Rémy LE BOENNEC : Citation Profile

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Centre International de Recherche sur l'Environnement et le Développement (CIRED)


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   11 years (2012 - 2023). See details.
   Cites by year: 2
   Journals where Rémy LE BOENNEC has often published
   Relations with other researchers
   Recent citing documents: 5.    Total self citations: 15 (33.33 %)


   Permalink: http://citec.repec.org/ple1054
   Updated: 2024-12-03    RAS profile: 2024-10-01    
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Relations with other researchers

Works with:

Da Costa, Pascal (9)

Lucas, Sterenn (4)

Salladarré, Frédéric (4)

nicolaï, isabelle (3)

Authors registered in RePEc who have co-authored more than one work in the last five years with Rémy LE BOENNEC.

Is cited by:

Ellul Dimech, Reuben (2)

Petit, Sylvain (2)

nicolaï, isabelle (2)

Cho, Seong-Hoon (1)

Da Costa, Pascal (1)

Klaiber, Henry (1)

Chatterjee, Tonmoy (1)

Requia, Weeberb (1)

hammadou, hakim (1)

Cites to:


nicolaï, isabelle (14)

Gaigne, Carl (13)

Bureau, Benjamin (12)

Glachant, Matthieu (12)

Riou, Stephane (12)

Le Gallo, Julie (11)

POUYANNE, Guillaume (10)

Small, Kenneth (10)

Brécard, Dorothée (7)

thomas, isabelle (6)

Main data

Where Rémy LE BOENNEC has published?

Working Papers Series with more than one paper published# docs
Post-Print / HAL41
Working Papers / HAL5
MPRA Paper / University Library of Munich, Germany5

Recent works citing Rémy LE BOENNEC (2024 and 2023)

YearTitle of citing document
2023Are rural residents willing to trade-off higher noise for lower air pollution? Evidence from revealed preferences. (2023). Araa, Jorge E ; Fernandez-Hernandez, Carlos ; Hernandez-Aleman, Anastasia ; Leon, Carmelo J. In: Ecological Economics. RePEc:eee:ecolec:v:207:y:2023:i:c:s0921800923000472.

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2023Determining the optimal land valuation model: A case study of Hanoi, Vietnam. (2023). Doan, Quang Cuong. In: Land Use Policy. RePEc:eee:lauspo:v:127:y:2023:i:c:s0264837723000443.

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2023A decision analysis model for smart mobility system development under circular economy approach. (2023). Lopez, Ana M ; Yazdani, Morteza ; Duran-Romero, Gemma ; Pamuar, Dragan. In: Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. RePEc:eee:soceps:v:86:y:2023:i:c:s0038012122002750.

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Works by Rémy LE BOENNEC:

2020Does a positive density perception increase the probability of living in the ideal housing type? Evidence from the Loire-Atlantique Département in France In: Working Papers.
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2020Does a positive density perception increase the probability of living in the ideal housing type? Evidence from the Loire-Atlantique Département in France..(2020) In: Working Papers.
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2020Does a positive density perception increase the probability of living in the ideal housing type? Evidence from the Loire-Atlantique Département in France.(2020) In: Working Papers.
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2020Does a positive density perception increase the probability of living in the ideal housing type? Evidence from the Loire-Atlantique Département in France.(2020) In: Working Papers SMART.
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2022Incentives for modal shift towards sustainable mobility solutions: A review In: Revue d'économie industrielle.
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2022Incentives for modal shift towards sustainable mobility solutions: A review.(2022) In: Post-Print.
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2022Incentives for modal shift towards sustainable mobility solutions: A review.(2022) In: Post-Print.
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2021Incentives for modal shift towards sustainable mobility solutions: A review..(2021) In: Working Papers.
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2014Externalité de pollution versus économies dagglomération : le péage urbain, un instrument environnemental adapté ? In: Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine.
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2017The impact of air pollution and noise on the real estate market. The case of the 2013 European Green Capital: Nantes, France In: Ecological Economics.
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2017The impact of air pollution and noise on the real estate market. The case of the 2013 European Green Capital: Nantes, France.(2017) In: Post-Print.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 13
2017The impact of air pollution and noise on the real estate market. The case of the 2013 European Green Capital: Nantes, France.(2017) In: MPRA Paper.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 13
2019Assessing 50 innovative mobility offers in low-density areas: A French application using a two-step decision-aid method In: Transport Policy.
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2018Assessing 50 innovative mobility offers in low-density areas: a French application using a two-step decision-aid method.(2018) In: Post-Print.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 4
2019Assessing 50 innovative mobility offers in low-density areas: A French application using a two-step decision-aid method.(2019) In: Post-Print.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 4
2019Assessing 50 innovative mobility offers in low-density areas: A French application using a two-step decision-aid method.(2019) In: MPRA Paper.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 4
2017Evaluer des solutions de mobilité à déployer dans des contextes géographiques hétérogènes : un outil d’aide à la décision en deux phases In: Post-Print.
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2017Assessing mobility offers to be deployed in heterogeneous geographical contexts: a two-phase decision-aid tool In: Post-Print.
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2017Inciter au changement de comportement dans les pratiques régulières de mobilité : une analyse multi-acteurs multicritères In: Post-Print.
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2014Pollution externality versus agglomeration economies: is urban toll a relevant environmental tool? In: Post-Print.
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2015Pollution externalities versus agglomeration economies: is urban toll a relevant environmental tool? In: Post-Print.
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2015How far is the title of European Green Capital warranted? The effects of a sustainable transport policy on housing values in Nantes, France In: Post-Print.
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2014Urban transport policies and housing values: evidence from apartments in Nantes, France In: Post-Print.
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2013Urban transport policies and housing values: evidence from apartments in Nantes, France.(2013) In: Post-Print.
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2013Urban transport policies and housing values: evidence from apartements in Nantes, France.(2013) In: Post-Print.
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2013Urban transport policies and housing values: evidence from apartments in Nantes, France.(2013) In: Post-Print.
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2015Subcenters, mode choice and transport policies: evidence form Nantes In: Post-Print.
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2013Plans de déplacements urbains et capitalisation immobilière : le cas des appartements de lagglomération nantaise In: Post-Print.
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2013Plans de déplacements urbains et capitalisation immobilière : le cas des appartements de lagglomération nantaise..(2013) In: Working Papers.
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2012Pollution abatement versus spillover effects: is urban toll a relevant fiscal tool? In: Post-Print.
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2019Le rôle de laccessibilité dans la capitalisation foncière résidentielle : quelle influence de la proximité des gares ferroviaires dans les territoires périurbains et communes isolées ? In: Post-Print.
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2019La mobilité individuelle motorisée dans les déplacements domicile-travail : préférence modale ou choix contraint ? Une approche par le machine learning In: Post-Print.
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2021Robotaxis or autonomous shuttles? The role of urban representations and travel habits in tomorrows mode choice in France In: Post-Print.
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2021Robotaxis or Autonomous Shuttles? The Role of Urban Representations and Travel Habits in Tomorrows Mode Choice in France.(2021) In: Post-Print.
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2021Robotaxis or autonomous shuttles? The role of urban representations and travel habits in tomorrows mode choice in France.(2021) In: MPRA Paper.
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2022Is neighborhood satisfaction related to density perception? Promoting liveable and sustainable land use planning In: Post-Print.
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2022Is neighborhood satisfaction related to density perception? Promoting liveable and sustainable land use planning.(2022) In: Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.
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2022The role of commuter rail accessibility in the formation of residential land values: exploring spatial heterogeneity in peri-urban and remote areas In: Post-Print.
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2021Economic and non-economic incentives for modal shift to sustainable mobility solutions: a review In: Post-Print.
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2021Incitations économiques et non économiques au report modal vers des solutions de mobilité durable : une revue de la littérature In: Post-Print.
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2022Quelle(s) combinaison(s) d’incitation(s) financière(s) et non financière(s) pour le report modal vers des solutions de covoiturage en Ile-de-France ? In: Post-Print.
[Citation analysis]
2022How do you commute? Investigating the use of privately-owned micromobility modes for commuting trips in four European countries In: Post-Print.
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2023Analyse multicritère d’un service de transport à la demande (TAD) destiné aux usagers vulnérables In: Post-Print.
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2023The impact of working from home arrangements on urban sprawl when the firms pay for the home office In: Post-Print.
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2023Which incentives toward sustainable mobility solutions for medium and short distances in Ile-de-France? In: Post-Print.
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2023Investigating the use of privately-owned micromobility modes for commuting in four European countries In: Post-Print.
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2023Investigating the use of privately-owned micromobility modes for commuting in four European countries.(2023) In: MPRA Paper.
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2022The role of commuter rail accessibility in the formation of residential land values: exploring spatial heterogeneity in peri-urban and remote areas In: Post-Print.
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2022The role of commuter rail accessibility in the formation of residential land values: exploring spatial heterogeneity in peri-urban and remote areas.(2022) In: The Annals of Regional Science.
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2018Spatial Heterogeneity of Sustainable Transportation Offer Values: A Comparative Analysis of Nantes Urban and Periurban/Rural Areas (France) In: Post-Print.
[Citation analysis]
2018Spatial Heterogeneity of Sustainable Transportation Offer Values: A Comparative Analysis of Nantes Urban and Periurban/Rural Areas (France).(2018) In: Post-Print.
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2022What combination(s) of financial and non-financial incentives for modal shift towards carpooling solutions in Ile-de-France? In: Post-Print.
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2018Smart mobility providing smart cities In: Post-Print.
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2018Accessibility, local pollution and housing prices. Evidence from Nantes Métropole, France In: Post-Print.
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2018Accessibility, local pollution and housing prices. Evidence from Nantes Métropole, France.(2018) In: Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics.
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2018Implementing a two-step decision-aid tool for the assessment of new mobility offers in a spatial framework In: Post-Print.
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2019Motorized individual mobility in commuting trips: modal preference or constrained mode choice? A machine learning approach In: Post-Print.
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2019The role of accessibility in residential land values: what influence of railway stations in medium-and low-density areas? In: Post-Print.
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2014Nouvelles centralités, choix modal et politiques de déplacements 2.0 : Le cas Nantais In: Working Papers.
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2015Nouvelles centralités, choix modal et politiques de déplacements : le cas nantais In: MPRA Paper.
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CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated November, 3 2024. Contact: CitEc Team