Author citation profiles: University of Thessaly. Department of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Paschalis A. Arvanitidis5261096.84% 6
Athina Economou6151263.08% 9
GEORGE E. HALKOS22386188911.81% 60
Polyxeny Kechagia3173116.22% 3
Christos Kollias199711623.17% 40
THEODORE METAXAS613214419.1% 6
Stephanos Τ. Papadamou1610310034.84% 50
George John Papageorgiou4163811.63% 2
Kyriaki Dimitrios Tsilika4323834.48% 2
Panagiotis Tsintzos413318.82% 2

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