Author citation profiles: World Bank Group. Economics Research

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Richard H. Adams, Jr.254528120.74% 90
Daniel Ayalew Ali194612651.94% 52
S Anukriti8171736.49% 17
Erhan Artuç11408293.04% 51
Pierre Bachas7101910.52% 38
Paulo Bastos11387323.3% 45
Kathleen Beegle276326620.82% 91
Brian Blankespoor7351684.55% 12
Bougna Lonla46661.49% 13
Miriam Bruhn195020690.96% 137
Robert Cull327941021.61% 136
Monica Das Gupta13427371.73% 22
Susmita Dasgupta229824621.68% 64
Damien de Walque177511323.33% 56
Klaus W. Deininger4420685261.34% 304
Benoît Decerf6279817.65% 12
Vincenzo Di Maro8193470.57% 16
Lelys Dinarte Diaz3141620% 4
Quy-Toan Do154110230.78% 51
Roberto N. Fattal Jaef7142231.33% 7
Ana Margarida Fernandes215117181.94% 85
Gershon Feder316654760.22% 156
Deon Filmer277634881.08% 120
Emanuela Galasso14257100.7% 22
Manuel Garcia-Santana8124451.98% 37
Amory Gethin63214124.19% 20
Xavier Gine237128181.23% 134
John Giles194312873.16% 53
Aparajita Goyal9154690.42% 27
Batshur Gootiiz582502.72% 22
Stephane Hallegatte3419745422.78% 197
Mary Hallward-Driemeier193913331.77% 63
Maddalena Honorati8152671.48% 15
Ergys Islamaj415896.32% 5
Maros Ivanic144216721.07% 88
Hanan Jacoby215331580.44% 90
Eeshani Kandpal7191223.94% 8
Hiau Looi Kee163320770.76% 109
Stuti Khemani13409841.99% 42
Leora F. Klapper399772550.7% 279
Daniel Lederman2611729631.23% 95
Norman V. Loayza40134112600.7% 375
Hibret Maemir49340% 3
Aaditya Mattoo3116137692.26% 134
David Mckenzie52227112112.1% 415
Annamaria Milazzo8112651.49% 22
Oyebola Okunogbe45365.26% 9
Victor Hugo Orozco-Olvera4101501.32% 16
Michael O'Sullivan316671.47% 11
Berk Özler194215881.79% 72
Steven Pennings6131262.33% 7
Alvaro Pedraza4161223.17% 8
Caio Piza7281113.48% 6
Alberto Portugal-Perez10184301.38% 47
Espen Beer Prydz6193583.5% 44
Vijayendra Rao217622191.64% 67
Arndt Rüdiger Reichert8281857.04% 12
Tristan Reed672500.4% 25
Bob Martinus Johannes Rijkers15515923.58% 42
Sandra V. Rozo8402734.21% 15
Frederic Halsey Rogers143311360.87% 40
Claudia Ruiz Ortega5152680.74% 26
Zurab Sajaia5115170.19% 36
Anja Sautmann6131422.07% 10
Sergio Schmukler3613253172.99% 189
Harris Selod176116142.54% 70
Forhad Shilpi16659495.1% 35
Sudhir K. Singh7111131.74% 14
Dorothe Singer9176110.33% 50
Jon Strand141157396.57% 21
Kibrom Tafere7191533.16% 12
Govinda R. Timilsina2413617402.3% 69
Hulya Ulku7162640.38% 17
Dominique van de Walle276519651.5% 57
Michael Woolcock187024411.49% 106

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated November, 3 2024. Contact: CitEc Team