Author citation profiles: Banco Central do Brasil

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Sergio A. Lago Alves8141914.98% 11
Leonardo Soriano de Alencar4112561.16% 15
Waldyr Dutra Areosa5141219.7% 7
Gustavo Silva Araujo335286.67% 1
Cyntia Freitas Azevedo33310% 4
João Barata Ribeiro Blanco Barroso6181352.88% 16
Fabia Aparecida de Carvalho8151457.05% 9
Marcos Ribeiro de Castro451462.01% 18
Silvio Michael de Azevedo Costa47500% 3
Claudio de Moraes4165010.71% 5
Angelo Marsiglia Fasolo3112411.11% 1
Wagner Piazza Gaglianone8342847.49% 15
Gabriel Garber413831.19% 6
Rodrigo Barbone Gonzalez59965.88% 13
Solange Maria Guerra8252394.4% 11
Marcos Valli Jorge411551.79% 2
Vicente da Gama Machado47230% 1
Roberto Baltieri Mauad58495.77% 6
Leonardo Sousa Gomes Marinho331810% 9
Bruno Pires Tiberto39556.78% 4

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated November, 3 2024. Contact: CitEc Team