Karim El Aynaoui : Citation Profile

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Policy Center for the New South


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   29 years (1995 - 2024). See details.
   Cites by year: 7
   Journals where Karim El Aynaoui has often published
   Relations with other researchers
   Recent citing documents: 10.    Total self citations: 4 (1.85 %)


   Permalink: http://citec.repec.org/pel166
   Updated: 2024-12-03    RAS profile: 2024-10-09    
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Relations with other researchers

Works with:

IBOURK, Aomar (8)

Authors registered in RePEc who have co-authored more than one work in the last five years with Karim El Aynaoui.

Is cited by:

Agénor, Pierre-Richard (28)

Guillaumont Jeanneney, Sylviane (5)

Guillaumont, Patrick (5)

de Haan, Jakob (4)

Kosempel, Stephen (4)

Scholtens, Bert (4)

Karam, Fida (4)

Omer, Muhammad (4)

Pereira da Silva, Luiz Awazu (4)

Annen, Kurt (4)

Lofgren, Hans (3)

Cites to:

Agénor, Pierre-Richard (18)

Canuto, Otaviano (8)

IBOURK, Aomar (6)

Rajan, Raghuram (6)

Rodrik, Dani (5)

Paldam, Martin (4)

Montiel, Peter (4)

Haddad, Lawrence (4)

Doucouliagos, Chris (4)

Subramanian, Arvind (4)

Dewatripont, Mathias (4)

Main data

Where Karim El Aynaoui has published?

Journals with more than one article published# docs
Revue d’économie du développement2
Open Economies Review2

Working Papers Series with more than one paper published# docs
Policy Research Working Paper Series / The World Bank3

Recent works citing Karim El Aynaoui (2024 and 2023)

YearTitle of citing document
2023Quantitative Easing, Bank Lending, and Aggregate Fluctuations. (2023). Segev, Nimrod ; Schaffer, Matthew. In: Bank of Israel Working Papers. RePEc:boi:wpaper:2023.01.

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2023Real Exchange Rate of Moroccan Currency: Appreciated or Depreciated?. (2023). Lezar, Mohammed Amine. In: International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues. RePEc:eco:journ1:2023-01-11.

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2023Dissecting the Moroccan business cycle: A trade-based identification of agricultural supply shocks. (2023). Ezzahid, Elhadj ; Elguellab, Ali. In: Economic Modelling. RePEc:eee:ecmode:v:129:y:2023:i:c:s0264999323003413.

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2023Optimal allocation of agriculture’s public budget can improve transformation and healthy diets access in Ethiopia. (2023). Sánchez Cantillo, Marco ; Cicowiez, Martin ; Sanchez, Marco V. In: Journal of Policy Modeling. RePEc:eee:jpolmo:v:45:y:2023:i:6:p:1262-1280.

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2024Infrastructure and economic growth in the context of the evolutionary theory of economic policy. (2024). Skrypnik, D. In: Journal of the New Economic Association. RePEc:nea:journl:y:2024:i:62:p:117-142.

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2023Repricing of bank assets and liabilities in the current rate hike cycle: historical perspective and impact on bank profitability. (2023). Girsch, Stefan ; Breyer, Peter ; Wittig, Elisabeth ; Steininger, Sophie ; Hubler, Mario ; Hanzl, Jakob. In: Financial Stability Report. RePEc:onb:oenbfs:y:2023:i:46:b:2.

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2023?????????????? ? ????????????? ????. «????????? ??????» ? ??????. (2020). Dmitriy, Skrypnik. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:104920.

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Works by Karim El Aynaoui:

2006Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Sub‐Saharan Africa: A Macroeconomic Monitoring Framework In: The World Economy.
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2005Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Sub-Saharan Africa : a macroeconomic monitoring framework.(2005) In: Policy Research Working Paper Series.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 17
2005Politiques du marché du travail et chômage au Maroc : une analyse quantitative In: Revue d’économie du développement.
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2015Politiques publiques, transformation industrielle, croissance et emploi au Maroc : une analyse quantitative In: Revue d’économie du développement.
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2008Imperfections du marché du crédit et mécanisme de transmission de la politique monétaire dans les pays à moyen revenu In: Revue économique.
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2008Roads out of poverty? Assessing the links between aid, public investment, growth, and poverty reduction In: Journal of Development Economics.
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2010Roads out of Poverty? Assessing the Link between Aid, Public Investment, Growth and Poverty Reduction.(2010) In: EcoMod2004.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 80
2005Roads out of poverty? assessing the links between aid, public investment, growth, and poverty reduction.(2005) In: Policy Research Working Paper Series.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 80
2010Excess liquidity, bank pricing rules, and monetary policy In: Journal of Banking & Finance.
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2008Excess Liquidity, Bank Pricing Rules, and Monetary Policy.(2008) In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 50
2023Career Trajectories of Higher Education Graduates: Impact of Soft Skills In: Economies.
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2023Agricultural Cooperatives’ Sustainability and the Relevance of Start-Up Support Programs: Evidence from Cooperatives’ Level in Morocco In: Sustainability.
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2018Slow Recovery to Nowhere? Labor Market Issues in Advanced Economies: Introduction In: Open Economies Review.
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2019Making Globalization Inclusive: Job Creation and Wage Inequality in Developing Economies In: Open Economies Review.
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1995Pauvreté et stratification du marché du travail urbain au Maroc : éléments danalyse In: Documents de travail.
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1997Participation, choix occupationnel et gains sur un marché du travail segmenté : une analyse appliquée au cas du Maroc In: Documents de travail.
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2018Les enjeux du marché du travail au Maroc In: Books & Reports.
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2016Seven Years after the Crisis: Intersecting Perspectives In: Books & Reports.
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2015MAROC : Stratégie de croissance à l’horizon 2025 dans un environnement international en mutation In: Books & Reports.
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2015MOROCCO : Growth strategy for 2025 in an evolving international environment In: Books & Reports.
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2022ATLANTIC CURRENTS 8th Edition : The Wider Atlantic in a Challenging Recovery In: Books & Reports.
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2022Capital humain et développement économique et social au Maroc In: Books & Reports.
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2023Rapport annuel sur l’économie de l’Afrique 2023 In: Books & Reports.
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2020Rapport annuel sur l’économie de l’Afrique 2020 In: Books & Reports.
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2015Rethinking the Mediterranean Strategic Agenda in an Evolving Environment In: Policy briefs.
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2024L’évolution récente de la fécondité au Maroc : changement dans la continuité In: Policy briefs.
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2020Effet coupe du monde : une nouvelle piste de réflexion à la quête dune stratégie de déconfinement efficace In: Policy briefs.
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2024Economic Impacts of the 2023 Earthquake in Morocco In: Policy briefs.
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2022Jeunes Neets et intermédiation sur le marché du travail en milieu rural In: Research papers & Policy papers.
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2023TaRL Maroc : des débuts prometteurs pour un soutien scolaire innovant In: Research papers & Policy papers.
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2016The Unmet Challenge of Interdependence in the EU-MENA Space: A View from the South In: Research papers & Policy papers.
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2023Exploration multiniveaux des causes de la pauvreté des apprentissages au Maroc : une approche compréhensive In: Research papers & Policy papers.
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2024The Middle-Income Trap and Resource-Based Growth: the Case of Brazil In: Research papers & Policy papers.
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2024Assessing the Economic Impacts of Al-Haouz Earthquake: Damages and Recovery Strategy In: Research papers & Policy papers.
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2020L’autonomisation économique des femmes marocaines au temps de la Covid-19 et d’avant : comprendre pour agir In: Research papers & Policy papers.
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2016Food price volatility and its consequences: introduction In: Oxford Economic Papers.
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2014Les déterminants des exportations du Maroc : une investigation empirique sur données de panel. In: MPRA Paper.
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2015Introduction to the special section “Food Trade Relations of the Middle East and North Africa with Countries of the Tropics: Opportunities and Risks of South-South Cooperation” In: Food Security: The Science, Sociology and Economics of Food Production and Access to Food.
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2024Policy lessons from Okun’s law for African countries In: International Review of Applied Economics.
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2003Labor market policies and unemployment in Morocco : a quantitative analysis In: Policy Research Working Paper Series.
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CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated November, 3 2024. Contact: CitEc Team