Author citation profiles: University of British Columbia. Vancouver School of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Siwan Anderson142714270.9% 54
Patrick Baylis46440% 7
Paul Beaudry3210748491.6% 138
Walter Erwin Diewert3723879081.78% 149
David Donaldson248525041.53% 54
Mauricio Drelichman7222038.97% 11
Mukesh Eswaran235317860.72% 42
Claudio Ferraz122315571.14% 62
Patrick Francois195517451.63% 58
Giovanni Gallipoli12336484.57% 36
Nancy Theresa Gallini122616700.71% 42
David A. Green288525881.86% 76
Joseph Henrich162831050.29% 135
John F. Helliwell2916138211.72% 70
Jeffrey Hicks34280% 9
Hiroyuki Kasahara124313901.84% 49
Amartya Lahiri17528372.22% 31
Thomas Lemieux3893147350.41% 433
Hao Li15309401.26% 44
Vadim Marmer11323295.46% 17
Kevin Milligan2610136431.3% 151
Nouri Najjar34691.43% 8
Nathan Nunn315980910.68% 425
Michael Peters154613362.48% 41
Jesse Perla6114381.35% 48
M. Marit Rehavi582060% 12
Angela Redish14555361.83% 13
W. Craig Riddell217518162.26% 35
Raffaele Saggio331222.4% 61
Heather Sarsons783800% 63
Henry E. Siu152713661.51% 59
Margaret Slade287530271.05% 73
Michal Szkup5131457.05% 13
Felipe Valencia Caicedo8162374.05% 16
Catherine van der List33613.17% 12

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated November, 3 2024. Contact: CitEc Team