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O.P. Jindal Global University (66% share) | 2 H index 0 i10 index 8 Citations RESEARCH PRODUCTION: 9 Articles 3 Papers RESEARCH ACTIVITY: 6 years (2017 - 2023). See details. MORE DETAILS IN: ABOUT THIS REPORT: Permalink: http://citec.repec.org/poj14 |
Works with: Authors registered in RePEc who have co-authored more than one work in the last five years with Manini Ojha. | Is cited by: | Cites to: |
Journals with more than one article published | # docs |
Journal of Development Studies | 2 |
Working Papers Series with more than one paper published | # docs |
Papers / arXiv.org | 2 |
Year | Title of citing document |
Year | Title | Type | Cited |
2020 | Do Online Courses Provide an Equal Educational Value Compared to In-Person Classroom Teaching? Evidence from US Survey Data using Quantile Regression In: Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 2 |
2023 | Modeling and Analysis of Discrete Response Data: Applications to Public Opinion on Marijuana Legalization in the United States In: Papers. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
2017 | The Effect of Quality of Education on Violence: Evidence from Colombia In: Vniversitas Económica. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 0 |
2023 | Family planning practices: Examining the link between contraception and child health In: Economic Modelling. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 0 |
2023 | In good times and bad: Low-cost mobile teaching during a pandemic In: Economics of Education Review. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 0 |
2021 | Spousal beliefs and intimate partner violence: Are we conditioned to internalize patriarchal norms? In: Economics Letters. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 3 |
2023 | Does increased credibility of elections lead to higher political competition? Evidence from India In: European Journal of Political Economy. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 0 |
2022 | Fertility targets: linkages between desire for sons and sterilization in India In: Applied Economics. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 0 |
2022 | Who’s your Neighbour? Social Influences on Domestic Violence In: Journal of Development Studies. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 1 |
2022 | Hunger and Health: Reexamining the Impact of Household Food Insecurity on Child Malnutrition in India In: Journal of Development Studies. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 1 |
2022 | Gender gap in schooling: Is there a role for health insurance? In: Journal of International Development. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | article | 1 |
2023 | Power to choose? Examining the link between contraceptive use and domestic violence In: GLO Discussion Paper Series. [Full Text][Citation analysis] | paper | 0 |
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