Fabrizio Fusillo : Citation Profile

Are you Fabrizio Fusillo?

Università degli Studi di Torino


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   9 years (2015 - 2024). See details.
   Cites by year: 2
   Journals where Fabrizio Fusillo has often published
   Relations with other researchers
   Recent citing documents: 16.    Total self citations: 6 (20 %)


   Permalink: http://citec.repec.org/pfu220
   Updated: 2024-12-03    RAS profile: 2024-10-10    
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Relations with other researchers

Works with:

Quatraro, Francesco (12)

Consoli, Davide (5)

Pietrobelli, Carlo (3)

Orsatti, Gianluca (3)

Usai, Stefano (2)

Authors registered in RePEc who have co-authored more than one work in the last five years with Fabrizio Fusillo.

Is cited by:

Boschma, Ron (4)

Fagiolo, Giorgio (2)

Vona, Francesco (2)

Dosi, Giovanni (2)

Ascani, Andrea (2)

Iammarino, Simona (2)

Rossi, Federica (1)

Perez-Alaniz, Mauricio (1)

Doran, Justin (1)

Quatraro, Francesco (1)

Lenihan, Helena (1)

Cites to:

Quatraro, Francesco (38)

Montresor, Sandro (15)

Boschma, Ron (15)

Barbieri, Nicolò (11)

Consoli, Davide (11)

Colombelli, Alessandra (9)

Ghisetti, Claudia (9)

Dechezleprêtre, Antoine (7)

OLTRA, Vanessa (7)

Marzucchi, Alberto (7)

Krafft, Jackie (7)

Main data

Where Fabrizio Fusillo has published?

Journals with more than one article published# docs
Industrial and Corporate Change2

Working Papers Series with more than one paper published# docs
Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis. Working Papers / University of Turin6
Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis LEI & BRICK - Laboratory of Economics of Innovation "Franco Momigliano", Bureau of Research in Innovation, Complexity and Knowledge, Collegio Carlo Alberto. WP series / University of Turin5

Recent works citing Fabrizio Fusillo (2024 and 2023)

YearTitle of citing document
2024Can the construction of a research and development platform encourage innovation in green technology by private enterprises? Evidence from China. (2024). Li, Yingming ; Wang, Mingyue ; Wu, Yujie ; Cao, Xiangjie ; Zhou, Junbi. In: Business Strategy and the Environment. RePEc:bla:bstrat:v:33:y:2024:i:2:p:742-763.

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2023Differential “progressibility” in human know-how: A conceptual overview. (2023). Nelson, John P. In: Research Policy. RePEc:eee:respol:v:52:y:2023:i:2:s0048733322001846.

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2024The material basis of modern technologies. A case study on rare metals. (2024). Iammarino, Simona ; Ascani, Andrea ; Li, George Yunxiong. In: Research Policy. RePEc:eee:respol:v:53:y:2024:i:1:s0048733323001981.

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2023Technological interdependencies and employment changes in European industries. (2023). Fagiolo, Giorgio ; Dosi, Giovanni ; Cresti, Lorenzo. In: Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. RePEc:eee:streco:v:64:y:2023:i:c:p:41-57.

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2024The importance of science for the development of new PV technologies in European regions. (2024). Boschma, Ron ; Tsouri, Maria. In: Papers in Evolutionary Economic Geography (PEEG). RePEc:egu:wpaper:2410.

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2023Discussion on the Relationship between Environmental Regulation and Green Technology Innovation from the Perspective of Innovation External Cooperation: Evidence from Chinese Private Enterprises. (2023). Wang, Mingyue ; Ma, Wenjing. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:15:y:2023:i:23:p:16333-:d:1288493.

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2024Subsidising innovation outside or within firms existing knowledge base: Which is best for radical innovation?. (2024). Rammer, Christian ; Perez-Alaniz, Mauricio ; Lenihan, Helena ; Doran, Justin. In: ZEW Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:zewdip:283615.

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Works by Fabrizio Fusillo:

2021The global network of embodied R&D flows In: Discussion Paper series in Regional Science & Economic Geography.
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2019Going Green: Environmental Regulation, eco-innovation and technological alliances In: Working Paper CRENoS.
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2023Green Technologies and diversity in the knowledge search and output phases: Evidence from European Patents In: Research Policy.
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2024The global network of product-embodied R&D flows: Have national boundaries really faded away? In: Structural Change and Economic Dynamics.
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2024Green-tech transition beyond regional borders: the role of embodied green knowledge flows In: Papers in Evolutionary Economic Geography (PEEG).
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2023Are ideas getting cheaper? The European evidence In: Industrial and Corporate Change.
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2024Co-evolutionary patterns of GVC-trade and knowledge flows in the mining industry: evidence from Latin America In: Industrial and Corporate Change.
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2023Co-evolutionary Patterns of GVC-Trade and Knowledge Flows in the Mining Industry: Evidence from Latin America..(2023) In: Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis. Working Papers.
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2023Co-evolutionary Patterns of GVC-Trade and Knowledge Flows in the Mining Industry: Evidence from Latin America..(2023) In: Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis LEI & BRICK - Laboratory of Economics of Innovation Franco Momigliano, Bureau of Research in Innovation, Complexity and Knowledge, Collegio Carlo Alberto. WP series.
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2019Resilience, Skill Endowment and Diversity: Evidence from US Metropolitan Areas In: LEM Papers Series.
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2022Resilience, Skill Endowment, and Diversity: Evidence from US Metropolitan Areas.(2022) In: Economic Geography.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 2
2022Going green: the dynamics of green technological alliances In: Economics of Innovation and New Technology.
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2021Skill endowment, routinisation and digital technologies: evidence from U.S. Metropolitan Areas In: Industry and Innovation.
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2020Skill Endowment, Routinisation and Digital Technologies: Evidence from U.S. Metropolitan Areas..(2020) In: Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis. Working Papers.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 4
2020Skill Endowment, Routinisation and Digital Technologies: Evidence from U.S. Metropolitan Areas..(2020) In: Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis LEI & BRICK - Laboratory of Economics of Innovation Franco Momigliano, Bureau of Research in Innovation, Complexity and Knowledge, Collegio Carlo Alberto. WP series.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 4
2024Regional technological diversification and the global network of embodied R&D: evidence from the exposure of European regions In: Regional Studies.
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2015Simulating Stock Markets: Risk-Aversion as a Cognitive Bias. In: Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis. Working Papers.
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2020Are Green Inventions really more complex? Evidence from European Patents. In: Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis. Working Papers.
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2020Are Green Inventions really more complex? Evidence from European Patents..(2020) In: Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis LEI & BRICK - Laboratory of Economics of Innovation Franco Momigliano, Bureau of Research in Innovation, Complexity and Knowledge, Collegio Carlo Alberto. WP series.
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2023Leveraging on Circular Economy Technologies for Recombinant Dynamics: Do Localized Knowledge and Digital Complementarities Matter?. In: Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis. Working Papers.
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2023Leveraging on Circular Economy Technologies for Recombinant Dynamics: Do Localized Knowledge and Digital Complementarities Matter?..(2023) In: Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis LEI & BRICK - Laboratory of Economics of Innovation Franco Momigliano, Bureau of Research in Innovation, Complexity and Knowledge, Collegio Carlo Alberto. WP series.
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2024Public Green Demand and Green Innovation: Evidence from US Firms. In: Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis. Working Papers.
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2024Public Green Demand and Green Innovation: Evidence from US Firms..(2024) In: Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis LEI & BRICK - Laboratory of Economics of Innovation Franco Momigliano, Bureau of Research in Innovation, Complexity and Knowledge, Collegio Carlo Alberto. WP series.
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