bee, Adam ; Jones, Maggie R. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cen:wpaper:24-23. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | . Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2024 | Financial Skills and Search in the Mortgage Market. (2024). Sterc, Ante ; Cota, Marta. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp780. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Welfare Effects of Indirect Tax Policies in West Africa. (2023). Houssa, Romain ; Capéau, Bart ; Babatounde, Alain. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_10381. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Temperature and Joint Time Use. (2023). Tatsiramos, Konstantinos ; Nieto, Adrian ; Cosaert, Sam. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_10464. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Precautionary Savings, Loss Aversion, and Risk: Theory and Evidence. (2023). Georgalos, Konstantinos ; Hajimoladarvish, Narges ; Dhami, Sanjit. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_10570. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | (How) Do Electoral Surprises Drive Business Cycles? Evidence from a New Dataset. (2023). Fetzer, Thiemo ; Yotzov, Ivan. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_10584. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | The Parenthood Penalty in Mental Health: Evidence from Austria and Denmark. (2023). Hener, Timo ; Halla, Martin ; Glogowsky, Ulrich ; Ahammer, Alexander. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_10676. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2024 | Beyond Covid: Pandemics and the Economics of Aging and Longevity. (2024). Grossmann, Volker ; Strulik, Holger. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_11104. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | A tail of labor supply and a tale of monetary policy. (2023). ferroni, filippo ; Cantore, Cristiano ; Theophilopoulou, Angeliki ; Mumtaz, Haroon. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:cfm:wpaper:2308. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | (How) Do electoral surprises drive business cycles? Evidence from a new dataset. (2023). Yotzov, Ivan ; Fetzer, Thiemo. In: CAGE Online Working Paper Series. RePEc:cge:wacage:672. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | The evolution of consumption inequality and riskinsurance in Chile. (2023). Madeira, Carlos. In: Working Papers Central Bank of Chile. RePEc:chb:bcchwp:973. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Heterogeneity of Consumption Responses to Income Shocks in the Presence of Nonlinear Persistence. (2023). Blundell, Richard ; Light, Jack ; Bonhomme, Stephane ; Arellano, Manuel. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cmf:wpaper:wp2023_2301. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Insured Privately? Wealth Stratification of Job Loss in the UK. (2023). Beduk, Seluk. In: Social Inclusion. RePEc:cog:socinc:v:11:y:2023:i:1:p:135-147. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Impact of foreign domestic workers on the fertility decision of households: evidence from Hong Kong. (2023). Suzuki, Aya ; Nakamura, Nobuyuki. In: JODE - Journal of Demographic Economics. RePEc:ctl:louvde:v:89:y:2023:i:1:p:105-135. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | The Elasticity of Marginal Utility of Income for Distributional Weighting and Social Discounting: A Meta-Analysis. (2023). Greenberg, David H ; Acland, Daniel. In: Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis. RePEc:cup:jbcoan:v:14:y:2023:i:2:p:386-405_10. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | The effects of cash and in-kind transfers on intra-household inequality: Insights from a randomized experiment. (2023). Casco, Jose L. In: Economics Bulletin. RePEc:ebl:ecbull:eb-23-00100. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Nonparametric Models in Consumer Behaviour. (2023). De Rock, Bram ; Cherchye, Laurens ; Vermeulen, Frederic. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/356680. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Poor and Wealthy Hand-to-mouth Households in Belgium. (2023). Minne, Geoffrey ; Cherchye, Laurens ; de Sola, Maite ; Kovaleva, Mariia ; de Rock, Bram ; Demuynck, Thomas ; Vermeulen, Frederic. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/356756. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Welfare Effects of Indirect Tax Policies in West Africa. (2023). Houssa, Romain ; Babatounde, Alain ; Capeau, Bart. In: Working Papers ECARES. RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/364777. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Consumption effects of job loss expectations: new evidence for the euro area. (2023). Weissler, Marco ; Rusinova, Desislava ; da Silva, Antonio Dias. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:ecb:ecbwps:20232817. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Manufacturing employment and women’s agency: Evidence from Lesotho 2004–2014. (2023). Grogan, Louise. In: Journal of Development Economics. RePEc:eee:deveco:v:160:y:2023:i:c:s0304387822000979. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | The more the poorer? Resource sharing and scale economies in large families. (2023). Wolf, Alexander ; Tommasi, Denni ; Penglase, Jacob ; Calvi, Rossella. In: Journal of Development Economics. RePEc:eee:deveco:v:160:y:2023:i:c:s0304387822001286. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | To invest or not to invest in sanitation: The role of intra-household gender differences in perceptions and bargaining power. (2023). Malde, Bansi ; Wahhaj, Zaki ; Olorenshaw, Harriet ; Augsburg, Britta. In: Journal of Development Economics. RePEc:eee:deveco:v:162:y:2023:i:c:s0304387823000299. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Exposure to collective gender-based violence causes intimate partner violence. (2023). Brück, Tilman ; Bruck, Tilman ; Stojetz, Wolfgang. In: Journal of Development Economics. RePEc:eee:deveco:v:164:y:2023:i:c:s0304387823000093. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2024 | Place-based policies, rural employment, and intra-household resources allocation: Evidence from China’s economic zones. (2024). Qu, XI ; Zhao, Chuanmin. In: Journal of Development Economics. RePEc:eee:deveco:v:167:y:2024:i:c:s0304387823001669. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2024 | Can housing booms elevate financing costs of financial institutions?. (2024). ZHANG, SHUOXUN ; Ma, Chao. In: Journal of Development Economics. RePEc:eee:deveco:v:167:y:2024:i:c:s0304387823001864. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
More than 100 citations found, this list is not complete... |
Journal | |
CAM Working Papers |
Year | Title | Type | Cited |
1999 | Shocks, Stocks and Socks: Consumption Smoothing and the Replacement of Durables During an Unemployment Spell. In: ANU Working Papers in Economics and Econometrics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 39 |
2000 | Shocks, Stocks and Socks: Consumption Smoothing and the Replacement of Durables During an Unemployment Spell.(2000) In: Econometric Society World Congress 2000 Contributed Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 39 | paper | |
1999 | Shocks, Stocks and Socks: Consumption Smoothing and the Replacement of Durables During an Unemployment Spell..(1999) In: Australian National University - Department of Economics. [Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 39 | paper | |
Shocks, stocks and socks: consumption smoothing and the replacement of durables during an unemployment spell.() In: Canadian International Labour Network Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 39 | paper | ||
1993 | Intra Household Allocation of Consumption: A Model and some Evidence from French Data In: Annals of Economics and Statistics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 132 |
1995 | Consumption over the Life Cycle and over the Business Cycle. In: American Economic Review. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 299 |
1993 | Consumption Over the Life Cycle and Over the Business Cycle..(1993) In: Tilburg - Center for Economic Research. [Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 299 | paper | |
1993 | Consumption over the Life Cycle and over the Business Cycle.(1993) In: NBER Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 299 | paper | |
1993 | Consumption over the life cycle and over the business cycle.(1993) In: Discussion Paper. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 299 | paper | |
1993 | Consumption over the life cycle and over the business cycle.(1993) In: Other publications TiSEM. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 299 | paper | |
2001 | The Response of Expenditures to Anticipated Income Changes: Panel Data Estimates In: American Economic Review. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 176 |
1999 | -THE RESPONSE OF EXPENDITURES TO ANTICIPATED INCOME CHANGES: PANEL DATA ESTIMATES.(1999) In: Working Papers. Serie AD. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 176 | paper | |
2009 | Are Two Cheap, Noisy Measures Better Than One Expensive, Accurate One? In: American Economic Review. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 27 |
2009 | Are two cheap, noisy measures better than one expensive, accurate one?.(2009) In: IFS Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 27 | paper | |
2015 | Sharp for SARP: Nonparametric Bounds on Counterfactual Demands In: American Economic Journal: Microeconomics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 26 |
2015 | Sharp for SARP: Nonparametric bounds on counterfactual demands.(2015) In: ULB Institutional Repository. [Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 26 | paper | |
1992 | Children and Household Economic Behavior. In: Journal of Economic Literature. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 402 |
1996 | Household Saving: Micro Theories and Micro Facts In: Journal of Economic Literature. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 885 |
1996 | Household Saving: Micro Theories and Micro Facts.(1996) In: Discussion Papers. [Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 885 | paper | |
1995 | Household Saving: Micro Theories and Micro Facts.(1995) In: Department of Economics Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 885 | paper | |
2001 | The Life-Cycle Model of Consumption and Saving In: Journal of Economic Perspectives. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 329 |
2001 | The life-cycle model of consumption and saving.(2001) In: IFS Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 329 | paper | |
2000 | The Life Cycle Model of Consumption and Saving.(2000) In: Social and Economic Dimensions of an Aging Population Research Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 329 | paper | |
1989 | A Microeconometric Model of Intertemporal Substitution and Consumer Demand In: Economic Research Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 8 |
1989 | A MICROECONOMETRIC MODEL OF INTERTEMPORAL SUBSTITUTION AND CONSUMER DEMAND..(1989) In: The Warwick Economics Research Paper Series (TWERPS). [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 8 | paper | |
2013 | Heterogeneity in the Dynamics of Labor Earnings In: Annual Review of Economics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 11 |
2014 | The Measurement of Household Consumption Expenditures In: Annual Review of Economics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 42 |
2014 | The measurement of household consumption expenditures.(2014) In: IFS Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 42 | paper | |
1999 | Unemployment Insurance Benefit Levels and Consumption Changes. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 170 |
2001 | Unemployment insurance benefit levels and consumption changes.(2001) In: Journal of Public Economics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 170 | article | |
1996 | Unemployment Insurance Benefit Levels and Consumption Changes.(1996) In: Discussion Papers. [Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 170 | paper | |
Unemployment Insurance Benefit Levels and Consumption Changes.() In: Canadian International Labour Network Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 170 | paper | ||
1996 | Unemployment Insurance Benefit Levels and Consumption Changes.(1996) In: Department of Economics Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 170 | paper | |
In: . [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 35 | |
2012 | The age-period cohort problem: set identification and point identification.(2012) In: CeMMAP working papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 35 | paper | |
In: . [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 | |
2004 | Nonparametric methods for the characteristic model.(2004) In: CeMMAP working papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 0 | paper | |
2013 | The Identification of a Mixture of First-Order Binary Markov Chains In: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 3 |
2011 | The identification of a mixture of first order binary Markov Chains.(2011) In: UC3M Working papers. Economics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 3 | paper | |
2016 | Durable Purchases over the Later Life Cycle In: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 14 |
2012 | Durable purchases over the later life cycle.(2012) In: IFS Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 14 | paper | |
2012 | Durable Purchases over the Later Life Cycle.(2012) In: Koç University-TUSIAD Economic Research Forum Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 14 | paper | |
2007 | Class Size, Teacher Hours and Educational Attainment* In: Scandinavian Journal of Economics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 47 |
2005 | Class size, teacher hours and educational attainment.(2005) In: CAM Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 47 | paper | |
2012 | Spending Time and Money within the Household In: Scandinavian Journal of Economics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 57 |
2006 | Spending time and money within the household.(2006) In: Economics Series Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 57 | paper | |
2010 | Estimating Consumption Economies of Scale, Adult Equivalence Scales, and Household Bargaining Power In: Boston College Working Papers in Economics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 320 |
2003 | Estimating Consumption Economies of Scale, Adult Equivalence Scales, and Household Bargaining Power.(2003) In: CAM Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 320 | paper | |
2013 | Estimating Consumption Economies of Scale, Adult Equivalence Scales, and Household Bargaining Power.(2013) In: The Review of Economic Studies. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 320 | article | |
2006 | Estimating Consumption Economies of Scale, Adult Equivalence Scales, and Household Bargaining Power.(2006) In: Economics Series Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 320 | paper | |
1993 | Testing the Life Cycle Model of Consumption: What Can We Learn From Micro and Macro Data? In: Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 9 |
1994 | Testing the life cycle model consumption: what can we learn from micro and macro data?.(1994) In: Investigaciones Economicas. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 9 | article | |
1987 | Co-operatives, Closures, or Wage Cuts: The Choices Facing Workers in an Ailing Firm. In: Canadian Journal of Economics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 0 |
1989 | The Intertemporal Allocation of Expenditure on Non-durables, Services, and Durables. In: Canadian Journal of Economics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 6 |
2002 | Modelling income processes with lots of heterogeneity In: 10th International Conference on Panel Data, Berlin, July 5-6, 2002. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 154 |
2001 | Modelling Income Processes with lots of heterogeneity.(2001) In: CAM Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 154 | paper | |
2010 | Modelling Income Processes with Lots of Heterogeneity.(2010) In: The Review of Economic Studies. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 154 | article | |
2006 | Modelling income processes with lots of heterogeneity.(2006) In: Economics Series Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 154 | paper | |
2009 | Dynamic binary outcome models with maximal heterogeneity In: UC3M Working papers. Economics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 23 |
2014 | Dynamic binary outcome models with maximal heterogeneity.(2014) In: Journal of Econometrics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 23 | article | |
2009 | Dynamic Binary Outcome Models with Maximal Heterogeneity.(2009) In: CAM Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 23 | paper | |
2009 | Dynamic binary outcome models with maximal heterogeneity.(2009) In: Economics Series Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 23 | paper | |
2014 | Economics of the Family In: Cambridge Books. [Citation analysis] | book | 357 |
2014 | Economics of the Family.(2014) In: Cambridge Books. [Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 357 | book | |
2021 | Stable Marriage, Household Consumption and Unobserved Match Quality In: Working Papers ECARES. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 3 |
2021 | Stable marriage, household consumption and unobserved match quality.(2021) In: IFS Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 3 | paper | |
2021 | Stable Marriage, Household Consumption and Unobserved Match Quality.(2021) In: IZA Discussion Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 3 | paper | |
2021 | Stable marriage, household consumption and unobserved match quality.(2021) In: CEBI working paper series. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 3 | paper | |
2024 | Spouses with Benefits: on Match Quality and Consumption inside Households In: Working Papers ECARES. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2024 | Spouses with benefits: on match quality and consumption inside households.(2024) In: CEBI working paper series. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 0 | paper | |
2003 | Imputing consumption from income and wealth information In: Economic Journal. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 89 |
2003 | Asking consumption questions in general purpose surveys In: Economic Journal. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 136 |
2002 | Asking Consumption Questions in General Purpose Surveys.(2002) In: CAM Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 136 | paper | |
2002 | Asking Consumption Questions in General Purpose Surveys.(2002) In: Social and Economic Dimensions of an Aging Population Research Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 136 | paper | |
2010 | Distributional Effects in Household Models: Separate Spheres and Income Pooling In: Economic Journal. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 57 |
2007 | Distributional effects in household models: separate spheres and income pooling.(2007) In: IFS Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 57 | paper | |
2005 | Distributional Effects in Household Models: Separate Spheres and Income Pooling.(2005) In: CAM Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 57 | paper | |
2006 | Distributional effects in household models: separate spheres and income pooling.(2006) In: Economics Series Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 57 | paper | |
2011 | Spending on Children: Direct Survey Evidence In: Economic Journal. [Citation analysis] | article | 16 |
1982 | Savings and Pensions: Some UK Evidence. In: Economic Journal. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 3 |
2013 | Housing Wealth and Consumption: A Micro Panel Study In: Economic Journal. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 106 |
1983 | Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Conditional Cost Functions. In: Econometrica. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 15 |
1985 | A Differential Demand System, Rational Expectations and the Life Cycle Hypothesis. In: Econometrica. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 9 |
1985 | A Profitable Approach to Labor Supply and Commodity Demands over the Life-Cycle. In: Econometrica. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 443 |
1991 | The Effects of Male and Female Labor Supply on Commodity Demands. In: Econometrica. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 293 |
1998 | Efficient Intra-Household Allocations: A General Characterization and Empirical Tests In: Econometrica. [Citation analysis] | article | 706 |
1996 | Efficient Intra-Household Allocations - A General Characterization and Empirical Tests.(1996) In: Discussion Papers. [Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 706 | paper | |
1994 | Efficient Intra-Household Allocations: a General Characterization and Empirical Tests.(1994) In: Department of Economics Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 706 | paper | |
2003 | Nonparametric Engel Curves and Revealed Preference In: Econometrica. [Citation analysis] | article | 185 |
1997 | Non-parametric Engel curves and revealed preferences.(1997) In: IFS Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 185 | paper | |
2002 | Nonparametric Engel Curves and Revealed Preference.(2002) In: CAM Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 185 | paper | |
1998 | Nonparametric Engel Curves and Revealed Preference.(1998) In: Discussion Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 185 | paper | |
2008 | Best Nonparametric Bounds on Demand Responses In: Econometrica. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 84 |
2005 | Best nonparametric bounds on demand responses.(2005) In: CeMMAP working papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 84 | paper | |
2005 | Best nonparametric bounds on demand responses.(2005) In: IFS Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 84 | paper | |
2005 | Best Nonparametric Bounds on Demand Responses.(2005) In: CAM Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 84 | paper | |
2000 | The Long Run Costs of Job Loss as Measured by Consumption Changes In: Econometric Society World Congress 2000 Contributed Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 19 |
2008 | The long-run cost of job loss as measured by consumption changes.(2008) In: Journal of Econometrics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 19 | article | |
2006 | The Long-Run Cost of Job Loss as Measured by Consumption Changes.(2006) In: Quantitative Studies in Economics and Population Research Reports. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 19 | paper | |
2006 | The Long-Run Cost of Job Loss as Measured by Consumption Changes.(2006) In: Social and Economic Dimensions of an Aging Population Research Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 19 | paper | |
2010 | Heterogeneity in dynamic discrete choice models In: Econometrics Journal. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 18 |
2006 | Heterogeneity in dynamic discrete choice models.(2006) In: Economics Series Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 18 | paper | |
1985 | Imperfect capital markets in empirical life-cycle models In: Economics Letters. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 1 |
1986 | The costs of using Frisch demand functions that are additive in the marginal utility of expenditure In: Economics Letters. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 4 |
1979 | A note on the maximand of a fixed-membership labour-managed firm In: Economics Letters. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 0 |
1997 | Interpreting the results of empirical analyses of intertemporal allocation: An identification problem In: Economics Letters. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 3 |
1982 | Cooperation in a fixed-membership labor-managed enterprise In: Journal of Comparative Economics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 4 |
1985 | The trend level of imports by CMEA countries In: Journal of Comparative Economics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 0 |
1990 | Workers preferences for co-operatives versus private buy-outs In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 1 |
2012 | Effect of job loss due to plant closure on mortality and hospitalization In: Journal of Health Economics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 259 |
1999 | Micro data and general equilibrium models In: Handbook of Macroeconomics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | chapter | 366 |
1999 | Micro Data and General Equilibrium Models.(1999) In: Discussion Papers. [Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 366 | paper | |
2007 | Local disaggregation of negative demand and excess demand functions In: Journal of Mathematical Economics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 0 |
2005 | Local Disaggregation of Negative Demand and Excess Demand Functions.(2005) In: CAM Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 0 | paper | |
2005 | A working paper from April 1985: Which demand elasticities do we know and which do we need to know for policy analysis? In: Research in Economics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 18 |
1993 | Estimating micro parameters from macro data alone: some pessimistic evidence In: Ricerche Economiche. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 2 |
1995 | Saving and the intra-household distribution of income: an empirical investigation In: Ricerche Economiche. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 22 |
2013 | Rational inattention or rational overreaction? Consumer reactions to health news In: IFRO Working Paper. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
1995 | Le revenu et le niveau de vie en periode de chomage. In: Gouvernement du Canada - Human Resources. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
1995 | Etude de linteraction de lassurance-chomage et de laide sociale au moyen des donnees de lEPCC. In: Gouvernement du Canada - Human Resources. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2021 | Do you have time to take a walk together? Private and joint time within the household In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 14 |
2021 | Do you have time to take a walk together? Private and joint time within the household.(2021) In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 14 | paper | |
2020 | Do you have time to take a walk together? Private and joint time within the household.(2020) In: CEBI working paper series. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 14 | paper | |
2021 | Do you have time to take a walk together? Private and joint time within the household.(2021) In: The Economic Journal. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 14 | article | |
2009 | Efficient Intra-Household Allocations and Distribution Factors: Implications and Identification In: Post-Print. [Citation analysis] | paper | 119 |
2009 | Efficient Intra-Household Allocations and Distribution Factors: Implications and Identification.(2009) In: PSE-Ecole d'économie de Paris (Postprint). [Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 119 | paper | |
2006 | Efficient Intra-household Allocations and Distribution Factors: Implications and Identification.(2006) In: CAM Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 119 | paper | |
2009 | Efficient Intra-Household Allocations and Distribution Factors: Implications and Identification.(2009) In: The Review of Economic Studies. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 119 | article | |
2017 | Marriage and Housework In: Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 17 |
2017 | Marriage and Housework.(2017) In: IZA Discussion Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 17 | paper | |
2021 | Marriage and housework.(2021) In: Oxford Economic Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 17 | article | |
1989 | A Nonparametric Test of the Life-Cycle Rational Expectations Hypothesis. In: International Economic Review. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 30 |
2007 | IMPROVING REVEALED PREFERENCE BOUNDS ON DEMAND RESPONSES In: International Economic Review. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 15 |
2009 | The Allocation of Expenditures within the Household: A New Survey In: Fiscal Studies. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 21 |
2012 | Sharp for SARP: Nonparametric bounds on the behavioural and welfare effects of price changes In: IFS Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 7 |
2012 | Sharp for SARP : Nonparametric Bounds on the Behavioural and Welfare Effects of Price Changes.(2012) In: Discussion Paper. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 7 | paper | |
2012 | Sharp for SARP : Nonparametric Bounds on the Behavioural and Welfare Effects of Price Changes.(2012) In: Other publications TiSEM. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 7 | paper | |
2014 | Never mind the hyperbolics: nonparametric analysis of time-inconsistent preferences In: IFS Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 3 |
2015 | Prices versus preferences: taste change and revealed preference In: IFS Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 9 |
1993 | Consumer demand and the life-cycle allocation of household expenditures In: IFS Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 345 |
1994 | Consumer Demand and the Life-Cycle Allocation of Household Expenditures.(1994) In: The Review of Economic Studies. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 345 | article | |
1993 | Dual approaches to utility In: Working Papers. Serie AD. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2006 | HABITS AND HETEROGENEITY IN DEMANDS: A PANEL DATA ANALYSIS In: Working Papers. Serie AD. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 56 |
2007 | Habits and heterogeneity in demands: a panel data analysis.(2007) In: Journal of Applied Econometrics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 56 | article | |
2004 | Habits and Heterogeneity in Demands: a Panel Data Analysis.(2004) In: CAM Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 56 | paper | |
2009 | Estimating Euler equations with noisy data: two exact GMM estimators In: Journal of Applied Econometrics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 40 |
2005 | Estimating Euler Equations with Noisy Data: Two Exact GMM Estimators.(2005) In: CAM Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 40 | paper | |
2006 | Estimating Euler Equations with Noisy Data: Two Exact GMM Estimators.(2006) In: Economics Series Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 40 | paper | |
2003 | Children and Demand: Direct and Non-Direct Effects In: Review of Economics of the Household. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 7 |
2002 | Children and Demand: Direct and Non-Direct Effects.(2002) In: Economics Series Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 7 | paper | |
2006 | Collective and Unitary Models: A Clarification In: Review of Economics of the Household. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 122 |
2004 | Collective and Unitary Models: a Clarification.(2004) In: CAM Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 122 | paper | |
2004 | Collective and unitary models: a clarification.(2004) In: Economics Series Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 122 | paper | |
2009 | The distribution of financial well-being and income within the household In: Review of Economics of the Household. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 30 |
2020 | Nonparametric Analysis of Time-Inconsistent Preferences In: CEBI working paper series. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 6 |
2021 | Non-parametric Analysis of Time-Inconsistent Preferences.(2021) In: The Review of Economic Studies. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 6 | article | |
2017 | Nonparametric Analysis of Time-Inconsistent Preferences.(2017) In: Economics Series Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 6 | paper | |
2002 | Consumption and Children In: CAM Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 86 |
2009 | Consumption and Children.(2009) In: The Review of Economics and Statistics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 86 | article | |
2002 | Imputing Consumption from Income Tax Registers In: CAM Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2003 | The Distribution of Well-Being and Income within the Household In: CAM Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 29 |
2003 | Asset Accumulation and Short Term Employment In: CAM Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 24 |
2002 | Asset Accumulation and Short Term Employment.(2002) In: Department of Economics Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 24 | paper | |
2007 | Asset Accumulation and Short Term Employment.(2007) In: Review of Economic Dynamics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 24 | article | |
2003 | Estimating Intertemporal Allocation Parameters using Simulated Residual Estimation In: CAM Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 38 |
2003 | Job Displacement and Health Outcomes: A Representative Panel Study In: CAM Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 4 |
2004 | Shocks, stocks and socks: smoothing consumption over a temporary income loss In: CAM Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 107 |
2009 | Shocks, Stocks, and Socks: Smoothing Consumption Over a Temporary Income Loss.(2009) In: Journal of the European Economic Association. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 107 | article | |
2005 | Revealed preference analysis of characteristics models In: CAM Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 42 |
2008 | Revealed Preference Analysis of Characteristics Models.(2008) In: The Review of Economic Studies. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 42 | article | |
2006 | Revealed Preference Analysis of Characteristics Models.(2006) In: Economics Series Working Papers. [Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 42 | paper | |
2005 | Revealed preference analysis of characteristics models.(2005) In: School of Economics Discussion Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 42 | paper | |
2006 | Heterogeneity and Microeconometrics Modelling In: CAM Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 42 |
2009 | Marriage and Consumption In: CAM Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 1 |
2009 | Pooling of Income and Sharing of Consumption within Households In: CAM Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 6 |
2009 | Pooling of income and sharing of consumption within households.(2009) In: Economics Series Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 6 | paper | |
2001 | Caring and Sharing: Tests Between Alternative Models of Intra-household Allocation In: Discussion Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 27 |
1996 | The Saving Behaviour of a Two Person Household In: Discussion Papers. [Citation analysis] | paper | 15 |
1994 | The Saving Behaviour of a Two Person Household.(1994) In: Department of Economics Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 15 | paper | |
1998 | Modelling commodity demands and labour supply with m-demands In: Discussion Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 4 |
1999 | Local disaggregation of demand and excess demand functions: a new question In: Discussion Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 3 |
1999 | Employment protection and the consequences for displaced workers: a comparison of Belgium and Denmark In: Discussion Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 4 |
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1989 | A Microeconomic Model of Intertemporal Substitution and Consumer Demand In: Department of Economics Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 3 |
2003 | Shocks, Stocks and Socks In: Department of Economics Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 25 |
2019 | Heterogeneous Consumer Reactions to Health News In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 2 |
1990 | Consumption and Income Taxation. In: Oxford Economic Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 8 |
1987 | Eating, Drinking, Smoking, and Testing the Lifecycle Hypothesis In: The Quarterly Journal of Economics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 8 |
1987 | Prices vs. Quantities vs. Laissez-faire In: The Review of Economic Studies. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 2 |
2010 | Estimating Intertemporal Allocation Parameters using Synthetic Residual Estimation In: The Review of Economic Studies. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 61 |
2006 | Estimating Intertemporal Allocation Parameters using Simulated Expectation Errors In: Economics Series Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 12 |
2006 | Allocation within the household: direct survey evidence In: Economics Series Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 13 |
2006 | Quelques resultats sur l`effet des transferts cibles In: Economics Series Working Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2005 | Lots of Heterogeneity in a Matching Model In: 2005 Meeting Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2009 | Consumption with Heterogeneous Preferences and Heterogeneous Income Processes In: 2009 Meeting Papers. [Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
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2014 | Study versus television In: IZA Journal of Labor Economics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 2 |
2018 | Income and Consumption: A Micro Semistructural Analysis with Pervasive Heterogeneity In: Journal of Political Economy. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 26 |
1994 | Income and Outcomes: A Structural Model of Intrahousehold Allocation. In: Journal of Political Economy. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 597 |
2000 | Luxuries Are Easier to Postpone: A Proof In: Journal of Political Economy. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 59 |
1991 | A Simple Nonadditive Preference Structure for Models of Household Behavior over Time. In: Journal of Political Economy. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 50 |
2014 | The persistent–transitory representation for earnings processes In: Quantitative Economics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 13 |
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