Author citation profiles: International Monetary Fund (IMF). Research Department

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Itai Agur12344413.29% 23
Michal Andrle10403624.23% 18
Anil Ari6192722.16% 34
Nicoletta Batini225723291.61% 101
Katharina Bergant35303.23% 10
Emine Boz13279482.07% 52
Paul Cashin236324301.58% 78
Marcos Chamon214320361.26% 127
Mariarosaria Comunale84224015.49% 24
Mai Chi Dao11255290.56% 40
Giovanni Dell'ariccia357260480.58% 241
Hamid Faruqee173014480.82% 65
Matteo Francesco Ghilardi311531.85% 4
Pranav Gupta38510% 5
Zoltán M. Jakab12394202.33% 16
Florence Jaumotte173514650.07% 54
Johannes Hermanus Kemp47424.55% 4
Akito Matsumoto9154251.62% 22
Troy D. Matheson14386302.63% 37
Maria Soledad Martinez Peria327448780.79% 157
Giovanni Melina12375665.19% 43
Chris Papageorgiou3110935801.84% 143
Damien PUY9154692.49% 46
Pau Rabanal244326531.3% 120
Luca Antonio Ricci245030211.11% 107
Damiano Sandri164712851.38% 71
Nikola Spatafora121910151.07% 39
Martin Stuermer6221756.42% 11
Marina Mendes Tavares7262195.19% 19
Petia Topalova224347740.73% 265
Hui Tong174418071.74% 100
Charalambos G. Tsangarides174012251.37% 58
D. Filiz Unsal15366372.3% 39
Johannes Wiegand310240% 1

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated June, 27 2024. Contact: CitEc Team